42 research outputs found

    Open Source ERP In Organization: Research Agenda

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    Open Source Software (OSS) is a growing phenomenon, changing the way in which Information Systems (IS) are developed, distributed and implemented. The success of OSS in the worldwide market for operating systems, web servers, and other infrastructure software is substantial. However, it is still infrequent in ERP type application domains, which are said to be impossible to design from an OS angle. While a significant number of research investigate aspects of OS, few researches were dedicated to OS ERP. Based on a review of the academic and professional literature, this paper aims to improve our understanding of the current influence of OS ERP in organizations, to provide a new light on a previously developed topic and to challenge the conventional wisdom in our field which stipulates that there are some areas like ERP applications where OS could not be developed

    Complémentarité SIIO et investissement relationnel: Etude de cas exploratoire d'un SIIO dans le secteur du meuble.

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    International audienceEn s'appuyant sur le cas du leader européen de la prestation de transport et de logistique du meuble, cet article entend contribuer aux travaux de recherche portant sur les outils des organisations et plus spécialement sur la complémentarité système d'information inter- organisationnel (SIIO) / investissement relationnel. Le secteur du meuble, traditionnellement constitué d'entreprises familiales au degré de structuration variable, a subit de profondes transformations ces vingt dernières années. Particulièrement, le changement des règles de la concurrence sur le métier de transporteurs de meubles a fait de l'innovation le moyen nécessaire à l'entreprise pour développer une relation privilégiée avec ses clients. Une approche qualitative reposant sur les témoignages d'acteurs ainsi qu'un travail d'observation a été retenue. Une telle approche a permis de constater empiriquement que la mise en place du SIIO a constitué une double innovation : technologique, avec l'implémentation du SIIO par la direction ; mais également organisationnelle/managériale, car suite à la mise en place de l'outil nous avons observé une forme de « re- connexion humaine », du seul fait des opérateurs avant d'être progressivement intégrée dans et par le management. Au final, le cas met l'accent sur l'importance de développer un type de management visant à favoriser le développement de la transversalité (Capul, 1998, El Amrani, et al., 2006) et la diffusion de savoirs d'organisation (Bonnafos (De), 1988, Dubar, 1998) au niveau opérationnel de la relation inter- organisationnelle

    Complémentarité SIIO et investissement relationnel: Etude de cas exploratoire d'un SIIO dans le secteur du meuble.

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    En s'appuyant sur le cas du leader européen de la prestation de transport et de logistique du meuble, cet article entend contribuer aux travaux de recherche portant sur les outils des organisations et plus spécialement sur la complémentarité système d'information inter- organisationnel (SIIO) / investissement relationnel. Le secteur du meuble, traditionnellement constitué d'entreprises familiales au degré de structuration variable, a subit de profondes transformations ces vingt dernières années. Particulièrement, le changement des règles de la concurrence sur le métier de transporteurs de meubles a fait de l'innovation le moyen nécessaire à l'entreprise pour développer une relation privilégiée avec ses clients. Une approche qualitative reposant sur les témoignages d'acteurs ainsi qu'un travail d'observation a été retenue. Une telle approche a permis de constater empiriquement que la mise en place du SIIO a constitué une double innovation : technologique, avec l'implémentation du SIIO par la direction ; mais également organisationnelle/managériale, car suite à la mise en place de l'outil nous avons observé une forme de « re- connexion humaine », du seul fait des opérateurs avant d'être progressivement intégrée dans et par le management. Au final, le cas met l'accent sur l'importance de développer un type de management visant à favoriser le développement de la transversalité (Capul, 1998, El Amrani, et al., 2006) et la diffusion de savoirs d'organisation (Bonnafos (De), 1988, Dubar, 1998) au niveau opérationnel de la relation inter- organisationnelle.SIIO, management des relations inter- organisationnelles, innovation, ameublement

    Global Language, Local Impact: The Role of English in Moroccan Online Advertising

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    Abstract: This article examines the utilization of the English language in e-advertising on Facebook within the framework of Moroccan digital advertising. The frequent intertwining of English with other languages, whether local or foreign, in an increasingly digitized world, illustrates a continually evolving linguistic dynamism. Through an analysis of the diverse applications of English as a favored language within e-advertisements, this study sheds light on the persuasive and suggestive capabilities of English as a lingua franca, a conduit for global cultural exchanges, and its association with luxury and prestige products. Utilizing a corpus study, this research investigates the use of English in e-advertisements along with the various linguistic-discursive strategies employed by copywriters and their potential impact on Moroccan e-consumers. Keywords: e-advertising; linguistic fetishism; global English; persuasion- foreign languages

    États des lieux de la recherche ERP francophone

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    This research is based on the analysis of 64 articles dealing with ERP topics published from 1999 to 2012 in major francophone academic journals. Using a cumulative approa- ch, the purpose of this literature review is to define the current state of the francophone ERP research field and specify their main characteristics. To accomplish this, we develop our framework based on Markus and Tanis’ theoretical model to classify and analyze the lite- rature based on their research topic. We also question the rigor of the theoretical and me- thodological approach and compare our results with the main Anglo-Saxon literature re- view. Our results show that Anglo-Saxon and francophone research 1) share similar themes and issues with greater focus on implementation process and 2) use different theo- retical backgrounds to study ERP organizational and technical issues. However, we note that francophone research has a significant use of qualitative approach compared to the Anglo-Saxon community. We end the paper with an exposition of several subject areas re- lated to ERP research that need further exploration

    Does ERP Provide a Cross-Functional View of the Firm? Challenging Conventional Wisdom for SMEs and Large French Firms

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    This paper defines cross-functionality as the awareness that organizational actors have of the coupled and integrated nature of processes across various business units, which allows employees to deliver products and services to customers. That the implementation of enterprise systems (ES) provides a more complete cross- functional view of the firm has been taken for granted by managers and researchers alike. The cross-functional potential of enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a widely-held assumption and is one approaching conven- tional wisdom: “Because ERPs tear down walls within organizations, they help everyone to understand their impact on an entire operation. Ultimately, companies find their staff adopting an increasingly broad enterprise perspective rather than a departmental one” (McKeen and Smith 2003, p. 143). This paper challenges this conventional wisdom that equates technical integration and socio-cognitive integration. The “impacts” of ERP systems depend on organizational context and implementation process. We show that flexibility, the primary goal of ERP adoption, as well as implementation strategy factors (organizational vision, speed, and core modules) exert a positive impact on cross-functionality in small and medium enterprises but not in large firms. These findings are obtained through a study of 100 French firms, then further illustrated and built upon by investigating two medium-size firms as opposed to two large firms. The findings suggest that large firms might have fewer problems than SMEs in bringing different business functions to be integrated into the project. Further, they also might have a larger inter-organizational scope of integration, but their ERP systems do not foster cross-functionality. There is also a need for social interaction to coordinate activities effectively. In SMEs, cross-functionality may be easier to reach with adequate implementation strategy

    ERP Implementation and Change: Towards a Cross Functional View

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    ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems are characterised by particular features such as functional coverage, interdependent relationships, single database and standard management and processing rules; all of which are capable of bringing about various degrees of change within the company and, potentially, encourage a more cross-functional overview of it. However, few quantitative studies have been conducted to measure these effects. This is the background to this paper, which studied 100 French companies to arrive at the following assessment of ERP adoption. It then goes on to test the relationships between the factors influencing the ERP lifecycle ((preparation (organizational vision, process re-engineering), engineering (specific developments), implementation strategy (functional coverage and speed)), the perception of a more cross-functional overview of the company and, more globally, the scope of the change this technology brings about within the company. All these factors play significant roles, with functional coverage appearing to be a particularly important consideration, which should be addressed in future research

    Role of rhizospheric microbiota as a bioremediation tool for the protection of soil-plant systems from microcystins phytotoxicity and mitigating toxin-related health risk

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    Frequent toxic cyanoblooms in eutrophic freshwaters produce various cyanotoxins such as the monocyclic heptapeptides microcystins (MCs), known as deleterious compounds to plant growth and human health. Recently, MCs are a recurrent worldwide sanitary problem in irrigation waters and farmland soils due to their transfer and accumulation in the edible tissues of vegetable produce. In such cases, studies about the persistence and removal of MCs in soil are scarce and not fully investigated. In this study, we carried out a greenhouse trial on two crop species: faba bean (Vicia faba var. Alfia 321) and common wheat (Triticum aestivum var. Achtar) that were grown in sterile (microorganism-free soil) and non-sterile (microorganism-rich soil) soils and subjected to MC-induced stress at 100 µg equivalent MC-LR L−1. The experimentation aimed to assess the prominent role of native rhizospheric microbiota in mitigating the phytotoxic impact of MCs on plant growth and reducing their accumulation in both soils and plant tissues. Moreover, we attempted to evaluate the health risk related to the consumption of MC-polluted plants for humans and cattle by determining the estimated daily intake (EDI) and health risk quotient (RQ) of MCs in these plants. Biodegradation was liable to be the main removal pathway of the toxin in the soil; and therefore, bulk soil (unplanted soil), as well as rhizospheric soil (planted soil), were used in this experiment to evaluate the accumulation of MCs in the presence and absence of microorganisms (sterile and non-sterile soils). The data obtained in this study showed that MCs had no significant effects on growth indicators of faba bean and common wheat plants in non-sterile soil as compared to the control group. In contrast, plants grown in sterile soil showed a significant decrease in growth parameters as compared to the control. These results suggest that MCs were highly bioavailable to the plants, resulting in severe growth impairments in the absence of native rhizospheric microbiota. Likewise, MCs were more accumulated in sterile soil and more bioconcentrated in root and shoot tissues of plants grown within when compared to non-sterile soil. Thereby, the EDI of MCs in plants grown in sterile soil was more beyond the tolerable daily intake recommended for both humans and cattle. The risk level was more pronounced in plants from the sterile soil than those from the non-sterile one. These findings suggest that microbial activity, eventually MC-biodegradation, is a crucial bioremediation tool to remove and prevent MCs from entering the agricultural food chain. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.This project has received funding from the European Union?s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sk?odowska-Curie grant agreement No. 823860 and co-sup-ported by the strategical funding from FCT UIDB/04423/2020 and UIDP/04423/2020