63 research outputs found

    Switchable resolution in soft x-ray tomography of single cells.

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    The diversity of living cells, in both size and internal complexity, calls for imaging methods with adaptable spatial resolution. Soft x-ray tomography (SXT) is a three-dimensional imaging technique ideally suited to visualizing and quantifying the internal organization of single cells of varying sizes in a near-native state. The achievable resolution of the soft x-ray microscope is largely determined by the objective lens, but switching between objectives is extremely time-consuming and typically undertaken only during microscope maintenance procedures. Since the resolution of the optic is inversely proportional to the depth of focus, an optic capable of imaging the thickest cells is routinely selected. This unnecessarily limits the achievable resolution in smaller cells and eliminates the ability to obtain high-resolution images of regions of interest in larger cells. Here, we describe developments to overcome this shortfall and allow selection of microscope optics best suited to the specimen characteristics and data requirements. We demonstrate that switchable objective capability advances the flexibility of SXT to enable imaging cells ranging in size from bacteria to yeast and mammalian cells without physically modifying the microscope, and we demonstrate the use of this technology to image the same specimen with both optics

    Progression of herpesvirus infection remodels mitochondrial organization and metabolism

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    Viruses target mitochondria to promote their replication, and infection-induced stress during the progression of infection leads to the regulation of antiviral defenses and mitochondrial metabolism which are opposed by counteracting viral factors. The precise structural and functional changes that underlie how mitochondria react to the infection remain largely unclear. Here we show extensive transcriptional remodeling of protein-encoding host genes involved in the respiratory chain, apoptosis, and structural organization of mitochondria as herpes simplex virus type 1 lytic infection proceeds from early to late stages of infection. High-resolution microscopy and interaction analyses unveiled infection-induced emergence of rough, thin, and elongated mitochondria relocalized to the perinuclear area, a significant increase in the number and clustering of endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria contact sites, and thickening and shortening of mitochondrial cristae. Finally, metabolic analyses demonstrated that reactivation of ATP production is accompanied by increased mitochondrial Ca2+ content and proton leakage as the infection proceeds. Overall, the significant structural and functional changes in the mitochondria triggered by the viral invasion are tightly connected to the progression of the virus infection

    Has Globalisation Increased Inequality?

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    There has been no shortage of theories which purport to explain why globalisation may have, adverse, insignificant or even beneficial effects on income and earnings inequality. Surprisingly, the empirical realities remain an almost complete mystery. In this paper we use data on industrial wage inequality, household income inequality as well as measures of the economic, social and political dimensions of globalisation to examine this controversial issue. We find that the economic dimension of globalisation, and – less robustly – political integration, have exacerbated wage inequality in developed countries. In contrast, the impact of globalisation on both income and earnings inequality in less-developed countries has been negligible

    Mesoscale imaging with cryo-light and X-rays: Larger than molecular machines, smaller than a cell.

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    In the context of cell biology, the term mesoscale describes length scales ranging from that of an individual cell, down to the size of the molecular machines. In this spatial regime, small building blocks self-organise to form large, functional structures. A comprehensive set of rules governing mesoscale self-organisation has not been established, making the prediction of many cell behaviours difficult, if not impossible. Our knowledge of mesoscale biology comes from experimental data, in particular, imaging. Here, we explore the application of soft X-ray tomography (SXT) to imaging the mesoscale, and describe the structural insights this technology can generate. We also discuss how SXT imaging is complemented by the addition of correlative fluorescence data measured from the same cell. This combination of two discrete imaging modalities produces a 3D view of the cell that blends high-resolution structural information with precise molecular localisation data

    PSF correction in soft X-ray tomography.

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    In this article, we introduce a linear approximation of the forward model of soft X-ray tomography, such that the reconstruction is solvable by standard iterative schemes. This linear model takes into account the three-dimensional point spread function (PSF) of the optical system, which consequently enhances the reconstruction of data. The feasibility of the model is demonstrated on both simulated and experimental data, based on theoretically estimated and experimentally measured PSFs