12 research outputs found

    Forward stroke volume is predictor of perioperative course in patients with mitral regurgitation undergoing mitral valve replacement

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    Background: Decreased left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) is a predictor of poor late outcome in patients with mitral regurgitation (MR). The relationship between pre-operative forward stroke volume (SV) and right heart parameters and perioperative outcome in patients with MR has been little studied. Methods: Forty patients with severe organic MR, unsuitable for mitral valve repair, who underwent mitral valve replacement (MVR) were included in the study (50% men, average age 61 ± 9 years). Exclusion criteria were: aortic valve disease, coronary artery disease, rethoracotomy, stroke, infection or significant perioperative bleeding. Pre-operative detailed echocardiographic examination was performed. The end-point was post-operative prolonged intensive care unit (ICU) stay of more than three days because of the need for inotropic support. Results: Pre-operative NYHA class was 2.6 ± 0.4, mean right ventricular end-diastolic diameter (RVEDD) was 28.7 ± 4 mm, TAPSE was 20 ± 4 mm, mean right ventricular systolic pressure (RVSP) was 38 ± 13 mm Hg, left ventricular end-systolic diameter was 43.5 ± 11 mm, left ventricular end-diastolic diameter was 60 ± 11 mm, left ventricular enddiastolic volume (Simpson) was 155 ± 47 mL, LVEF was 55 ± 11%, mean regurgitation fraction was 58% and forward SV (measured by Doppler) was 35 ± ± 11 mL. All patients survived the operation. Mean ICU stay was 3.2 ± 2.9 days (range 1-10 days), mean TISS-28 was 623 ± 293 and mean NEMS 151 ± 85. By univariate analysis, ICU stay was significantly longer in patients in higher pre-operative NYHA (p = 0.04), lower LVEF (p = 0.01), lower forward SV (p = 0.001) higher RF (p = 0.01), pre-operative right ventricular dilatation (p = 0.04), higher RVSP (p = 0.006) and right ventricular dysfunction (p = 0.04). By multivariate analysis, forward SV (p = 0.002, b = –0.45) and RVEDD (p = 0.02, b = 0.31) were independent predictors for prolonged ICU stay. Conclusions: Pre-operative forward stroke volume and right ventricle size are predictors of the perioperative hemodynamic status in patients with mitral regurgitation undergoing MVR. (Cardiol J 2010; 17, 4: 386-389

    Recurrence of tricuspid regurgitation in a patient with a rheumatic fever after mitral valve implantation with concomitant tricuspid valve annuloplasty

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    A case of a 62-year-old female with a recurrence of tricuspid regurgitation is presented. This complication occurred after mitral valve implantation and tricuspid valve annuloplasty. Diagnosis and treatment of this condition following rheumatic fever are discussed

    Chorzy trudni nietypowiPonowna niedomykalno艣膰 zastawki tr贸jdzielnej u chorej po operacji wszczepienia zastawki mitralnej i jednoczesnej plastyce zastawki tr贸jdzielnej w przebiegu gor膮czki reumatycznej

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    A case of a 62-year-old female with a recurrence of tricuspid regurgitation is presented. This complication occurred after mitral valve implantation and tricuspid valve annuloplasty. Diagnosis and treatment of this condition following rheumatic fever are discussed

    B贸l w klatce piersiowej u 25-letniego chorego - ostry zesp贸艂 wie艅cowy czy zapalenie mi臋艣nia sercowego i osierdzia? Opis przypadku

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    Acute coronary syndrome or perimyocarditis? A case report: A case of a 25-year-old male with a severe chest pain associated with ST segment changes, elevated serum C-reactive protein, myocardial necrosis markers and normal epicardial coronary arteries is presented. The patient recently recovered from upper respiratory infection. Differential diagnosis between acute coronary syndrome and perimyocarditis is discussed

    Chorzy trudni nietypowiBoreliozowe zapalenie serca manifestuj膮ce si臋 jako ostry zesp贸艂 wie艅cowy

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    A case of a 26-year-old man with Lyme carditis (LC) mimicking acute coronary syndrome is presented. Considering clinical presentation, electrocardiographic findings and markedly elevated levels of cardiac biomarkers, emergency coronary angiography was performed and revealed normal coronaries. Ventricular arrhythmias of Lown grade IVb during catheterization were recorded. Echocardiography showed mild global left ventricular dysfunction with ejection fraction of 50%. The diagnosis of LC was confirmed by ELISA and Western blot serologic testing. After 21 days of continuous antibiotic therapy with ceftriaxone (2.0 g/d) the patient recovered completely. We also present the current state of knowledge on the cardiovascular aspects of Lyme borreliosis

    Lyme carditis presenting as acute coronary syndrome : a case report

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    A case of a 26-year-old man with Lyme carditis (LC) mimicking acute coronary syndrome is presented. Considering clinical presentation, electrocardiographic findings and markedly elevated levels of cardiac biomarkers, emergency coronary angiography was performed and revealed normal coronaries. Ventricular arrhythmias of Lown grade IVb during catheterization were recorded. Echocardiography showed mild global left ventricular dysfunction with ejection fraction of 50%. The diagnosis of LC was confirmed by ELISA and Western blot serologic testing. After 21 days of continuous antibiotic therapy with ceftriaxone (2.0 g/d) the patient recovered completely. We also present the current state of knowledge on the cardiovascular aspects of Lyme borreliosis

    Artyku艂 oryginalny Por贸wnanie skuteczno艣ci leczenia farmakologicznego i przezsk贸rnej angioplastyki wie艅cowej u chorych z granicznymi zw臋偶eniami t臋tnic wie艅cowych

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    Background: It is unclear if patients with intermediate coronary artery lesions (40-70% of diameter reduction) benefit from percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) as compared with pharmacological treatment. Aim: To investigate whether PCI of intermediate coronary artery lesions may improve the outcome in this group of patients. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of data of 232 symptomatic patients with intermediate coronary lesions. Hundred sixty five patients received only pharmacological treatment (group A) while 67 were treated with PCI with or without stent implantation (group B). Primary study endpoints were defined as follows: death (cardiac and non-cardiac), myocardial infarction, unstable angina, recurrent angina and coronary reintervention. Demographic and clinical variables were evaluated to identify predictors of the composite endpoint (exacerbation of angina, hospitalisation because of severe angina, restenosis in the intermediate coronary lesion, acute coronary syndrome and cardiac death). Results: In group A, patients were treated with typical pharmacotherapy including beta-blockers, Ca-blockers, ACE-inhibitors, and antiplatelet drugs. In group B, 68 PCI procedures were performed in 67 patients and optimal pharmacotherapy was administered. The average age of patients in both groups was 58.0 ± 9.1 years and the majority were males (76%). Preinterventional coronary angiography showed that the intermediate lesions were most frequently localised in the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery; the next most frequent localisation was the right coronary artery (RCA). During the 12-month follow-up in 9 (13%) patients from the group B repeated PCI due to restenosis was performed, while in group A intervention was necessary in 7 (4%) of patients due to aggravation of symptoms (p = 0.01). The cumulative probability of restenosis after PCI in intermediate coronary lesions was 14%. Recurrent angina was more frequent in group B as compared to group A (34 vs. 19%; p = 0.005). None of the patients in any group died during 12 months of follow-up. In patients with intermediate coronary lesions, the independent predictors of the composite study endpoint were: history of previous percutaneous coronary angioplasty, type 2 diabetes, persistent ST-segment elevation in 12-lead ECG, heart rhythm disturbances, presence of the intermediate lesion in the LAD, and left ventricular dysfunction. Conclusions: Patients with intermediate coronary artery stenoses could safely undergo pharmacological treatment and PCI may be postponed until aggravation of symptoms occurs. In the presence of predictors of the composite study endpoint, the use of intracoronary diagnostic methods may be considered to obtain more reliable and precise measurements of coronary stenosis severity.Wst臋p: Nie ma jednoznacznych wytycznych dotycz膮cych leczenia granicznych zmian t臋tnic wie艅cowych. Istniej膮 w膮tpliwo艣ci, czy przezsk贸rna angioplastyka wie艅cowa (PCI) poprawia rokowanie u chorych z granicznymi zmianami (40–70-procentowe zw臋偶enie) w t臋tnicach wie艅cowych w por贸wnaniu z leczeniem farmakologicznym. Cel: Ocena skuteczno艣ci leczenia farmakologicznego i PCI u pacjent贸w z granicznymi zmianami t臋tnic wie艅cowych. Metody: Retrospektywn膮 analiz膮 obj臋to 232 pacjent贸w ze stabiln膮 dusznic膮 bolesn膮, u kt贸rych stwierdzono w badaniu koronarograficznym graniczne zmiany w t臋tnicach wie艅cowych. Wy艂膮cznie farmakologicznie by艂o leczonych 165 chorych (grupa A), a 67 zosta艂o zakwalifikowanych do leczenia metod膮 PCI (grupa B). W okresie obserwacji analizowano cz臋sto艣膰 wyst臋powania nast臋puj膮cych punkt贸w ko艅cowych: zgon, zawa艂 serca, niestabilna dusznica bolesna, nawr贸t lub nasilenie dolegliwo艣ci wie艅cowych, konieczno艣膰 reinterwencji lub angioplastyki zmian granicznych leczonych wyj艣ciowo zachowawczo. Dodatkowo przeprowadzono analiz臋 czynnik贸w ryzyka wyst膮pienia ww. punkt贸w ko艅cowych u chorych z granicznymi zmianami w t臋tnicach wie艅cowych. 艢redni wiek chorych w obu grupach wynosi艂 58,0 ± 9,1 roku, przewa偶ali m臋偶czy藕ni (76%). Najcz臋艣ciej zmiany graniczne by艂y zlokalizowane w ga艂臋zi mi臋dzykomorowej przedniej, nast臋pnie w prawej t臋tnicy wie艅cowej. Wyniki: W okresie 12-miesi臋cznej obserwacji u 9 (13%) chorych z grupy B wykonano ponownie PCI z powodu restenozy, natomiast w grupie A tylko u 7 (4%) chorych z powodu nasilenia dolegliwo艣ci d艂awicowych (p = 0,01). Skumulowane prawdopodobie艅stwo restenozy po zabiegu PCI (z lub bez implantacji stentu) zmiany granicznej wynosi艂o 14%. Nawr贸t dolegliwo艣ci d艂awicowych by艂 tak偶e cz臋stszy w grupie B ni偶 w grupie A (odpowiednio 34 vs 19%, p = 0,005). W obu grupach w okresie 12-miesi臋cznej obserwacji nie by艂o zgon贸w. Stwierdzono, 偶e czynnikami ryzyka wyst膮pienia z艂o偶onego punktu ko艅cowego u chorych z granicznymi zmianami w t臋tnicach wie艅cowych s膮 przebyty zabieg angioplastyki wie艅cowej, wsp贸艂istnienie cukrzycy, przetrwa艂e uniesienie odcinka ST w spoczynkowym EKG, zaburzenia rytmu serca, obecno艣膰 zmiany w ga艂臋zi mi臋dzykomorowej przedniej i zaburzenia kurczliwo艣ci lewej komory serca. Wnioski: Farmakologiczne leczenie pacjent贸w ze zmianami granicznymi jest metod膮 bezpieczn膮, a zabieg PCI mo偶e zosta膰 odroczony do momentu nasilenia dolegliwo艣ci d艂awicowych. Chorzy z czynnikami ryzyka wyst膮pienia punkt贸w ko艅cowych powinni by膰 kwalifikowani do dok艂adnej oceny istotno艣ci zw臋偶enia, z zastosowaniem inwazyjnych metod diagnostycznych, w celu ustalenia optymalnej strategii terapeutycznej