13 research outputs found

    Nitrogen acquisition by roots: physiological and developmental mechanisms ensuring plant adaptation to a fluctuating resource

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    NRT1.1-dependent nitrate signaling pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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    Les plantes sont capables de percevoir dans leur environnement la disponibilitĂ© en nitrate (NO3-), un macro-nutriment essentiel. Chez Arabidopsis thaliana, le transporteur de NO3- NRT1.1 constitue un systĂšme de perception qui active de nombreuses rĂ©ponses au NO3-, notamment la rĂ©gulation de l'expression de gĂšnes et le dĂ©veloppement des racines latĂ©rales. Dans ce dernier cas, un mĂ©canisme de transduction du signal a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©. Celui-ci met en jeu une activitĂ© de transport d'auxine par NRT1.1 qui est inhibĂ©e par le NO3-. Cependant, le(s) mĂ©canisme(s) molĂ©culaire(s) permettant Ă  NRT1.1 de contrĂŽler un large panel de rĂ©ponses au NO3- reste(nt) largement inconnu(s). L'objectif de ce travail Ă©tait donc d'approfondir nos connaissances sur les voies de signalisation du NO3- dĂ©pendantes de NRT1.1. GrĂące Ă  l'analyse de mutants et de lignĂ©es transgĂ©niques exprimant des versions de NRT1.1 prĂ©sentant des mutations ponctuelles, nous avons pu dĂ©coupler certaines des rĂ©ponses NRT1.1-dĂ©pendantes et montrĂ© que cette protĂ©ine peut percevoir/transduire le signal NO3- au travers d'au moins trois mĂ©canismes distincts, possĂ©dant des bases structurales diffĂ©rentes au sein de la protĂ©ine. D'autre part, ce travail a permis de valider l'hypothĂšse selon laquelle NRT1.1, en intervenant comme transporteur d'auxine, contrĂŽle directement le dĂ©veloppement des racines latĂ©rales, et ce indĂ©pendamment des autres transporteurs d'auxine qui y sont exprimĂ©s. Enfin, nous avons montrĂ© qu'en plus de sa rĂ©gulation transcriptionnelle dĂ©jĂ  connue, NRT1.1 est soumis Ă  une puissante et complexe rĂ©gulation post-transcriptionnelle. En effet, le transcrit NRT1.1 est stabilisĂ© en prĂ©sence de NO3- dans la racine alors que l'accumulation de la protĂ©ine NRT1.1 est rĂ©primĂ©e par le NO3- spĂ©cifiquement au niveau des primordia de racines latĂ©rales. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus au cours de ce travail ont permis d'Ă©laborer un modĂšle cohĂ©rent du rĂŽle de signalisation jouĂ© par NRT1.1, et ouvrent de nombreuses perspectives pour comprendre comment, chez les plantes, un « transcepteur » (transporteur/senseur) peut contrĂŽler une vaste gamme de rĂ©ponses adaptatives aux facteurs de l'environnement.Plants are able to sense the external availability of nitrate (NO3-), a major macro-nutrient. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the NO3- transporter NRT1.1 acts as a sensor that triggers many different adaptive responses, including the regulation of gene expression and lateral root development. In the latter case, a transduction mechanism that involves a NO3--inhibited auxin transport activity dependent of NRT1 has been proposed. However, the molecular mechanism(s) allowing NRT1.1 to control such a large palette of NO3- responses is still largely unknown. Thus the aim of this work was to better understand and characterize the NRT1.1-dependent NO3- signaling pathway(s). Using mutants and transgenic lines expressing point mutated forms of NRT1.1, we uncoupled several of the NRT1.1-dependent responses and thus demonstrated that NR1.1 can sense/transduce NO3- signal through at least three distinct mechanisms at the protein level. This work also largely confirmed the hypothesis that NRT1.1 directly controls lateral root development through its auxin transport activity regardless of the other auxin transporters expressed in lateral root primordia. Finally, we showed that, besides the already well characterized transcriptional NO3--dependent regulation of NRT1.1, this gene is also subjected to complex post-transcriptional regulations. Indeed, on the one hand, NRT1.1 mRNA is stabilized by NO3- in roots whereas, on the other hand, protein accumulation is specifically repressed by NO3- in lateral root primordia. Altogether, these results allowed us to build a comprehensive model of the complex NRT1.1 signaling and open many perspectives to understand how plant “transceptors” (transporter/sensor) can monitor a large variety of adaptive responses to environmental factors

    Nitrate sensing and signaling in plants.

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    International audienceNitrate (NO(3)(-)) is a major nutrient for plants, taken up by their roots from the soil. Plants are able to sense NO(3)(-) in their environment, allowing them to quickly respond to the dramatic fluctuations of its availability. Significant advances have been made during the recent period concerning the molecular mechanisms of NO(3)(-) sensing and signaling in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. The striking action of NO(3)(-) as a signal regulating genome expression has been unraveled. Note worthily, NO(3)(-) sensing systems have been identified. These correspond to membrane transporters also ensuring the uptake of NO(3)(-) into root cells, thus generalizing the nutrient 'transceptor' (transporter/receptor) concept defined in yeast. Furthermore, components of the downstream transduction cascades, such as transcription factors or kinases, have also been isolated. A breakthrough arising from this improved knowledge is a better understanding of the integration of NO(3)(-) and hormone signaling pathways, that explains the extraordinary developmental plasticity of plants in response to NO(3)(-)

    Nitrogen acquisition by roots: physiological and developmental mechanisms ensuring plant adaptation to a fluctuating resource

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    International audienceNitrogen (N) is one of the key mineral nutrients for plants and its availability has a major impact on their growth and development. Most often N resources are limiting and plants have evolved various strategies to modulate their root uptake capacity to compensate for both spatial and temporal changes in N availability in soil. The main N sources for terrestrial plants in soils of temperate regions are in decreasing order of abundance, nitrate, ammonium and amino acids. N uptake systems combine, for these different N forms, high- and low-affinity transporters belonging to multige families. Expression and activity of most uptake systems are regulated locally by the concentration of their substrate, and by a systemic feedback control exerted by whole-plant signals of N status, giving rise to a complex combinatory network. Besides modulation of the capacity of transport systems, plants are also able to modulate their growth and development to maintain N homeostasis. In particular, root system architecture is highly plastic and its changes can greatly impact N acquisition from soil. In this review, we aim at detailing recent advances in the identification of molecular mechanisms responsible for physiological and developmental responses of root N acquisition to changes in N availability. These mechanisms are now unravelled at an increasing rate, especially in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana L.. Within the past decade, most root membrane transport proteins that determine N acquisition have been identified. More recently, molecular regulators in nitrate or ammonium sensing and signalling have been isolated, revealing common regulatory genes for transport system and root development, as well as a strong connection between N and hormone signalling pathways. Deciphering the complexity of the regulatory networks that control N uptake, metabolism and plant development will help understanding adaptation of plants to sub-optimal N availability and fluctuating environments. It will also provide solutions for addressing the major issues of pollution and economical costs related to N fertilizer use that threaten agricultural and ecological sustainability

    Revisiting the functional properties of NPF6.3/NRT1.1/CHL1 in xenopus oocytes

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    preprint déposé dans bioRxivWithin the Arabidopsis NPF proteins, most of the characterized nitrate transporters are low-affinity transporters, whereas the functional characterization of NPF6.3/NRT1.1 has revealed interesting transport properties: the transport of nitrate and auxin, the eletrogenicity of the nitrate transport and a dual-affinity transport behavior for nitrate depending on external nitrate concentration. However, some of these properties remained controversial and were challenged here. We functionally express WT NPF6.3/NRT1.1 and some of its mutant in Xenopus oocytes and used a combination of uptake experiments using 15N-labelled nitrate and two-electrode voltage-clamp. In our experimental conditions in xenopus oocytes, in the presence or in the absence of external chloride, NPF6.3/NRT1.1 behaves as a non- electrogenic and pure low-affinity transporter. Moreover, further functional characterization of a NPF6.3/NRT1.1 point mutant, P492L, allowed us to hypothesize that NPF6.3/NRT1.1 is regulated by internal nitrate concentration and that the internal perception site involves the P492 residue

    Regulation of High-Affinity Nitrate Uptake in Roots of Arabidopsis Depends Predominantly on Posttranscriptional Control of the NRT2.1/NAR2.1 Transport System1[W][OA]

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    In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the NRT2.1 gene codes for the main component of the root nitrate (NO3−) high-affinity transport system (HATS). Due to the strong correlation generally found between high-affinity root NO3− influx and NRT2.1 mRNA level, it has been postulated that transcriptional regulation of NRT2.1 is a key mechanism for modulation of the HATS activity. However, this hypothesis has never been demonstrated, and is challenged by studies suggesting the occurrence of posttranscriptional regulation at the NRT2.1 protein level. To unambiguously clarify the respective roles of transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulations of NRT2.1, we generated transgenic lines expressing a functional 35S::NRT2.1 transgene in an atnrt2.1 mutant background. Despite a high and constitutive NRT2.1 transcript accumulation in the roots, the HATS activity was still down-regulated in the 35S::NRT2.1 transformants in response to repressive nitrogen or dark treatments that strongly reduce NRT2.1 transcription and NO3− HATS activity in the wild type. In some treatments, this was associated with a decline of NRT2.1 protein abundance, indicating posttranscriptional regulation of NRT2.1. However, in other instances, NRT2.1 protein level remained constant. Changes in abundance of NAR2.1, a partner protein of NRT2.1, closely followed those of NRT2.1, and thus could not explain the close-to-normal regulation of the HATS in the 35S::NRT2.1 transformants. Even if in certain conditions the transcriptional regulation of NRT2.1 contributes to a limited extent to the control of the HATS, we conclude from this study that posttranscriptional regulation of NRT2.1 and/or NAR2.1 plays a predominant role in the control of the NO3− HATS in Arabidopsis

    The Arabidopsis nitrate transceptor NRT1.1 governs distinct signaling pathways and controls root colonization via local modification of auxin fluxes

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    The Arabidopsis nitrate transceptor NRT1.1 governs distinct signaling pathways and controls root colonization via local modification of auxin fluxes. 24th International Conference on Arabidopsis Researc

    Nitrate transport, sensing and responses in plants

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    Nitrate transport, sensing and responses in plant