939 research outputs found

    Review of the Learning Alliance for Adaptation in Smallholder Agriculture

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    The Learning Alliance for Adaptation in Smallholder Agriculture is a knowledge platform which leverages the strengths, opportunities and diverse audiences of the International Fund for Agriculture (IFAD) and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). The objective of the Learning Alliance is to produce and disseminate evidence for informed policy and implementation of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) interventions by capturing, analyzing and communicating lessons emerging from the IFAD supported global Adaptation in Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP). The Learning Alliance strives to enable agricultural development policy-makers and practitioners make science-based decisions in the context of climate change. The underlying assumption of the Learning Alliance is that the “provision of demand-driven research outputs to policy-makers and practitioners is a key mechanism for improving the effectiveness of adaptation actions among ultimate beneficiaries, in this case smallholder farmers”. The review aims to identify areas for improvement to achieve the planned outcomes of the Learning Alliance more effectively. It provides recommendations to inform a further phase, based on the experience of those closely involved in the knowledge production and implementation of the Alliance

    Impact of information literacy skills on the use of e-library resources among tertiary institution students in Akwa Ibom State

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    The study investigated the influence of information literacy skills on the use of e-library resources in tertiary institutions in Akwa Ibom State. Students need information for a variety of activities and the e-library is a resource center for providing a wide range of electronic resources that can meet any academic purpose. However, the use of electronic resources is largely dependent on the skills and information literacy of the students. An empirical survey was carried out to examine the impact of computer literacy skills among undergraduate students in tertiary institutions in Akwa Ibom state on the use of e-library resources. A total of 500 questionnaires were administered and analyzed using ANOVA. The study reveal that the quality and volume of academic work is largely influenced by the knowledge and skills possessed in the use of e-library resources. It therefore concluded that students in tertiary institutions need to update their information literacy skills.Keywords: Information, Literacy Skills, Institution, e-Library, e-resource


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    Sensor networks offer a powerful combination of distributed sensing, computing and communications. They lend themselves to countless applications and at the same time offer numerous challenges due to their peculiar nature which primarily are their stringent energy constraints to which sensing nodes typify and security vulnerabilities. Security concerns constitute a potential stumbling block to the impending wide deployment of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Current developments in WSN protocols have not taken security into consideration. On the other hand, the salient features of WSNs make it very challenging to design strong security protocols while still maintaining low overheads. In this paper we provide a survey of typical attack scenarios on WSNs and provide some viable solutions while also elaborating on a number of important security issues. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/njt.v35i2.2

    The Prospects of M-Voting Implementation in Nigeria

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    Since independence, an average of 50% of registered voters participates in voting [1]. Similarly, an increasing rate of apathy was observed between the electorate and the elect, which was not unconnected with lack of transparency, accountability, and probity on the part of government [2]. Thus the electorate did not see the need to subject itself to any stress. Consequently, government is very committed to implementing the forth coming elections through e-voting. This paper proposes the prospects of m-voting implementation in Nigeria through the use of mobile phones, PDAs, etc. with guaranteed security, secrecy, and convenience in a democratization process. It also reviews the level of adoption of GSM in Nigeria, the implication of voting through the GSM, and finally introducing m-voting innovation in the voting process to increase voters’ access and participation rate in election

    Implementation of a Low Power Sensor Using the IN4148 Signal Diode

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    Wireless sensor networks are designed to be added to an existing infrastructure and to function remotely of it. They are characterized by limited radio and sensing range, the nodes are installed at a sufficient density to make it probable both that multidrop communication will be possible between any pair of nodes and that a significant phenomenon of the environment can be sensed. The networks have sensors for temperature, sound and light and they run on batteries and as such low power sensors are often desired for sensor networks. We propose a low temperature and low power wireless temperature sensor using 1N4148 signal diode that can ensure long term usage of at a significant power consumption and low cos

    Putting banana-coffee intercropping research into action

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    Research of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and its partners shows that growing coffee and banana together is generating >50% more income for smallholder farmers and can help them cope with the effects of climate change. However, turning research into action on the ground requires effective dialogue and communication between researchers and policy makers. This study looks at how well informed government bodies, private sector and non-profit actors were of IITA’s research and to what extent the practice has been adopted

    An assessment of environmental sanitation in an urban community in Southern Nigeria

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    Inadequate environmental sanitation has been recognized as a public health hazard worldwide. In some Nigerian cities, living with waste as part of the natural environment has become a way of life. This study examined the sanitary condition of an urban community in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. It used a cross sectional survey design for a population of 123,033 inhabitants of four villages in North Eastern Akwa Ibom. Multi-stage sampling was used in selecting 237 inhabitants in this community and structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Data was analyzed using frequencies, percentages, Chisquare test and multiple logistic regressions. Results showed that tap water was the major source of water, usually disinfected by boiling. Results of multiple logistic regression showed a significant association between gender and their participation in environmental sanitation (p<0.05) with males showing 9 times more odds of participation than females (OR =9.84, C.I =1.225-79.018). Unwholesome practices like open refuse dumping and building of pit latrines close to the house were prevalent in this community. Therefore, to enhance the sanitary condition in this community, government should establish and enforce a more robust environmental sanitation approach and health education.Key words: Environmental sanitation, sanitary condition, diarrhoea, disease

    Adaptation of Nsibidi scripts to ceramic art

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    Nsibidi, scripts and ideograms were invented in Ekoi (Ejagham) in today‟s Cross River State of Nigeria. It was used for  communication throughout the Cross River Basin of South-Eastern Nigeria, and beyond. In spite of its spread in ancient times, it seems Nsibidi is not accorded adequate prominence in modern art forms. Modern industrial and studio products do not seem to adapt them adequately to forms. Thus, the study explored the possibilities of adapting these symbols to studio ceramic art forms. The object was to use Nsibidi to create utilitarian and aesthetically sound ceramic wares. The study depended on secondary data for the background information. The signs were purposively selected for adaptation to the realization of novel ceramic forms. The study which used the practice-led approach revealed, through the ceramic forms produced, that Nsibidi symbols can be useful for the production of aesthetically sound ceramic wares. It is also found to be useful for the creation of utilization forms as well as forms  that combine both utilitarian and aesthetic functions. It is, therefore, recommended that Nsibidi should be adapted to ceramic art and other 3-dimensional art forms

    E-Commerce Adoption in Nigerian Businesses: An Analysis Using the Technology-Organization-Environmental Framework

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    Business organizations around the world engage in e-commerce (EC) and e-business to support business operations and enhance revenue generation from non-traditional sources. Studies focusing on EC adoption in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) are just beginning to emerge in the extant information systems (IS) literature. The objective of this current study is to investigate factors impacting the acceptance of EC in small businesses in SSA with Nigeria as an example. A research model based on the Diffusion of Innovation (DIT) and the Technology–Organization–Environment (TOE) frameworks were used to guide this discourse. Such factors as relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, management support, organizational readiness, external pressure, and IS vendor support were used to develop relevant hypotheses. Questionnaires were administered to respondents in Nigeria and data analysis was performed using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) technique. Predictions related to relative advantage, management support, and IS vendor support were confirmed; the other hypotheses were unsupported by the data. The study’s implications for research and practice are discussed in the chapter

    Re-Engineering Entrepreneurial Education For Employment and Poverty Alleviation In The Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

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    The paper examined the relationship between entrepreneurial educational programmes of universities in the Niger Delta and employment/poverty alleviation in the region. The correlational research design was adopted for the study. The population consisted of all final year students of the Department of Economics/ Entrepreneurial studies from Universities of Uyo, Calabar and Port Harcourt, totaling 238. The purposive sampling technique was used as all the 238 final year students were involved in the study. Data collection was carried out with a researcher-developed instrument tagged “Entrepreneurial Education and Poverty Alleviation Questionnaire” (EEPAQ). The instrument, which had 15 items, was duly validated and tested for reliability using the Cronbach alpha formula, with a reliability estimate of 0.71. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis was used in analyzing the data collected for the study. The result revealed no significant relationship between entrepreneurial education programmes of Universities in the Niger Delta and employment/poverty alleviation in the region. Based on the findings, it was concluded that entrepreneurial education programmes of universities in the Niger Delta do no facilitate self productivity among the graduates; and that the programmes have no significant bearing with poverty alleviation in the region. Based on this, it was recommended, among others, that there is need to restructure the course contents of entrepreneurial education programmes in Nigerian universities to make it more relevant to the environment and needs of the individuals. Keywords: Re-engineering, Entrepreneurial Education, Poverty Alleviation,  Niger Delta Region, Unemployment
