3 research outputs found

    First genotyping of Giardia duodenalis and prevalence of enteroparasites in children from Tetouan (Morocco).

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    Intestinal parasites are common in the Moroccan population. Enteroparasites in children from four schools in urban and rural areas of Tetouan (Morocco) were studied to treat these children and to design prevention and control programs. A total of 673 children were examined. The prevalence of parasitized children was 51%. The average number of enteroparasites was half in urban areas than in rural areas. Multiple parasitism appeared in 30% of the samples presenting two, three, or four parasites. The most prevalent parasite was Blastocystis hominis (64%). Giardia duodenalis was the most frequent pathogen, with an overall prevalence of 20% (24% in rural areas and 16% in urban areas). Other pathogenic enteroparasites were Cyclospora cayetanensis (5% in rural and urban areas), Iodamoeba butschlii, Hymenolepis spp., Trichuris trichiura and Enterobius vermicularis, with prevalence lower than 2%. In this work, G. duodenalis genotypes were molecularly characterized by a study of the glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh) and 18S rRNA genes. This is the first study of molecular characterization of G. duodenalis in Moroccan children, and the sequence analysis revealed both Assemblage A (AII) and Assemblage B (BIII, BIV), with the predominance of Assemblage BIV (73%)

    Estudio epidemiol贸gico de los par谩sitos intestinales en Marruecos (Tetuan, Rabat, Marrakech)

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    Este trabajo se basa en el estudio de 1003 muestras coprol贸gicas procedentes de tres provincias: Tetuan, Rabat y Marrakech. El 铆ndice de parasitaci贸n simple en las tres provincias fue 56 en Tet煤an, 40 en Rabat y 47 en Marrakech , expresado en tanto por ciento. Se estudiaron las tasas de parasitaci贸n comparativas entre 谩reas rurales y urbanas , por edades, sexo, estaci贸n del a帽o, etc. La parsitaci贸n intestinal globalmente result贸 m谩s elevada en zonas rurales que en las urbanas, las personas de edad comprendida entre 6 y 15 a帽os son las m谩s parasitadas. La parasitaci贸n result贸 m谩s elevada en la poblaci贸n masculina y el verano fue la estaci贸n del a帽o con m谩s parasitismos. Tetuan fue la provinciaci贸n tasa de infecci贸n por helmintos m谩s elevada, destacando un 21% de Trichuris que normalmente aparecio asociado a Ascaris. Es importante resaltar tambi茅n el de que Ancylostoma duodenale este en franca regresi贸n en estas provincias. Todo esto indica la importancia de la coprolog铆a parasitaria para conocer la situaci贸n epidemiologica de las regionesUniversidad de Granada, Departamento de Parasitolog铆a. Le铆da 14- 06-0

    First genotyping of Giardia duodenalis and prevalence of enteroparasites in children from Tetouan (Morocco)

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    Intestinal parasites are common in the Moroccan population. Enteroparasites in children from four schools in urban and rural areas of Tetouan (Morocco) were studied to treat these children and to design prevention and control programs. A total of 673 children were examined. The prevalence of parasitized children was 51%. The average number of enteroparasites was half in urban areas than in rural areas. Multiple parasitism appeared in 30% of the samples presenting two, three, or four parasites. The most prevalent parasite was Blastocystis hominis (64%). Giardia duodenalis was the most frequent pathogen, with an overall prevalence of 20% (24% in rural areas and 16% in urban areas). Other pathogenic enteroparasites were Cyclospora cayetanensis (5% in rural and urban areas), Iodamoeba butschlii, Hymenolepis spp., Trichuris trichiura and Enterobius vermicularis, with prevalence lower than 2%. In this work, G. duodenalis genotypes were molecularly characterized by a study of the glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh) and 18S rRNA genes. This is the first study of molecular characterization of G. duodenalis in Moroccan children, and the sequence analysis revealed both Assemblage A (AII) and Assemblage B (BIII, BIV), with the predominance of Assemblage BIV (73%)