24 research outputs found

    Microfiltration tangentielle appliquée à l'oenologie : compréhension et maîtrise des phénomènes de colmatage

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    La clarification des vins par procédés membranaires en particulier la microfiltration tangentielle a toujours été limitée par le colmatage, générant des flux de perméation faibles incompatibles avec la rentabilité économique. La compréhension, la maîtrise, ainsi que l'anticipation des phénomènes de colmatage font l'objet de ce travail. Dans un premier temps, la contribution individuelle puis en mélange des composés du vin (tannins, pectines, mannoprotéines et levures) au colmatage d'une membrane céramique multicanaux a été évaluée. Une approche fondamentale a permis de proposer des mécanismes de colmatage : la présence des pectines induit les flux de perméation les plus faibles en formant un gel à la surface de la membrane tandis que les levures semblent au contraire avoir un effet protecteur dans le cas d'un vin brut. Parce qu'il représente le flux au-delà duquel un colmatage irréversible apparaît à la surface de la membrane, le flux critique pour l'irréversibilité est un paramètre clef pour contrôler le colmatage. Dans le cas de la filtration de vin, aucun flux critique n'a pu être déterminé ce qui a conduit à définir un critère identifiant une zone de travail où le degré de colmatage reste acceptable. La dernière partie de cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de la filtration dynamique (RVF) pour une éventuelle application dans le secteur vinicole. Cette technique est testée en présence de deux membranes organiques différentes: PES (hydrophile) et PTFE (hydrophobe). Les observations ont permis de mettre en évidence l'efficacité du système contre le colmatage des membranes PES induite par l'action de l'agitateur. Le colmatage des membranes PTFE est énormément affecté par les interactions molécules/membrane rendant la filtration dynamique inefficace pour lutter contre le colmatage de ces membranes. ABSTRACT : Wine clarification by membrane processes mainly cross-flow microfiltration has been limited by membrane fouling generating low permeate fluxes with economic efficiency. Understanding, controlling and anticipation of fouling are the main goals of this work. In a first time, the individual contribution of wine compounds (tannins, pectins, mannoproteins and yeasts) to a multichannel ceramic membrane fouling was evaluated. The fouling mechanisms were analyzed using a fundamental approach. The presence of pectins induce the lowest fluxes by a gel-type formation at the membrane surface while yeasts presence tends to reduce fouling in the case of crude wine (case of mixed components). Because it represents the flux beyond which irreversible fouling appears on the membrane surface, the critical flux for irreversibility is a key parameter to control fouling. No critical flux for irreversibility could be measured, hence a criterion that identifies a range of operating conditions where the degree of fouling remains acceptable was proposed. The last part of this work was devoted to the study of dynamic filtration (RVF) for further application in wine sector. This technique was tested with two different membranes: hydrophilic PES and hydrophobic PTFE. Results have allowed to demonstrate the efficiency of the system to reduce fouling in the case of PES membrane. Fouling of PTFE membrane is greatly influenced by molecules / membrane interaction making dynamic filtration ineffective in reducing of membrane fouling

    Microfiltration tangentielle appliquée à l'oenologie : compréhension et maîtrise des phénomènes de colmatage

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    La clarification des vins par procédés membranaires en particulier la microfiltration tangentielle a toujours été limitée par le colmatage, générant des flux de perméation faibles incompatibles avec la rentabilité économique. La compréhension, la maîtrise, ainsi que l'anticipation des phénomènes de colmatage font l'objet de ce travail. Dans un premier temps, la contribution individuelle puis en mélange des composés du vin (tannins, pectines, mannoprotéines et levures) au colmatage d'une membrane céramique multicanaux a été évaluée. Une approche fondamentale a permis de proposer des mécanismes de colmatage : la présence des pectines induit les flux de perméation les plus faibles en formant un gel à la surface de la membrane tandis que les levures semblent au contraire avoir un effet protecteur dans le cas d'un vin brut. Parce qu'il représente le flux au-delà duquel un colmatage irréversible apparaît à la surface de la membrane, le flux critique pour l'irréversibilité est un paramètre clef pour contrôler le colmatage. Dans le cas de la filtration de vin, aucun flux critique n'a pu être déterminé ce qui a conduit à définir un critère identifiant une zone de travail où le degré de colmatage reste acceptable. La dernière partie de cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de la filtration dynamique (RVF) pour une éventuelle application dans le secteur vinicole. Cette technique est testée en présence de deux membranes organiques différentes: PES (hydrophile) et PTFE (hydrophobe). Les observations ont permis de mettre en évidence l'efficacité du système contre le colmatage des membranes PES induite par l'action de l'agitateur. Le colmatage des membranes PTFE est énormément affecté par les interactions molécules/membrane rendant la filtration dynamique inefficace pour lutter contre le colmatage de ces membranes

    Analysis of membrane fouling during cross-flow microfiltration of wine

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the individual impact on wine molecules as tannins, pectins and mannoproteins on multichannel ceramic membrane fouling during wine cross-flow microfiltration. The characterization of fouling mechanisms involved in the previous filtrations was realized by using the classical fouling models and the analysis of the total resistance curves. It was shown that the obtained initial fluxes are dependant of the nature of the studied molecules and their concentration. According to their increasing effect on permeate flux decline, the studied wine components could be ranked as: mannoproteins < tannins < pectins. During the filtration of wine added with tannins, it was found that the filtrations were governed by the cake layer formation mechanism. The presence of pectins caused the formation of gel-type layer which is found to be compressible under high pressures. For wines added with mannoprotein filtrations, it was shown that there is a threshold concentration above which a plateau value of permeate flux is obtained. Industrial relevance: The cross-flow microfiltration applied to wine filtration has become a legitimate alternative to conventional filtration processes. However, membrane fouling which affects the operating costs and the plant maintenance, limits the widespread application of this technique. To avoid or reduce membrane fouling, it is extremely important to identify the fouling elements and the mechanisms that govern the process. A better understanding of the mechanisms whereby fouling is formed during wine microfiltration may lead to be in position to control fouling or reduce it, to improve cleaning procedures and to adapt the process to the product to be filtered. The results presented in this paper concern the investigation and the understanding of fouling mechanisms by wine colloids (tannins, pectins and mannoproteins). We found that wine colloids had a strong impact on membrane fouling. Independently of their concentrations found in wine, they can be ranked according to their increasing effect on permeate flux as: mannoproteins b tannins b pectins. Such result provides important information and a better vision on the methods which can be used to limit membrane fouling for example the use of pectinolytic enzymes before filtration in order to hydrolyze pectin chains or precipitation of unstable tannins by finning the wine with bentonite. By elucidating fouling mechanisms such as cake layer and gel type layer, we can adapt the hydrodynamic process to control membrane fouling

    Impact of the physico-chemistry of the wine on membrane filtration performance

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    During the process of wine making, operation of cross-flow microfiltration allows a one-step clarification and sterilization of wine, with lower waste compared to the conventional processes of clarification and sterilization. Indeed, these processes are sources of voluminous waste (earth, Kieselguhr, additives), when discharges are becoming more and more restricted by environmental and health rules. Nevertheless, cross-flow microfiltration of wine presents a major drawback: membrane fouling causes a significant decrease in the flow rates, due to excessive retention of some wine components which could lead ultimately to the alteration of the quality of wine. The aim of this work was to study the impact of some specific wine components (phenolic compounds and yeast extract), as well as some physico-chemical parameters (pH) in regard to membrane fouling. Studies were performed using one red wine and synthetic wines, using cellulose acetate membranes (0.2 μm) operated in the dead-end mode under 2 bar pressure. The simultaneous presence of the both species of phenolic compounds (anthocyanins and tannins) in the synthetic wine was shown to be the main cause of fouling, whereas the presence of one specie leads only to standard blocking type behavior. An important decrease in the flow rates was also observed when yeast extract was added to the liquid. This yeast extract was shown to contain 300 mg/g of proteins and to be free of mannoproteins. The influence of these proteins on fouling was demonstrated while pre-treating the synthetic wine with bentonite, which was able to adsorb proteins, and in this case, no fouling was observed. It was also shown that, when decreasing the pH, the flow rate was enhanced. For all experiments, a fouling index or cake specific resistance, according to the type of fouling, was calculated in order to be used as a reference to estimate the filterability of a given wine, according to its composition in some targeted molecules. Finally, the experiments of the actual red wine exhibited complete rapid fouling of the membrane, probably due to the presence of high concentration of phenolic compounds

    Cross-flow microfiltration applied to oenology: A review

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    The cross-flow microfiltration applied to wine filtration has become a legitimate alternative to conventional filtration processes. However, membrane fouling which affects the operating costs and the plant maintenance, limits the widespread application of this technique. The aim of this review is to provide a better understanding of the development of the cross-flow microfiltration in wine industry, as well as the complexity of wine composition and its consequences on membrane fouling. This review covers also the impact of the operating conditions and the membrane characteristics on fouling mechanisms. Strategies to limit fouling as well as the latest innovations and commercial proposal are discussed in this paper

    Fungal naphtho-γ-pyrones—secondary metabolites of industrial interest

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    Naphtho-γ-pyrones (NGPs) are secondary metabolites mainly produced by filamentous fungi (Fusarium sp., Aspergillus sp.) that should be considered by industrials. Indeed, these natural biomolecules show various biological activities: anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, anti-HIV, anti-hyperuricuric, anti-tubercular, or mammalian triacylglycerol synthesis inhibition which could be useful for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and/or food industries. In this review, we draw an overview on the interest in studying fungal NGPs by presenting their biological activities and their potential values for industrials, their biochemical properties, and what is currently known on their biosynthetic pathway. Finally, we will present what remains to be discovered about NGPs

    Impact of inhibitory peptides released by Saccharomyces cerevisiae BDX on the malolactic fermentation performed by Oenococcus oeni Vitilactic F

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    A previous study has shown that the malolactic fermentation (MLF) was inhibited during sequential fermentations performed with the pair Saccharomyces cerevisiae BDX/Oenococcus oeni Vitilactic F in synthetic grape juices. A yeast peptidic fraction with an apparent MW of 5-10kDa was involved in the inhibition. In the present study, the MLF was also inhibited in Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah wines. The inhibition due to the peptidic fraction was maintained despite high phenolic contents. Kinetic studies showed that the peptidic fraction was gradually released during the alcoholic fermentation (AF). Its highest anti-MLF effect was reached when isolated from late stages of the AF stationary phase. The peptidic fraction was tested in vitro on cell-free bacterial cytosolic extracts containing the malolactic enzyme in a pH range between 3.5 and 6.7. Results showed that it was able to directly inhibit the malolactic enzyme activity with an increasing inhibitory kinetic correlated to the AF time at which it was collected

    Evolution of Polyphenols during Syrah Grapes Maceration: Time versus Temperature Effect

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    The effect of maceration time and temperature on the phenolic compounds of Syrah grape musts was studied. Pre-fermentation cold (10 °C) and heat maceration (60, 70 and 80 °C) were applied and compared to traditional maceration (control, 25 °C). The macerations were monitored and the kinetic profile of the maceration was studied by taking samples at 0, 2, 4, 8, 24 and 48 h. The results showed that heat treatment had the most significant effect on the extraction of total polyphenol. A significant loss of anthocyanin content was observed when the maceration was extended beyond eight hours at high temperatures, while longer maceration times seemed to favor the extraction of tannins. A principal component analysis showed that independently of the vinification technique, and for the same grape varieties, different winegrowing regions and harvest years affected the phenolic composition of the grape ski

    Whole-genome characterisation of TEM-1 and CMY-2 β-lactamase-producing Salmonella Kentucky ST198 in Lebanese broiler chain

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    Objectives : Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Kentucky has been associated with the worldwide ciprofloxacin-resistant (CIPR) Salmonella Kentucky sequence type 198 (ST198) epidemic clone, mostly recovered from poultry farms and products. The aim of this study was to examine whether this expanding clone exists in the Lebanese broiler chain. Methods : Eight CIPR and extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Salmonella Kentucky isolates previously recovered from Lebanese broilers were genetically characterised by whole-genome sequencing. Results : Seven of the eight isolates belonged to ST198 and were phylogenetically closely related. They all harboured mutations in the chromosomal quinolone resistance genesgyrA and parC with double and single substitutions, respectively. The blaTEM-1B and blaCMY-2 genes were both detected in six isolates. Insertion sequence ISEcp1 was located upstream of blaCMY-2, harboured by IncI1 plasmids in four strains. An IS10 transposition coupled to homologous recombination at transposition sites mediated CMY-2 plasmid integration into the chromosome of one strain. Resistance genes to aminoglycosides [aadA7 and aac(3)-Id], tetracyclines [tet(A)] and sulfonamides (sul1) were detected in five strains, among which four were positive for the presence of Salmonella genomic island 1 (SGI1) variant SGI1-K. All studied isolates harboured a variety of Salmonella pathogenicity islands (SPIs) as well as common regulatory and virulence genes. Conclusion : Here we report for the first time in Lebanon the detection and dissemination of the emerging highly drug-resistantSalmonella Kentucky ST198. Our findings shed new light on this clone as a potential public-health threat

    Analysis of the impact of fining agents types, oenological tannins and mannoproteins and their concentrations on the phenolic composition of red wine

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    This paper aimed to evaluate and analyze the effect of five fining agents, commercial tannins and mannoproteins on the pigment, color and tannins composition of a Cabernet Sauvignon red wine. The wines were analyzed 2 d after treatment and immediately after separation of sedimentation. Color was evaluated by spectrophotometry and polyphenols were analyzed by spectrophotometry and HPLC-DAD. The results showed that all treatments affected the phenolic contents of the wine. The most remarkable effects on phenolic composition were produced by bentonite and Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PvPP) + potassium caseinate which significantly decreased anthocyanins and tannins concentrations, respectively. The use of vegetable protein and gelatin has a less impact on the color and phenolic contents of red wines. The antioxidant activity was little affected by treatments except the addition of tannins that increased it. Principal components analysis demonstrates the importance of a low concentration of agents for high total polyphenol levels