3 research outputs found

    Shariah supervision controls of Islamic banks: a critical analytical study

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    Abstract. The current Shariah supervision in Islamic banks requires specific and organized work, based on the idea of governance and building consensus standards, and away from partial solutions, this is, due to the expansion and the development of Islamic banks. Islamic banks have expanded and branched out significantly, which requiring decision-makers from the schol-ars and administrative elites to lay new foundations that correspond to the level of this momentum, in order to build on what has been done, and move forward where the efforts ended. This research discusses a set of ideas that establish an independent institutional for Shariah supervision over Islamic banks. There are problems at the level of poor public confidence, interest groups, the absence of agreed upon Shariah standards, and the lack of unity on one vision and criteria. In this study, it was adopted the descriptive and analytical approach, by studying and analyzing the most important problems facing Shariah supervision, as well as developing scientific conclusions and solutions for Shariah supervision

    Methods of financing waqf development in Singapore = أساليب تمويل تطوير األوقاف في سنغافورة

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    The Waqf sector in the Muslim world suffers in general from a state of negligence, and a lack of tactics and strategies in taking advantage of it, which results from cumulative and overlapping factors. This phenomenon invites for an investigation of successful Waqf experiences around the world, of which Singapore is the pioneer in it. The Waqf experience in Singapore is considered one of the most successful experiments at the Muslim world level, both in terms of the organization, and the investment. The sector has witnessed a remarkable development as effective modern methods and techniques were discovered. The study aims to reveal the reality of this experience, which includes the following Waqf funds: funds for mosques, funds for the handicapped, Quran memorization, as well as education, scientific research, innovation and others. However, the monetary Waqf has gained popularity in the sector, unlike the Waqf of immovable assets. Muslims in Singapore have realized the importance of the monetary Waqf and its role in collecting social savings, converting them into social capital, and developing the social capital market; to stimulate the merging between social security and social care, and to achieve the legitimate objectives of the Waqf and public interests. The Waqf administration in Singapore has used Sukuk to develop some of its endowments (Waqfs), therefore, the study will address how the Waqf in Singapore has benefited from this method in financing the development of endowments in both the construction project of a building on Beach Road 11, and a project to raise $ 35 million for the project to develop Waqf assets on Street Bencoolen. The researcher has employed both a case study as well as a descriptive analytical approach

    خلق النقود واقعه وآثاره دراسة تحليلية شرعية

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    قاعدة الشريعة العامة أن المال لا يلد المال، وأن الربح والزيادة مرتبطان بالإنتاج أو التجارة عن طريق المرابحة أو المضاربة أو المشاركة ونحو ذلك مما يعتمده الاقتصاد الإسلامي بما يمكن تسميته الاقتصاد الحقيقي القائم على الإنتاج، وهذه المبادئ لا تتفق وسياسية البنوك المركزية وسياستها المالية سواء من حيث سياسية الاحتياط النقدي الواجب توفره في البنك المركزي باختلاف نسبته من دولة لأخرى، أو من حيث منح البنوك التقليدية بما يسمى خلق النقود التي لا تتفق وقواعد الشريعة المانعة لأي توليد للنقد بدون عملية تبادلية أو إنتاجية، تنص الفلسفة الإسلامية على أن البنوك الإسلامية مؤسسات اقتصادية يجب أن تمتثل قواعد التشريع الاقتصادي الإسلامي، سواء من حيث التمويل، أو من حيث السياسية النقدية، وتقوم ، احتجنا للمنهج الاستدلال الاستنتاجي لاستجلاء العلل والمقاصد الشرعية ذات العلاقة، ثم نعضد ذلك بالتحليل الاقتصادي والتعليل المنطقي، والأمر كذلك يستعدي الإطار الفكري لواقع الاحتياط النقدي، وخلق النقود.كما يهدف البحث للكشف عن هذه الإشكاليات ومعالجتها وفق تحليل علمي شرعي، لإثبات فرضية البحث العامة بوجوب التوازن بين القطاع المالي والقطاع الإنتاجي، وحجم التبادلات النقدية والتبادلات السلعية والإنتاجية