14 research outputs found

    Comparison of a fluorometric assay kit with high-performance liquid chromatography for the assessment of serum retinol concentration.

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    Background: Although high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is the commonly used method for the analysis of retinol in biological samples, simple and rapid test kits are available. Objectives: This study compared a rapid test kit (ICHECK Fluoro\uae) to HPLC for the assessment of serum retinol concentrations. Methods: For the analysis by HPLC, sample preparation included standard deproteinization and extraction phases. The analysis by ICHECK was performed by injecting serum into IEX reagent vials (n=89) and mixing manually for separation. After precipitation of the proteins, the vial was introduced into the chamber of the ICHECK Fluoro and analysed at 0 min (ICHECK0min) and 15 min later (ICHECK15min). Bland and Altman approach was applied to test the agreement between HPLC and ICHECK. Results: Mean HPLC, ICHECK0min and ICHECK15min values were 421.2\ub1106.0 \u3bcg/L, 423.1\ub1118.3 \u3bcg/L and 413.2\ub1107.6 \u3bcg/L, respectively. Retinol concentrations significantly decreased in the IEX solution over time (p<0.001). No significant proportional bias was observed between HPLC and ICHECK0min (r-0.038, p=0.73) and ICHECK15min (r=- 0.024, p=0.82). Fixed biases (HPLC minus ICHECK) for ICHECK0min and ICHECK15min were respectively -1.9\ub123.1 \u3bcg/l (p=0.45) and 8.0\ub122.7 \u3bcg/l (p=0.002). Conclusion: ICHECK Fluoro may offer a reliable mean for assessing serum retinol for measurements performed with no significant time delay

    Clinical Study Efficacy of Multiple Micronutrients Fortified Milk Consumption on Iron Nutritional Status in Moroccan Schoolchildren

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    Iron deficiency constitutes a major public health problem in Morocco, mainly among women and children. The aim of our paper is to assess the efficacy of consumption of multiple micronutrients (MMN) fortified milk on iron status of Moroccan schoolchildren living in rural region. Children ( = 195), aged 7 to 9 y, were recruited from schools and divided into two groups: the nonfortified group (NFG) received daily a nonfortified Ultra-High-Temperature (UHT) milk and the fortified group received (FG) daily UHT milk fortified with multiple micronutrients including iron sulfate. Blood samples were collected at baseline (T0) and after 9 months (T9). Hemoglobin (Hb) was measured in situ by Hemocue device; ferritin and C Reactive Protein were assessed in serum using ELISA and nephelometry techniques, respectively. Results were considered significant when the value was <0.05. At T9 FG showed a reduction of iron deficiency from 50.9% to 37.2% ( = 0.037). Despite the low prevalence of iron deficiency anemia (1.9%); more than 50% of children in our sample suffered from iron deficiency at baseline. The consumption of fortified milk reduced the prevalence of iron deficiency by 27% in schoolchildren living in high altitude rural region of Morocco. Clinical Trial Registration. Our study is registered in the Pan African Clinical Trial Registry with the identification number PACTR201410000896410

    Fortece Abu Kir jako podstawa rozwoju turystyki i lokalnej społeczności

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    Abu Qir Bay region in the eastern part of Alexandria is a promising site that needs to be developed in order to compete in the touristic map of Alexandria, Egypt. This coastal zone can be an axis for development hosting important distinguished fortresses that may form attraction poles for internal and external tourism. Historic buildings help defi ne the character of our communities by providing a tangible link with the past. Fortresses and fortifi cations are as old as the history of mankind itself. Reinvesting and renewed utilization of old historical buildings can cover the expenses of maintenance and enhance the surrounding urban environment. Even though, this area is one of the most crowded places with lack of facilities; this area deserves to be developed with its unique architecture style represented in its fortresses and eco tourism assets. Revitalization with the proper guidelines can revive the architectural old buildings and their surrounding environment to create sustainable tourism and economy development.Region Zatoki Abu Kir we wschodniej części Aleksandrii jest obszarem o dużym potencjale inwestycyjnym, który może stać się istotnym punktem na turystycznej mapie Aleksandrii. Ta nadbrzeżna strefa może stanowić oś rozwoju, jako miejsce, gdzie znajdują się unikalne fortece, które mogą stać się atrakcyjnymi obiektami dla turystyki krajowej i zagranicznej. Te historyczne budowle nadają charakter naszym społecznościom jako namacalne łączniki z przeszłością. Fortece i umocnienia są tak stare jak sama historia ludzkości. Nowe inwestycje i sposoby wykorzystania zabytkowych budowli mogą pokryć koszty ich utrzymania i podnieść rangę otaczającego je środowiska miejskiego. Chociaż obszar ten jest jednym z najbardziej zatłoczonych i pozbawionych infrastruktury, zasługuje on na zagospodarowanie dzięki swemu wyjątkowemu stylowi architektonicznemu, jaki reprezentują fortece, oraz atutom eko-turystycznym. Rewitalizacja przeprowadzona zgodnie z właściwymi wytycznymi może ożywić architekturę starych budowli i ich otoczenia, tak by spowodować zrównoważony rozwój turystyczny i gospodarczy

    Creating a tourism destination through sustainable development: case study coastal area of Abuqir, Alexandria, Egypt

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    The increasing attractiveness of the tourism industry leads new destinations to emerge and established destinations to maximize their efforts in order to defend and increase their competitive positions. Besides, high level of vulnerability because of the economic crisis, regional conflicts, natural disasters etc. increases the competition among the destinations also in the same regions. Alexandria has grown rapidly in recent decades, in proportion to the growth in population and population density, as well as to the urban and industrial development. Modern Alexandria stretches over a narrow and irregular strip of land between the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Lake Mariout (a major coastal lagoon) to the south and Abuqir Bay to the east. Abuqir Bay region in the southern part of the Mediterranean is well known promising tourist, industrial and agricultural site that needs to be developed in order to compete in the touristic map of Alexandria. The coastal zone hosts important architecture features, ecological habitats, economic centres and archaeological sites. However, development in the region has been limited. This region with its different but unique culture, natural beauties and attractiveness can gain more from the international tourist movements. The main objective of this study is to work out a plan for strategic development of region through establishing the tourism industry, the creation of a touristic path and marketing the tourism products. Identifying and assessing problems and changes of the region will be a part of the study

    Cut-point values for classifying active children and validity and reliability of physical activity questionnaire for children in Morocco

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    The Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children (PAQ-C) is widely used to assess physical activity in populations; however, there is a lack of information about the psychometric properties (validity and reliability) and about the PAQ-C score meaning in populations from low-middle income countries. The aim of this study is to evaluate the reliability and validity of PAQ-C and to determine the cut-point values of PAQ-C using accelerometry as a reference in a group of Moroccan children. In a sample of 171 children and adolescents aged 8 to 14 years, physical activity was assessed with the GT3X + accelerometer and the PAQ-C. PAQ-C was administered for a second time (retest) after 1 week for a subsample (n = 73). Reliability was analyzed by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The PAQ-C was compared against count per minute CPM and moderate to vigorous intensity PA (MVPA) obtained by accelerometry. Receiver operating curve analyses were performed to assess the performance of PAQ-C in identifying MVPA as measured by accelerometry (reference method). Test-retest reliability was poor with an ICC = (0.48 [0.27; 0.63] for the whole sample, while for the ≥11 year group, the intra-class correlation coefficient was moderate (0.71 [0.42; 0.86]. PAQ-C scores were significantly related to accelerometry-derived metrics of physical activity, CPM (R = 0.29,

    Efficacy of Multiple Micronutrients Fortified Milk Consumption on Iron Nutritional Status in Moroccan Schoolchildren

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    Iron deficiency constitutes a major public health problem in Morocco, mainly among women and children. The aim of our paper is to assess the efficacy of consumption of multiple micronutrients (MMN) fortified milk on iron status of Moroccan schoolchildren living in rural region. Children (N=195), aged 7 to 9 y, were recruited from schools and divided into two groups: the nonfortified group (NFG) received daily a nonfortified Ultra-High-Temperature (UHT) milk and the fortified group received (FG) daily UHT milk fortified with multiple micronutrients including iron sulfate. Blood samples were collected at baseline (T0) and after 9 months (T9). Hemoglobin (Hb) was measured in situ by Hemocue device; ferritin and C Reactive Protein were assessed in serum using ELISA and nephelometry techniques, respectively. Results were considered significant when the p value was <0.05. At T9 FG showed a reduction of iron deficiency from 50.9% to 37.2% (p=0.037). Despite the low prevalence of iron deficiency anemia (1.9%); more than 50% of children in our sample suffered from iron deficiency at baseline. The consumption of fortified milk reduced the prevalence of iron deficiency by 27% in schoolchildren living in high altitude rural region of Morocco. Clinical Trial Registration. Our study is registered in the Pan African Clinical Trial Registry with the identification number PACTR201410000896410

    Fortified Iodine Milk Improves Iodine Status and Cognitive Abilities in Schoolchildren Aged 7–9 Years Living in a Rural Mountainous Area of Morocco

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    Iodine is required for the production of the thyroid hormones essential for the growth and development of the brain. All forms of iodine deficiency (ID) affect the mental development of the child. Our study aims to assess the impact of ID on the intellectual development of Moroccan schoolchildren and to evaluate the effect of consumption of fortified milk on reducing ID. In a double-blind controlled trial conducted on schoolchildren, children were divided into two groups to receive fortified milk (30% of cover of RDI iodine) or nonfortified milk for 9 months. Urinary iodine was analyzed using the Sandell-Kolthoff reaction, a dynamic cognitive test using Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices to assess learning potential was performed at baseline and end line, and anthropometric assessment was done only at baseline. The study included schoolchildren who were severely iodine deficient. The prevalence of malnutrition was high in both groups; in this study, we found improvements in iodine status and in cognitive abilities among Moroccan schoolchildren. Our study showed that the consumption of fortified milk led to a clear improvement in iodine status and also appeared to have a favorable effect on the cognitive ability of Moroccan schoolchildren in a rural mountainous region