14 research outputs found

    Centrality of Religiosity and Sense of Coherence: a Cross-sectional Study with Polish Young, Middle and Late Adults

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    The relationship between religiosity and mental health is a relatively common topic in psychology of religion. Many studies have been performed examining this topic and the results have reported both positive and neutral and even negative relationships between religious commitment and mental health. The ambiguous findings may be due to the fact that religion has a multifaceted nature and different aspects of religiosity are differentially related to mental health. Depending on which definitions of religiosity researchers used, evidence could be supporting a positive or negative relationship between religiosity and mental health and supporting the position that there is no relationship. The present study aims to examine interactions of five dimensions of religiosity (Intellect, Ideology, Private Practice, Religious Experience, Public Practice) with sense of coherence in Polish adults' sample, separately in women and men in early, middle and late adulthood. Six hundred thirty-six Polish Catholics, 332 women and 304 men, aged between 18 and 79 participated in the research. We applied the Centrality of Religiosity Scale (CRS) by S. Huber and the Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-29) by A. Antonovsky. The results suggest that the salutogenic function of religiosity is related to age and gender. We noted positive relationships between religiosity and SOC in middle-aged men and in female young and late groups. Implications for intervention are discussed

    Centrality of Religiosity and Sense of Coherence: a Cross-sectional Study with Polish Young, Middle and Late Adults

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    The relationship between religiosity and mental health is a relatively common topic in psychology of religion. Many studies have been performed examining this topic and the results have reported both positive and neutral and even negative relationships between religious commitment and mental health. The ambiguous findings may be due to the fact that religion has a multifaceted nature and different aspects of religiosity are differentially related to mental health. Depending on which definitions of religiosity researchers used, evidence could be supporting a positive or negative relationship between religiosity and mental health and supporting the position that there is no relationship. The present study aims to examine interactions of five dimensions of religiosity (Intellect, Ideology, Private Practice, Religious Experience, Public Practice) with sense of coherence in Polish adults' sample, separately in women and men in early, middle and late adulthood. Six hundred thirty-six Polish Catholics, 332 women and 304 men, aged between 18 and 79 participated in the research. We applied the Centrality of Religiosity Scale (CRS) by S. Huber and the Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-29) by A. Antonovsky. The results suggest that the salutogenic function of religiosity is related to age and gender. We noted positive relationships between religiosity and SOC in middle-aged men and in female young and late groups. Implications for intervention are discussed

    Transgressive Behaviours and Readiness to Engage in Interreligious Dialogue in Young Adulthood

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    One of the key aspects of an individual’s spiritual intelligence is the ability to transcend, which allows one to identify dimensions of reality that go beyond the boundaries of the material world. In the present study, we look at transcendence from the theoretical perspective of a conception proposed by Kozielecki, who defines human transgressive behaviour as all those actions and acts of thinking which exceed the limits of an individual’s existing material, symbolic and social capacities, and achievements and which constitute a source of new important values. One important social value is the readiness to engage in dialogue with people of other faiths. We wanted to investigate the associations between transgression and young people’s readiness to enter into such dialogue. Rydz and Bartczuk, departing from a psycholinguistic definition of dialogue, developed a definition of readiness to engage in interreligious dialogue, describing it as a person’s mental readiness to exchange views about religious topics with people of other religions. We hypothesised that there was a relationship between transgressive behaviours and dimensions of readiness to engage in interreligious dialogue among young adults. To verify these hypotheses, 528 people aged 18–25 were surveyed using the Readiness to Engage in Interreligious Dialogue Test (REID) and the Alternative Behaviours Checklist (ABC) based on Kozielecki’s conception of transgression. The results we obtained show that the dimensions of social transgression, creative transgression, and psychological transgression were positively related to dimensions of readiness to engage in interreligious dialogue

    Samowspółczucie a style radzenia sobie ze stresem i samostygmatyzacją związana z poszukiwaniem pomocy psychologicznej u adolescentów

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    Celem przeprowadzonych badań była psychologiczna analiza stylów radzenia sobie ze stresem oraz zjawiska samostygmatyzacji związanej z poszukiwaniem i korzystaniem z pomocy psychologicznej (self-stigma associated with seeking psychological help) u młodzieży licealnej oraz ich powiązań z poziomem współczucia/troski skierowanej do siebie (self-compassion). Teoretyczną podstawą badań są koncepcje: stylów radzenia sobie ze stresem autorstwa Endlera i Parkera (1990), samostygmatyzacji związanej z poszukiwaniem pomocy psychologicznej Vogela, Wade’a i Haake’a (2006), a także koncepcja samowspółczucia (troski o siebie, self-compassion) autorstwa Neff (Neff, Hsieh, Dejitterat, 2005; Neff, 2012). Dotychczasowe badania prowadzone wśród osób dorosłych wykazały występowanie związków pomiędzy stylami radzenia sobie ze stresem i samowspółczuciem (Neff, 2004; Neff, Hsieh, Dejitterat, 2005; Sirois, Molnar, Hirsch, 2015; Chishima i in., 2018; Daniel-Sielańczyk, Życińska, Bąk-Sosnowska, 2019), a także powiązania pomiędzy samostygmatyzacją w poszukiwaniu pomocy psychologicznej i samowspółczuciem (Heath i in., 2018; Booth i in., 2019). W niniejszym badaniu podjęto próbę sprawdzenia, czy takie związki uwidocznią się wśród osób w okresie adolescencji. Do weryfikacji hipotez użyto Kwestionariusza radzenia sobie w stresujących sytuacjach (The Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations – CISS, Endler, Parker, 1990), Skali samostygmatyzacji związanej z poszukiwaniem pomocy psychologicznej (Self-Stigma Associated With Seeking Psychological Help autorstwa Vogela, Wade’a, Haake’a (2006) i Skróconej skali współczucia wobec siebie autorstwa Neff (Self-Compassion Scale – Short Form, SCS-SF) (Raes i in., 2011). Badaniami objęto 281osób. Była to młodzież ucząca się w liceach ogólnokształcących, w wieku od 16 do 19 lat. Uzyskano istotne pozytywne korelacje pomiędzy samowspółczuciem a stylem skoncentrowanym na zadaniu r = ,28, p < ,001, negatywne korelacje między samowspółczuciem a stylem radzenia sobie skoncentrowanym na emocjach r = –,58, p < ,001 oraz samowspółczuciem a samostygmatyzacją r = –,25, p < ,001

    Transgressive Behaviours and Readiness to Engage in Interreligious Dialogue in Young Adulthood

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    One of the key aspects of an individual’s spiritual intelligence is the ability to transcend, which allows one to identify dimensions of reality that go beyond the boundaries of the material world. In the present study, we look at transcendence from the theoretical perspective of a conception proposed by Kozielecki, who defines human transgressive behaviour as all those actions and acts of thinking which exceed the limits of an individual’s existing material, symbolic and social capacities, and achievements and which constitute a source of new important values. One important social value is the readiness to engage in dialogue with people of other faiths. We wanted to investigate the associations between transgression and young people’s readiness to enter into such dialogue. Rydz and Bartczuk, departing from a psycholinguistic definition of dialogue, developed a definition of readiness to engage in interreligious dialogue, describing it as a person’s mental readiness to exchange views about religious topics with people of other religions. We hypothesised that there was a relationship between transgressive behaviours and dimensions of readiness to engage in interreligious dialogue among young adults. To verify these hypotheses, 528 people aged 18–25 were surveyed using the Readiness to Engage in Interreligious Dialogue Test (REID) and the Alternative Behaviours Checklist (ABC) based on Kozielecki’s conception of transgression. The results we obtained show that the dimensions of social transgression, creative transgression, and psychological transgression were positively related to dimensions of readiness to engage in interreligious dialogue

    Personality Traits and the Spiritual and Moral Intelligence of Early Adulthood in Poland: Research Reports

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    Spiritual and moral intelligence have recently become popular research questions in studies. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between spiritual and moral intelligence. It was also intended to link spiritual and moral intelligence with personality traits among people in early adulthood (aged 18 to 35) in Poland. In addition, in order to better understand the group, it was also planned to investigate the association of spiritual and moral intelligence with age. The theoretical framework for our study is the concept of spiritual intelligence as consisting of four dimensions: critical existential thinking, personal meaning-making, transcendental awareness and conscious state expansion. Measurements were based on the concept of moral intelligence as consisting of the four main dimensions of integrity, responsibility, compassion and forgiveness, and subcategories (competencies) including integrity, honesty, courage, confidentiality, commitment, personal responsibility, accountability for decisions, self-control, helping others, caring for others (compassion), understanding others’ feelings (altruism) and understanding their emotional needs (faith, belief). A total of 160 individuals aged 18 to 35 years from Poland were surveyed using the Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory, the Moral Intelligence Scale, the Ten-Item Personality Inventory. The article reports on the results of this study

    Identity Styles and Readiness to Enter into Interreligious Dialogue: The Moderating Function of Religiosity

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    The aim of the study was to research moderating function of religiosity in the relationship between identity styles and the readiness to enter into interreligious dialogue in people in early, middle, and late adulthood. The result of the identity integration processes is the achievement by an adult of a specific identity style, characterized by varying levels of openness to new information and experiences, including in the area of recognized values, especially religious ones. Previous studies have addressed the problem of the relationship between identity styles and religiosity, while a clear research gap can be noticed in the search for connections between identity styles and openness to religious diversity, religious tolerance and readiness to enter into interreligious dialogue. However, relationships between identity styles and personality openness to experience have been found, which refers to, inter alia, to tolerance and exploration of the unknown. It has been shown that the informational identity style is positively associated with openness to experience, as well as with caring, the need to know, and openness to ideas. Contemporary theoretical models emphasize that the religiosity of an individual can act as a contextual framework that gives meaning and directs the individual in their interpretation, understanding, and response to life experiences. In this paper, it was assumed that the religiosity of an individual may play a moderating role in the relationship between identity styles and the readiness to enter into interreligious dialogue. The study was conducted using the Test of readiness to enter into interreligious dialogue (TGDM), Identity Style Inventory (ISI-5) and The Duke University religion index (DUREL). The study involved 450 people in early, middle, and late adulthood, maintaining the gender ratio. Statistically significant positive correlations were obtained between informational identity style and all dimensions of readiness to enter interreligious dialogue and a negative correlation of this style with personal barriers to dialogue symmetry. The moderating function of religiosity for the relationship between identity styles and readiness to enter interreligious dialogue was confirmed for three relationships

    Religious Identity Status and Readiness for Interreligious Dialogue in Youth. Developmental Analysis

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    The aim of the article is to show statuses of religious identity in Polish Catholic adolescents. The distinguished statuses result from intensive consolidation processes which are characteristic of this age. Integration of religious identity has an effect on potential openness versus reluctance to interreligious dialogue. The study was conducted on 60 participants at the ages of 18 to 29 using the Scale of Religious Identity by Wieradzka-Pilarczyk (2015) and Centrality of Religiosity Scale Z-15 by S. Huber (2004). Three statuses of religious identity with different developmental possibilities of entering into interreligious dialogue were distinguished

    Structure and Level of Religiosity Test

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    The aim of the article is to present a new measure of structure and level of religiosity. The cognitive-developmental concept of integral development of religiosity by Czesław Walesa, which distinguishes eight parameters of religiosity: religious awareness, religious feelings, religious decisions, bond with the fellowship of believers, religious practices, religious morality, religious experience and forms of profession of faith served as the theoretical bases for the test. The measure was constructed to fit the specificity of the people of the Christian profession. The preliminary reliability and validity indicators were calculated on 126 participants. Construct validity was established with Centrality of Religiosity Scale (C-15), Scale of Religious Identity, Deconversion Scale for Adolescents. The psychometric indicators were satisfactory, which shows that the test can be used to measure structure and level of style of religiosity