314 research outputs found

    Egyptian Students' Experience of E-Maternity Course

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    Background: Egypt is facing a massive shortage in health care providers including nurses.  One of the Egyptian government strategies to overcome this problem is to increase students' intake at the existing nursing faculties as well as building additional nursing faculties in different governorates.  In such situation, there is an urgent need for e-learning, which is a means of alleviating the educational and health problems in Egypt. Responding to the rabid changes in the field of Information Technologies, an increasing interest in E-learning has emerged. In Egypt, little is known about the experience of introducing e learning in nursing education. Aim: This study aims to explore the Egyptian students' experience of E-maternity course. Methods: A Qualitative exploratory descriptive design was utilized using a phenomenological approach during the academic year 2012-2013.  Forty nine male and female students were selected through purposive sampling technique based o the following criteria: was having had a personal computer or laptop with an internet access and was agreed to share their views and experiences of the electronic course. Student feedback and focus group interviews were coded to develop an in-depth narrative data about students' experiences. Findings: E-learning was supported by positive students' feedback and reflections but still some students experienced some difficulties and challenges during their experiences of E-learning.  Indeed, as this study has shown, the main positive emerged themes were: convenience and sense of control, new teaching and learning method and self learning and interaction.  The second emerged theme was challenges and obstacles faced students who taught the online course.  Students' reflections were related to lack of electronic environment such as limited number of computers available, network problems, electronic management system, lack of technical support, and lack of computer skills.  Conclusion: Moving from teaching to learning is one of the policy makers' strategic objectives.  The use of e-learning would help students to acquire the learning outcomes.  E learning experience in nursing education can be improved; if the factors affecting the use of it were addressed in a correct manner. Recommendation: Corporation of e learning in nursing education should be guided both by governmental and institutional support. Key wards: E-learning, education, student's feedback.

    Implémentation et vérification de la méthode zonale à coefficients d'absorption multiples

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    Presentation available online at http://www.sft.asso.fr/Local/sft/dir/user-3775/documents/actes/congres_2011/Communications/167.pdfNational audienceLa méthode zonale à coefficients d'absorption multiples (MACZM) pour la modélisation des facteurs de transferts radiatifs dans les milieux transparents et semi-transparents est implémentée et validée numériquement. Les calculs sont améliorés par l'utilisation de réseaux de neurones artificiels. Une autre méthode efficace de calcul des facteurs de transferts radiatifs, la méthode des flux plans, est aussi décrite. Les deux méthodes sont appliquées simultanément pour le calcul des facteurs d'échanges radiatifs dans un four de réchauffage sidérurgique de brames d'acier et les résultats sont comparés. La validité deMACZM est ainsi démontrée et des temps de calcul réduits de plus de cent fois sont obtenus

    Optimisation d'un système de chauffage dans une enceinte radiative à l'aide d'un algorithme génétique hybride

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    International audienceCette étude porte sur un problème d'optimisation qui consiste à chercher la distribution de puissance optimale attribuée aux éléments chauffants à l'intérieur d'une enceinte radiative afin d'obtenir un champ de température prédéfini sur une plaque en acier. L'utilisation des méthodes d'optimisations métaheuristiques telles que les Algorithmes Génétiques et la méthode du Recuit Simulé a permis d'obtenir des résultats acceptables pour ce problème. En combinant ces deux méthodes on aboutit à une méthode hybride qui garantit des solutions plus appréciables


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    Seven strains of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) belonging to three species (Steinernema feltiae, S. ichnusaeandHeterorhabditis bacteriophora) naturally isolated from Mediterranean countries (Southern Italy and Lebanon) wereevaluated for their potential to infest greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella) larvae at different temperatures underlaboratory conditions. The laboratory bioassay was conducted at six different temperatures ranging from 10°C to 35°C.Nematode Infective Juvenile (IJs) were put in contact with G. mellonellalarvae in Petri dishes and mortality rates wererecorded after 72 hours. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the temperature range in which the EPNs caused larvalmortality; higher mortalities were recorded at 15°C and 20°C. All species failed at lower temperatures except for S.ichnusaeItS-SAR4, which caused 7% mortality. At 35°C S. ichnusaemaintained its infectious activity (24%) along withH. bacteriophora ItH-LU1(38%); both were isolated from Italy and were more efficient at high temperatures than theremaining Lebanese isolates

    Electrical Detection of the Mechanical Alteration of Sickling Red Blood Cells within a Microfluidic Capillary Network

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    International audienceIn this paper we demonstrate the capability to detect red blood cells mechanical disorders, in particular the sickle cell disease, using the electrical signature of the cell transit within a microfluidic restriction mimicking the blood capillaries

    The effect of entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi against four xylophagous pests

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    The effects of entomopathogenic nematodes EPN (Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) and fungi EPF (Beauveria bassiana) strains were evaluated in laboratory assays against larvae of four xylophagous pests: the Asparagus moth Parahypopta caestrum, the European goat moth Cossus cossus, the pine longhorn Arhopalus syriacus and the black Buprestid Capnodis tenebrionis. Due to their biology and ethology, these insects may be included in the category of pests residing in cryptic habitats. The control of these species is considered difficult, due to the inability of chemical pesticides to penetrate the cryptic habitats and reach the targets. The pathogenicity of the entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi was tested in vitro against the pests. Two experimental models were considered and aimed to imitate the natural environment of the pests, in Petri dishes filled with plant material and inside wood galleries respectively. Main results showed that the majority of the tested strains of nematodes and fungi affected the insects’ survival rate. Steinernema feltiae and B. bassiana caused the highest percentage of larval mortality (80–100%). Considering the lack of effective chemical control means, the microbial control of the xylophagous pests by EPN and EPF reveals promising perspectives. Nematodes and fungi are able to penetrate the cryptic habitats because they are living organisms and may be horizontally transmitted by infected hosts. The distribution of EPF as preventive control method and the injection of EPN suspensions to reach and infect the larvae inside the wood galleries can be a combined sustainable control system

    Diet, Genetics, and Disease: A Focus on the Middle East and North Africa Region

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    The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region suffers a drastic change from a traditional diet to an industrialized diet. This has led to an unparalleled increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases. This review discusses the role of nutritional genomics, or the dietary signature, in these dietary and disease changes in the MENA. The diet-genetics-disease relation is discussed in detail. Selected disease categories in the MENA are discussed starting with a review of their epidemiology in the different MENA countries, followed by an examination of the known genetic factors that have been reported in the disease discussed, whether inside or outside the MENA. Several diet-genetics-disease relationships in the MENA may be contributing to the increased prevalence of civilization disorders of metabolism and micronutrient deficiencies. Future research in the field of nutritional genomics in the MENA is needed to better define these relationships

    Le panorama du Paléolithique supérieur vu par les groupes sanguins

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    La paléogénétique des groupes sanguins s’est invitée dans les débats relatifs à la compréhension de l’histoire évolutive des Néandertaliens et des Dénisoviens. Notamment, Denisova 5 (le Néandertalien de l’Altaï), Vindija_33.19 et Chagyrskaya_8 possèdent des allèles ancestraux, fréquents aujourd’hui en Afrique sub-saharienne, ainsi qu’un "rhésus" rarissime dont une partie est retrouvée en Océanie. Nous avons voulu tester si cette diversité génétique était propre aux populations archaïques ou ..