6 research outputs found


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    The aim of the study – to examine the features of pregnancy and the condition of newborns in women with infertility after the use of assisted reproductive technologies. Materials and Methods. We analyzed 260 outpatient records of women treated for infertility with the use of an ART program (in vitro fertilization). 56 out 260 women (21.8 %) got pregnant (basic group). The reference group consisted of 30 women who got pregnant without the use of ART. Results and Discussion. Diseases of liver and biliary ducts are important extragenital pathologies in pregnant women and quite often contribute to the development of obstetric pathologies. In their turn, pregnancies achieved with the use of assisted reproductive technologies, under a massive hormonal support, may lead to severe irreversible changes in the hepatobiliary system. Our retrospective analysis established that pregnancy after the use of ART in women with intrahepatic cholestasis has the following peculiarities: a significantly higher frequency of miscarriages and missed miscarriages, threats of preterm labor, early gestosis, severe preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction. Almost 40 % of the newborns presented asphyxia at birth, 11.1 % a severe one, a third of the babies were born prematurely and 40 % presented signs of hypotrophy, while 66.7 % had a disturbed course of early neonatal adaptation. The percentage of perinatal mortality was also higher. Conclusions. The issues of etiology, pathogenesis, the risk factors determining the development of intrahepatic cholestasis, the principles of treatment and prevention still remain the subject of discussion and their specific mechanisms require a more detailed research to develop a pathogenetically substantiated system of treatment and prevention measures.Цель исследования – выяснить роль нарушений гепатобилиарной системы в возникновении акушерских и перинатальных осложнений у женщин с беременностью после применения вспомогательных репродуктивных технологий (ВРТ). Материалы и методы. Проанализированы 260 амбулаторных карт женщин, которые обратились по поводу лечения бесплодия и которым было назначено и проведено применение программы ВРТ (оплодотворение in vitro). С 260 начатых циклов беременность наступила у 56 (21,8 %) женщин (основная группа). 30 женщин, беременность у которых наступила без применения ВРТ, составили контрольную группу. Результаты исследования и их обсуждение. Заболевания печени и желчевыводящих путей занимают важное место среди экстрагенитальной патологии у беременных и довольно часто способствуют развитию акушерской патологии. Беременность, наступившая после использования вспомогательных репродуктивных технологий на фоне массивной гормональной поддержки, может привести к тяжелым необратимым изменениям пищеварительной системы. Проведенный ретроспективный анализ установил, что беременность после ВРТ у женщин с внутрипеченочным холестазом имеет свои особенности: существенно выше частота выкидышей и замерших беременностей, угрозы преждевременных родов, ранних гестозов, преэклампсии тяжелой степени и задержки роста плода. Почти 40 % детей родились в состоянии асфиксии, причем в 11,1 % отмечено тяжелую ее степень, треть этих детей была недоношенной, 40,0 % имели признаки гипотрофии, а у 66,7 % детей было нарушенным течение ранней неонатальной адаптации. Выше была и перинатальная смертность. Выводы. Беременность после ВРТ у женщин с внутрипеченочным холестазом имеет свои особенности: существенно выше частота выкидышей и замерших беременностей, угроза преждевременных родов, ранних гестозов, преэклампсии тяжелой степени и задержки роста плода, что требует детального исследования для разработки патогенетически обусловленной системы лечебно-профилактических мероприятий.Мета дослідження – з’ясувати роль порушень гепатобіліарної системи у виникненні акушерських і перинатальних ускладнень у жінок з вагітністю після застосування допоміжних репродуктивних технологій (ДРТ). Матеріали та методи. Проаналізовано 260 амбулаторних карт жінок, які звернулись із приводу лікування безпліддя і яким було призначено та проведено застосування програми ДРТ (запліднення in vitro). Із 260 розпочатих циклів вагітність настала у 56 (21,8 %) жінок (основна група). 30 жінок, вагітність у яких настала без застосування ДРТ, склали контрольну групу. Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. Захворювання печінки та жовчовивідних шляхів займають важливе місце серед екстрагенітальної патології у вагітних і досить часто сприяють розвитку акушерської патології. Вагітність, що настала після використання допоміжних репродуктивних технологій на фоні масивної гормональної підтримки, може призвести до тяжких необоротних змін гепатобіліарної системи. Проведений ретроспективний аналіз встановив, що вагітність після ДРТ у жінок із внутрішньопечінковим холестазом має свої особливості: суттєво вища частота викиднів та завмерлих вагітностей, загрози передчасних пологів, ранніх гестозів, прееклампсії тяжкого ступеня та затримки росту плода. Майже 40 % дітей народились у стані асфіксії, причому в 11,1 % відмічено тяжкий її ступінь, третина цих дітей була недоношеною, і 40,0 % мали ознаки гіпотрофії, а у 66,7 % дітей був порушений перебіг ранньої неонатальної адаптації. Вищою була і перинатальна смертність. Висновки. Вагітність після ДРТ у жінок з внутрішньопечінковим холестазом має свої особливості: суттєво вища частота викиднів та завмерлих вагітностей, загрози передчасних пологів, ранніх гестозів, прееклампсії тяжкого ступеня та затримки росту плода, що потребують детальнішого дослідження для розробки патогенетично обґрунтованої системи лікувально-профілактичних заходів

    A Comprehensive HIV Program by an Indigenous Organization in Nigeria: A 5 Year Progress Report

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    Background: Nigeria has a high HIV burden with over 3,500,000 infected and more than 200,000 deaths annually. Since 2004, international donor agencies and implementing partners managed HIV programs in Nigeria. Excellence and Friends Management Care Centre (EFMC) was the first local organization to be funded to provide comprehensive HIV services in Nigeria. Aim: To document the need, processes and products of five years of indigenous HIV programming in Nigeria. Materials and Methods: PEPFAR funded EFMC from 2011 to provide comprehensive HIV services in Nasarawa State and Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). EFMC engaged staff, assessed and activated sites, trained and empowered healthcare workers, provided consumables, enrolled clients and provided preventive, treatment and support services. EFMC also strengthened healthcare systems and refurbished and equipped facilities for integrated HIV services. Results: EFMC decentralized, commonized and integrated HIV services in over 120 service delivery points with an average cost per target of US$ 273.12. We tested 623,148 people for HIV. The positivity rate was 3.3% (annual range 1.9–4.5%). We placed 10,150 on Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. In addition, we tested 164,746 pregnant women for HIV with 5,442 (3.3%) positive and provided 4,189 (77.0%) positive pregnant women with ARV prophylaxis. More than 500 healthcare workers in HIV program management. Conclusions: EFMC’s “commonization” model is cost-effective and efficient. Progressively funding local partners will ensure sustainability of HIV programs. Using program results as national figures will save cost from periodic sentinel studies. Government should support local NGOs to control the HIV epidemic in Nigeria

    Assessment of the effectiveness of PMTCT program in eight service delivery points in North-Central Nigeria

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    Background: Mother to child transmission (MTCT) of HIV is one of the commonest avenues through which infants are infected with the HIV virus. To achieve a HIV free generation, mother to child transmission of HIV should be eliminated. Nigeria began prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) services 13 years ago, but still contributes to over a third of global MTCT burden. We set out to explore and define the effectiveness of PMTCT in selected sites in north-central Nigeria. Methods: We conducted a retrospective secondary data analysis at eight Service Delivery Points in two States. 1454 mother-infant pair data sets from 2012 – 2016 were extracted and analyzed. Maternal/infant ARV services, early infant diagnosis (EID) and final outcome were reviewed to examine the predictors of HIV transmission from mother-to-child in these centers. Results: We retrieved 1,454 mother-infant-pair. While 89.5% (1302) positive pregnant women (PPW) and 92.2% (1340) of HIV-exposed infants received antiretroviral prophylaxis/treatment, 88.4% (1285) infants were breastfed with 32.5% still receiving breast milk at the time of DBS collection. EID-PCR positivity rate was 3.5% (range: 0.0–11.1%). Facility of delivery (X=24.99, p<0.00), mother on ARV (X=48.8, p<0.00), mother having received ARV prophylaxis (X=89.59, p<0.00), infant having received ARV prophylaxis (X=58.56, p<0.00) and baby having received cotrimoxazole (X=55.24, p<0.00) were all significantly prevented positive EID results. However, mode of delivery and breastfeeding were not significantly associated with positive EID results. Conclusions: This study supports PMTCT services as it minimizes the transfer of HIV from infected mothers to HIV exposed infants (HEI). To eliminate HIV and achieve zero new infections, every HIV-positive pregnant woman should receive ARV prophylaxis and be supported post-delivery to prevent transfer of infection to the new born. Also, HEI should receive timely ARV and cotrimoxazole prophylaxis

    A palynology and paleoenvironmental study of a section from the Amansiodo-1 well, Anambra Basin, southeastern Nigeria

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    Palynological analysis was carried out on twenty (20) ditch cutting samples from a section (1284.73–1496.57 m) of the Amansiodo-1 well, Anambra Basin, southeastern Nigeria with the aim of determining the age, biozone, and depositional environment of the sediments within the depth interval. The laboratory techniques of digesting sediments in hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids for silicates and carbonates removal were followed to process the samples for the recovery of palynomorphs. Fifty two (52) palynomorph specimens were recovered. An assemblage zone of Echitriporites trianguliformis Zone has been established. The section was dated to the upper Maastrichtian due to the occurrences of age diagnostic marker species such as: Cingulatisporites ornatus, Distaverrusporites simplex, Proteacidites sigalii, Dinogymnium cf auclaense, Echitriporites trianguliformis and Retidiporites magdalensis. Based on the palynomorph marine index and environmental indicator flora, the section was inferred to be deposited in marine to brackish (coastal) environments with little influence of fresh water

    Is malaria over-diagnosed? A world malaria day 2017 experience by Excellence and Friends Management Care Centre (EFMC) and partners, Abuja Nigeria

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    Malaria remains a major cause of mortality across the world, but particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. WHO-sponsored World Malaria Day activity has helped to improve education and has contributed to a reduction in mortality globally in the past decade. However, much needs to be done still in Africa. We report on a World Malaria Day scheme in three primary Healthcare Facilities in and around the Abuja Federal Capital Territory in Nigeria in 2017. Activity included educational talks to pregnant women and nursing mothers of young children, with malarial testing, distribution of free mosquito nets and also medical treatment if needed. We found a large clinical over-diagnosis of malaria with simple fevers of any cause being reported as malaria. None of these cases were found to be due to malaria on formal malarial testing. We conclude that efforts should continue into education and prevention of malaria with insecticide-impregnated mosquito nets a key factor. However, over-diagnosis of malaria and the use of unnecessary antimalarial treatment may lead to parasite resistance to antimalarial treatment, morbidity from drug side-effects and potential mortality from not receiving the right treatment for other febrile illnesses. We recommend that malarial testing, particularly with simple blood film microscopy is implemented more widely across Africa, as it is simple to perform and allows effective management plans to be drawn up for individual patients