9 research outputs found

    Civil status of child as confi rmation of belonging to the family

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    The article contains theoretical considerations in the field of law and psychological sciences concerning the civil status of the child who is shown as a member of a social group – family. The legal situation of the child is described on the basis of legal regulations and conventions being in force in Poland. The article concerns the concept of the family, parenting, motherhood and fatherhood, in the context of dynamically evolving relationships and social situations, which are not always described by law. These concepts are shown in the context of the guarantee function of the state expressed in the catalogue of rules of social coexistence aimed at the determination of the boundaries between the sphere of dominion and individual freedom. The main scientific problem presented in this article, which is “what is the correlation between the compliance of the civil status and the belonging to the family?”, was presented in the light of the knowledge of the law and psychological theories referring to numerous studies. The article describes J. Bowlby’s attachment theory (1988) and the styles of attachment by M. Ainsworth (1978). It is assumed that the knowledge of the factors or elements which determine the need to belong to the family still seems to be an important issue and raises the question whether the child’s status is one of them. This article contains theoretical considerations and implications beginning the research project and constituting the introduction to scientific discussion. If the welfare of the child requires to pursue the compliance of marital status confirmed by a civil status act with the real belonging to the family, then it is very important for the family to satisfy the need for affiliation of the child and provide the quality of its functioning. It is assumed that the type of interaction between the child and parents can be reflected by the type of attachment.Elżbieta Makarewicz: [email protected] Iłendo-Milewska: [email protected]żbieta Makarewicz - Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuAgnieszka Iłendo-Milewska - Wyższa Szkoła im. B. Jańskiego w WarszawieAinsworth M., Blehar M., Waters E., Wall S., Patterns of attachment: a psychological study of the strange situation, New York 1978.Anzieu D., Przywiązanie: ujęcie interdyscyplinarne, Warszawa 1978.Augustyn J., Ojcostwo. Aspekty pedagogiczne i duchowe, Kraków 2012.Belsky J., Developmental risks (Still) Associated with Early Child Care, „Child Psychology and Psychiatry” 2001, t. 42, nr 7.Bishop G. 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John-Borys, Katowice 2007.Kawula S., Brągiel J., Janke A. W., Pedagogika rodziny, Obszary i panorama problematyki, Toruń 2009.Kenrick D. T., Neuberg S. L., R Cialdini. B., Psychologia społeczna – rozwiązane tajemnice, Gdańsk 2002.Knoll N., Schwarzer R., „Prawdziwych przyjaciół“ – wsparcie społeczne, stres choroba i śmierć, [w:] Wsparcie społeczne, stres, zdrowie, red. H. Sęk, R. Cieslak, Warszawa 2004.Kozińska B., Typ przywiązania a zdrowie psychiczne, „Psychoterapia” 2006, nr 3 (138).Król B., Prawidłowości strukturalne i funkcjonalne przestrzeni życiowej dziecka, [w:] Pomoc dzieciom zagrożonym patologią środowiska rodzinnego i lokalnego, red. M. John-Borys, Katowice 2007.Mahoney M. 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    Survival of cultured hippocampal neurons upon hypoxia: neuroprotective effect of gabapentin Przeżycie hodowli komórek nerwowych hipokampa w warunkach niedotlenienia: neuroprotekcyjny efekt gabapentyny

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Gabapentin (GBP) is a novel analogue of GABA used widely in the treatment of epileptic partial seizures and neuropathic pain. GBP blocks Ca2+ channels in neural cell membrane and diminishes excitation of neurons. Such mechanism of action of this drug can predict GBP as a potential neuroprotectant. Aim of the study: To investigate the putative protective effect of GBP against hypoxia-induced neurotoxicity in primary culture of rat hippocampal neurons. Material and methods: An experiment was performed on dissociated hippocampal cultures at seven day in vitro. Cell death was induced by incubation of neural cultures in hypoxic conditions over 24 hours. The cultures (except control) were treated with 30 μM, 100 μM and 300 μM concentrations of GBP to cause a neuroprotective effect. Neuronal injury was assessed by morphometric investigation of death/viable neurons in light microscopy using Trypan blue staining. Results and conclusions: None of the used concentrations of GBP exerted per se a toxic effect on cultured neural cells. Death of one third of neurons was observed in non-treated cultures upon hypoxia. GBP was found to inhibit hypoxia-induced neuronal damage in a dose-dependent manner: in cultures treated with high concentrations of the drug (100 μM and 300 μM), about two-fold higher number of neurons remained viable when compared to non-treated cultures. The results suggest that GBP has promising neuroprotective properties in vitro and prevents hypoxia-induced cell damage in primarily cultured hippocampal neurons

    Levetiracetam protects hippocampal neurons in culture against hypoxia-induced injury

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    Many experimental studies indicate that some antiepileptic drugs possess neuroprotective properties in varied models of neuronal injury. Levetiracetam is a second-generation antiepileptic drug with a novel mechanism of action. In the present study, we evaluated the putative neuroprotective effect of levetiracetam on primary hippocampal cultures at seven day <i>in vitro</i>. Cell death was induced by incubation of neural cultures in hypoxic conditions over 24 hours. Neuronal injury was assessed by morphometric investigation of death/total ratio of neurons in light microscopy using Trypan blue staining and by evaluation of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release in the culture medium. Our results indicate that pre-conditioning of hippocampal cultures with high concentrations of levetiracetam (100 μM and 300 μM) protects neurons against hypoxia-induced death. Two-fold higher number of neurons remained viable as compared to control cultures without drug. Lack of neuroprotective action of the drug on hippocampal neural cultures was observed, when a low concentration (10 μM) of levetiracetam was used. <i>(Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011, Vol. 49, No. 1, 148–152

    Przekształcenie konwencjonalnych limfocytów T w komórki T−regulatorowe u dzieci z zespołem metabolicznym

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    Background: Much research has been done in the recent years to establish an association between obesity, metabolic syndrome and the immune system. Numerous data suggest that the decreased number and/or function of regulatory T cells (Treg cells) can lead to chronic minimal inflammation present in patients with obesity and trigger formation of atherosclerotic plaque. Aim: To generate Treg cells from the peripheral blood in children meeting the diagnostic criteria of metabolic syndrome. Methods: A total of 25 children with metabolic syndrome and 25 controls were enrolled in the study. Peripheral blood was collected, CD4+/CD25– cells were separated and cultured for 4 weeks in the presence of a Treg expander (CD3/CD28) and interleukin-2. The expression of the transcription factor FoxP3 as a Treg marker was assessed before and after culture using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and flow cytometry. Results: Before the culture we observed a slightly lower percentage of Treg cells in children with metabolic syndrome vs controls. After the culture we noted a significant increase in mRNA expression and in the percentage of FoxP3-positive cells. We observed no differences in the results between the children with metabolic syndrome and the controls. Conclusions: Our study shows that it is possible to generate Treg cells from peripheral blood of children with metabolic syndrome. In future, these findings could be used to develop a model of immunotherapeutic intervention for patients at risk of cardiovascular disease. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 12: 1221–1226Wstęp: W ostatnich latach poszukuje się związków między otyłością i zespołem metabolicznym a układem immunologicznym. Wiele danych wskazuje, że niedobór i/lub dysfunkcja jednej z subpopulacji limfocytów, tj. komórek T-regulatorowych, może przyczyniać się do przewlekłego, minimalnego stanu zapalnego obecnego u pacjentów z otyłością, w konsekwencji prowadzącego do powstania blaszek miażdżycowych. Cel: Celem pracy była próba generacji limfocytów T-regulatorowych z krwi obwodowej dzieci spełniających kryteria rozpoznania zespołu metabolicznego. Metody: Do badania włączono 25 dzieci z zespołem metabolicznym i 25 dzieci z grupy kontrolnej. Materiał do badań stanowiła krew obwodowa, z której wyizolowano limfocyty o fenotypie CD4+/CD25–, aby następnie umieścić je w 4-tygodniowej hodowli z odczynnikiem Treg-expander (CD3/CD28) oraz interleukiną 2. Ekspresję czynnika transkrypcyjnego FoxP3 jako markera limfocytów T-regulatorowych oceniano przed hodowlą i po jej zakończeniu za pomocą łańcuchowej reakcji polimerazy (na poziomie mRNA) oraz cytometrii przepływowej. Wyniki: Przed hodowlą zanotowano nieznacznie niższe odsetki limfocytów T-regulatorowych u dzieci z zespołem metabolicznym w porównaniu z dziećmi z grupy kontrolnej. Po hodowli wykazano istotny statystycznie wzrost ekspresji mRNA dla FoxP3 i wzrost odsetka komórek FoxP3-dodatnich. Nie obserwowano różnic między hodowlami z krwi dzieci z zespołem metabolicznym a hodowlami limfocytów dzieci z grupy kontrolnej. Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki świadczą o możliwości generacji limfocytów T-regulatorowych z krwi dzieci z rozpoznaniem zespołu metabolicznego i powinny być wykorzystane w przyszłości do konstruowania modeli interwencji immunoterapeutycznej w grupie pacjentów z obecnymi czynnikami ryzyka rozwoju chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 12: 1221–122

    CD40 stimulation induces differentiation of acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells into dendritic cells

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    Despite the very high percentage of long-term remissions in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in children, some of them suffer from recurrence of the disease. New treatment modalities, e.g. effective geno- and immunotherapy are needed. The use of neoplasmatic cells to present tumor antigens is one of the approaches in cancer vaccines. ALL cells lack the expression of costimulatory molecules and are poor antigen presenting cells (APCs) for T-cell activation. CD40/40L interaction stimulates B-cells to proliferate, differentiate, upregulate costimulatory molecules and increase antigen presentation. The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that ALL cells can be turned into professional APCs by CD40L activation. Children with B-cell precursor ALL were enrolled into the study. Mononuclear cells from bone marrow or peripheral blood were stimulated with CD40L and interleukin 4. Results: 1) after culture we noted upregulation of all assessed costimulatory, adhesion and activatory molecules i.e. CD1a, CD11c, CD40, CD54, CD80, CD83, CD86, CD123, HLA class I and II; 2) CD40L activated ALL cells induced proliferation of allogeneic T-cells (measured by [3H]thymidine incorporation). These results confirm the possibility of enhancing the immunogenicity of ALL cells with the CD40L system and indicate that this approach can be used in immunotherapeutic trials

    Diminished expression of ICOS, GITR and CTLA-4 at the mRNA level in T regulatory cells of children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes

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    Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic diseases in children. T regulatory cells (Tregs) modulate response to autoantigens and probably play a role in pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes (T1DM). The aim of the present study was the assessment of T regulatory cells including their percentages and expression of critical genes in these cells in children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes. The examined group consisted of 50 children with T1DM. A flow cytometric analysis of T-cell subpopulations was performed using the following markers: anti-CD4, anti-CD25 and anti-CD127 (=IL-7R). Additionally, T regulatory cells were isolated for assessment of mRNA levels for chosen genes with the real-time RT-PCR technique. The percentages of CD4+CD25highCD127dim/- were very low and did not differ between T1DM and control children. We did not observe any statistically significant differences between healthy and diabetic children in mRNA expression for FoxP3, IL-7R (CD127), IL-8RA, IL-10RA, IL-12A, IL-2RA (CD25), IL-21, STAT1, STAT3, SOCS2, SOCS3, TGF-β1-R1, TGF-β-R2 and TBX-21 genes. Interestingly the mRNA level for CTLA-4, ICOS1, IL-23, IL-27, SMAD3 and GITR were lower in Treg cells of children with diabetes compared to the control patients. No disturbances in the percentages of T regulatory cells in patients with diabetes but diminished expression of some elements important in Treg function could be the result of an immunologic imbalance accompanying the onset of the diabetes. The results of our study should be used in future research in the field of immunotherapy in pediatric diabetes