12 research outputs found

    Osoba dorosła z niepełnosprawnością słuchowa jako odbiorca sztuki (na podstawie wyników badań zrealizowanych na pograniczu pedagogiki specjalnej i neuroestetyki)

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    In this paper the research of art perception by people with hearing disorder has been presented. This study has been performed from the perspective of special pedagogy and neuroesthetic. The encephalography technique and QEEG analysis has been performed with usage of Mitsar-EEG-202 head. This device is controlled by WinEEG software which allows qualitative and quantitative analysis many aspects of EEG signals integrated with two physiological sensors: rhythm of heard and amplitudes of blade pulse and breathing. The results of this study shown usability of the proposed research process for identification new research topics in area of special pedagogy. They also illustrated as many important information about influence of disorder on functioning disable person may be collected by such study. This related in this case to neurological aspects of art perception by by people with hearing disorder.In this paper the research of art perception by people with hearing disorder has been presented. This study has been performed from the perspective of special pedagogy and neuroesthetic. The encephalography technique and QEEG analysis has been performed with usage of Mitsar-EEG-202 head. This device is controlled by WinEEG software which allows qualitative and quantitative analysis many aspects of EEG signals integrated with two physiological sensors: rhythm of heard and amplitudes of blade pulse and breathing. The results of this study shown usability of the proposed research process for identification new research topics in area of special pedagogy. They also illustrated as many important information about influence of disorder on functioning disable person may be collected by such study. This related in this case to neurological aspects of art perception by by people with hearing disorder

    Psihološka dijagnoza i analiza QEEG u kognitivnoj rehabilitaciji osoba s Downovim sindromom

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    We present the possibility of the application of quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) in diagnoses of people with Down Syndrome, complemented by psychological tests. We utilized the Mitsar EEG 202 and SON-R (2.5-7) test. Twenty people with Down Syndrome participated in this test run. The test results of an 18-year-old man were analysed in detail. Over-expression, specifically in theta waves (4-6 Hz), was observed in the frontal and parietal lobes. Data collected during the psychological diagnosis test confirmed the same indications (the QEEG findings) of the patient. We also propose neurofeedback training and types of tasks that should be applied in cognitive rehabilitation.U radu se predstavlja mogućnost primjene QEEG-a u psihološkoj obradi osoba s Downovim sindromom. Primijenjeni su testovi Mitsar EEG 202 i SON-R (2.5-7). U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo dvadeset ispitanika s Downovim sindromom. Detaljno su analizirani rezultati osamnaestogodišnje muške osobe. Rezultati su uputili na prenaglašenu ekspresivnost, posebice theta valova (4-6 Hz) registriranih u čeonom i tjemenom režnju. Podaci prikupljeni tijekom psihološke obrade potvrđuju iste rezultate QEEG-a kod pacijenta. Također iznose se pretpostavke neurofeedback-treninga i tipova zadataka koji bi se trebali upotrebljavati u kognitivnoj rehabilitaciji

    Developing training for teachers to support the inclusion in education of pupils with autism spectrum disorder in Eastern Europe and the Balkans

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    Introduction: Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder, impacting approximately 1% of the population. Education has been identified as a key intervention for such children. However, due to the wide spectrum of autism, no single educational approach is appropriate for all, and teachers need a range of skills and strategies. Providing such education is challenging across Europe, and particularly so in Central/Eastern Europe and the Balkans, where previous research has identified a shortfall in training. Methodology: This overall project is being carried out utilising a collaborative, action-based and stakeholder-empowering methodology, and is being undertaken in four overlapping phases. The training materials and the training process will be evaluated using a combined process and outcome evaluation methodology (Royse et al., 2016). This will include the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods. Results/Activity to date: Project activity to date has focused on the mapping the ‘state of the art’ regarding existing models and practice regarding teacher education in ASD, as well as identifying the current knowledge, attitudes and training needs of teachers. Academics from the University of Northampton in the UK, the lead partner in the ASD-EAST project, have reviewed the literature regarding teacher education in ASD generally, while partners from Croatia, North Macedonia and Poland have led on reviewing local policy and practice on this topic. Conclusions:Initial analysis of the mapping activity has demonstrated that teachers across all three countries lack knowledge about intervention and educational methods in autism, and that they have a strong desire for training regarding practical strategies that are applicable to their work settings. This identifies the value of the project, and suggests that such training could bring about positive change for teachers and learners alike

    Training needs in the field of autism of contemporary Polish teachers in the context of the international ASD-EAST project

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    The paper presents results of the part of international survey on teachers’ opinion on autism characteristics and specific educational approach and treatment. Research was undertaken in Poland under the auspicies of ASD-EAST project using quantitative and qualitative methods. The results showed the significant differences in teachers’ perception on autism regarding to the school settings they worked in. The strong need for special training in the field of ASD was also expressed by teachers

    ASD-EAST: Identifying training needs of specialized teachers

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    Autism spectrum disorder (autism) affects about 1 in every 100, and impacts all aspects of the individual's experience, including how they learn. Children and young people with autism share common education needs with all other children, and are entitled to a high quality education. However, they have specific, special needs resulting from the characteristic difficulties in autism regarding communication, social understanding, inflexibility and sensory processing. Education has been identified as the key area of intervention for those with autism, and meaningful access to effective education is crucial. Teachers need a range of skills and strategies to meet the needs of these learners, and providing effective education has been identified as challenging throughout Europe, and in Central & Eastern Europe and the Balkans in particular. Based on these needs, the partnership of the ASD-EAST project focuses on developing appropriate training to support effective teaching, to ensure the inclusion of learners with autism in Croatia, North Macedonia and Poland. There is a lack of research data on the training needs of teachers in the countries of Eastern Europe, therefore conducting a mapping study was essential before fulfilling further objectives of the project

    ASD-EAST Programme Evaluation Report

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    This document reports the key findings of the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership Autism Spectrum Disorder – Empowering and Supporting Teachers (ASD-EAST) (Grant 2018-1-UK01-KA201-047872). ASD-EAST was established to begin to address an identified shortfall in teacher knowledge and training regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and focused on developing appropriate training to support teachers to effectively include learners with ASD in education within Central/Eastern Europe and the Balkans. The project was carried out between September 2018 and August 2020. Its specific focus was on the development of training for specialist primary age range teachers (in both special school and mainstream/inclusive settings). The materials were developed and tested in three counties: Croatia, the Republic of North Macedonia (hereafter referred to as North Macedonia) and Poland

    Oculomotor activity in people with autism spectrum disorders while perceiving social stimuli – Implications for pedagogical practice

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    W artykule przeanalizowano wyniki badań eye trackingowych osób z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu w sytuacji percepcji bodźców społecznych, w perspektywie ich znaczenia dla praktyki pedagogicznej. We wstępie zawarto podstawowe informacje dotyczące istoty procesu widzenia oraz znaczenia ruchów gałek ocznych, zarówno dla tworzenia reprezentacji rzeczywistości, jak i skutecznego działania. Zwrócono również uwagę na zasadność wykorzystania techniki w badaniach osób z ASD. W dalszej części tekstu dokonano prezentacji wyników badań opisujących aktywność okoruchową osób z ASD podczas percepcji twarzy i scen społecznych, odwołując się głównie do prac przeglądowych z zakresu omawianej problematyki opublikowanych w ciągu ostatnich dwóch dziesięcioleci. Analiza zaprezentowanego materiału wskazuje przede wszystkim na specyficzne wzorce aktywności okoruchowej osób z ASD w sytuacjach społecznych oraz osłabienie zainteresowania kontaktem z twarzą, szczególnie zaś unikanie eksplorowania rejonu oczu. Jednocześnie badacze dowodzą, że mechanizm preferencji ludzkich twarzy nie jest nieobecny w chwili urodzenia, lecz ulega stopniowemu osłabieniu, uniemożliwiając osobom z ASD pozyskiwanie kluczowych informacji dla prawidłowego kontaktu z innymi osobami. Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika ponadto, że prezentowane wzorce skanowania twarzy mogą stanowić potencjalny biomarker zaburzenia, umożliwiając wczesną diagnostykę. Uzyskane wyniki stanowią istotne źródło danych nie tylko dla naukowców dążących do rozpoznania istoty zaburzenia, ale również dla praktyków, wskazując na znaczenie wczesnych treningów widzenia i planowania treningów umiejętności społecznych z uwzględnieniem specyficznych potrzeb badanych związanych ze wzrokową analizą scen wizualnych.The article analyzes the findings of eye tracking research on people with autism spectrum disorders perceiving social stimuli from the perspective of these findings’ significance for pedagogical practice. The introduction includes basic information on the essence of the visual process and the importance of eye movements both for creating representations of reality and for acting efficiently. The reasonableness of the use of the eye tracking technique in research on people with ASD is also pointed out. Further on, the findings of research describing oculomotor activity in people with ASD perceiving faces and social scenes are presented with reference mainly to review papers on the issue discussed that have been published over the last two decades. Analysis of the material points to specific patterns of oculomotor activity in people with ASD in social situations and their lowered interest in facial interactions, especially avoiding exploring the eye area. At the same time, researchers prove that face preference is not absent at birth but gradually decreases, making it impossible for people with ASD to gain information crucial for normal interactions with other people. The analysis performed also shows that the patterns of face scanning can be a potential biomarker for the disorder, enabling early diagnosis. The findings are an essential source of data not only for scientists seeking to explore the essence of the disorder but also for practitioners, as they point out the importance of early vision training and social skills training planned taking into consideration the specific needs of people with ASD related to the visual analysis of visual scenes

    Empowering Teachers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (European ASD-EAST project)

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    Due to the fact that inclusive education is the equal right of all children, children with ASD can face the problems due to the diverse nature of the autism spectrum as well as to the teachers’ qualification and knowledge. Educators need a range of skills and knowledge to be able to respond to the variety of needs of pupils with ASD. However, providing such education is challenging across Europe, particularly within Central/Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Autism Spectrum Disorder – Empowering and Supporting Teachers (ASD-EAST) project was established to develop training to support effective teaching to ensure the educational inclusion of learners with autism