14 research outputs found

    The Maximum Lyapunov Exponent During Walking and Running: Reliability Assessment of Different Marker-Sets

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    The maximum Lyapunov exponent (MLE) has often been suggested as the prominent measure for evaluation of dynamic stability of locomotion in pathological and healthy population. Although the popularity of the MLE has increased in the last years, there is scarce information on the reliability of the method, especially during running. The purpose of the current study was, thus, to examine the reliability of the MLE during both walking and running. Sixteen participants walked and ran on a treadmill completing two measurement blocks (i.e., two trials per day for three consecutive days per block) separated by 2 months on average. Six different marker-sets on the trunk were analyzed. Intraday, interday and between blocks reliability was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and the root mean square difference (RMSD). The MLE was on average significantly higher (p < 0.001) in running (1.836 ± 0.080) compared to walking (1.386 ± 0.207). All marker-sets showed excellent ICCs (>0.90) during walking and mostly good ICCs (>0.75) during running. The RMSD ranged from 0.023 to 0.047 for walking and from 0.018 to 0.050 for running. The reliability was better when comparing MLE values between blocks (ICCs: 0.965–0.991 and 0.768–0.961; RMSD: 0.023–0.034 and 0.018–0.027 for walking and running respectively), and worse when considering trials of the same day (ICCs: 0.946–0.980 and 0.739–0.844; RMSD: 0.042–0.047 and 0.045–0.050 for walking and running respectively). Further, different marker-sets affect the reliability of the MLE in both walking and running. Our findings provide evidence that the assessment of dynamic stability using the MLE is reliable in both walking and running. More trials spread over more than 1 day should be considered in study designs with increased demands of accuracy independent of the locomotion condition


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    Understanding how to control stability when running, particularly when being exposed to uneven terrain, is vital to prevent falls and to get an insight into compensatory strategies while running on uneven terrain. The purpose of this study was to assess surface related differences of the margin of stability, kinematics of hip and knee and upper body acceleration which may affect the control of running stability. Eighteen healthy younger adults ran on an even and an uneven surfaced treadmill for two minutes at fixed speeds of 2.0 m/s (female) and 2.2 m/s (male), respectively. Results showed an unchanged margin of stability in both conditions. Further, lower limb kinematics, step width variability and upper body acceleration increased on the uneven surface meaningfully to keep the extrapolated centre of mass within the base of support

    Lower complexity of motor primitives ensures robust control of high-speed human locomotion

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    Walking and running are mechanically and energetically different locomotion modes. For selecting one or another, speed is a parameter of paramount importance. Yet, both are likely controlled by similar low-dimensional neuronal networks that reflect in patterned muscle activations called muscle synergies. Here, we challenged human locomotion by having our participants walk and run at a very broad spectrum of submaximal and maximal speeds. The synergistic activations of lower limb locomotor muscles were obtained through decomposition of electromyographic data via non-negative matrix factorization. We analyzed the duration and complexity (via fractal analysis) over time of motor primitives, the temporal components of muscle synergies. We found that the motor control of high-speed locomotion was so challenging that the neuromotor system was forced to produce wider and less complex muscle activation patterns. The motor modules, or time-independent coefficients, were redistributed as locomotion speed changed. These outcomes show that humans cope with the challenges of high-speed locomotion by adapting the neuromotor dynamics through a set of strategies that allow for efficient creation and control of locomotion.Peer Reviewe

    Runners Employ Different Strategies to Cope With Increased Speeds Based on Their Initial Strike Patterns

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    In this paper we examined how runners with different initial foot strike pattern (FSP) develop their pattern over increasing speeds. The foot strike index (FSI) of 47 runners [66% initially rearfoot strikers (RFS)] was measured in six speeds (2.5–5.0 ms−1), with the hypotheses that the FSI would increase (i.e., move toward the fore of the foot) in RFS strikers, but remain similar in mid- or forefoot strikers (MFS) runners. The majority of runners (77%) maintained their original FSP by increasing speed. However, we detected a significant (16.8%) decrease in the FSI in the MFS group as a function of running speed, showing changes in the running strategy, despite the absence of a shift from one FSP to another. Further, while both groups showed a decrease in contact times, we found a group by speed interaction (p < 0.001) and specifically that this decrease was lower in the MFS group with increasing running speeds. This could have implications in the metabolic energy consumption for MFS-runners, typically measured at low speeds for the assessment of running economy.Peer Reviewe

    Fuzziness of muscle synergies in patients with multiple sclerosis indicates increased robustness of motor control during walking

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    Deficits during gait poses a significant threat to the quality of life in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Using the muscle synergy concept, we investigated the modular organization of the neuromuscular control during walking in MS patients compared to healthy participants (HP). We hypothesized a widening and increased fuzziness of motor primitives (e.g. increased overlap intervals) in MS patients compared to HP allowing the motor system to increase robustness during walking. We analysed temporal gait parameters, local dynamic stability and muscle synergies from myoelectric signals of 13 ipsilateral leg muscles using non-negative matrix factorization. Compared to HP, MS patients showed a significant decrease in the local dynamic stability of walking during both, preferred and fixed (0.7 m/s) speed. MS patients demonstrated changes in time-dependent activation patterns (motor primitives) and alterations of the relative muscle contribution to the specific synergies (motor modules). We specifically found a widening in three out of four motor primitives during preferred speed and in two out of four during fixed speed in MS patients compared to HP. The widening increased the fuzziness of motor control in MS patients, which allows the motor system to increase its robustness when coping with pathology-related motor deficits during walking.Peer Reviewe

    The Maximum Lyapunov Exponent During Walking and Running: Reliability Assessment of Different Marker-Sets

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    The maximum Lyapunov exponent (MLE) has often been suggested as the prominent measure for evaluation of dynamic stability of locomotion in pathological and healthy population. Although the popularity of the MLE has increased in the last years, there is scarce information on the reliability of the method, especially during running. The purpose of the current study was, thus, to examine the reliability of the MLE during both walking and running. Sixteen participants walked and ran on a treadmill completing two measurement blocks (i.e., two trials per day for three consecutive days per block) separated by 2 months on average. Six different marker-sets on the trunk were analyzed. Intraday, interday and between blocks reliability was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and the root mean square difference (RMSD). The MLE was on average significantly higher (p 0.90) during walking and mostly good ICCs (>0.75) during running. The RMSD ranged from 0.023 to 0.047 for walking and from 0.018 to 0.050 for running. The reliability was better when comparing MLE values between blocks (ICCs: 0.965–0.991 and 0.768–0.961; RMSD: 0.023–0.034 and 0.018–0.027 for walking and running respectively), and worse when considering trials of the same day (ICCs: 0.946–0.980 and 0.739–0.844; RMSD: 0.042–0.047 and 0.045–0.050 for walking and running respectively). Further, different marker-sets affect the reliability of the MLE in both walking and running. Our findings provide evidence that the assessment of dynamic stability using the MLE is reliable in both walking and running. More trials spread over more than 1 day should be considered in study designs with increased demands of accuracy independent of the locomotion condition.Peer Reviewe

    Neuromuscular organisation and robustness of postural control in the presence of perturbations

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    Perturbation-based exercise interventions challenge balance and improve reactive motor control. Our purpose was to investigate the modular organisation during a standing balance task in both stable and unstable conditions to provide new insights into the neuromuscular control mechanisms needed to cope with perturbations. Fifteen participants performed 54 cycles of a specific task (i.e. pass from a double- to a single-leg standing) on stable ground and an unstable oscillating platform (Posturomed). Muscle synergies were extracted from the electromyographic activity of thirteen lower limb muscles. The maximum Lyapunov exponents of different body segments were calculated using kinematic data. We found two synergies functionally associated with the single- and double-leg stance in both stable and unstable conditions. Nonetheless, in the unstable condition participants needed an extra muscle synergy also functionally related to the single stance. Although a simple organisation of the neuromuscular system was sufficient to maintain the postural control in both conditions, the increased challenge in the oscillating platform was solved by adding one extra synergy. The addition of a new synergy with complementary function highlighted an increased motor output’s robustness (i.e. ability to cope with errors) in the presence of perturbations.Peer Reviewe

    Challenging human locomotion

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    The need to move over uneven terrain is a daily challenge. In order to face unexpected perturbations due to changes in the morphology of the terrain, the central nervous system must flexibly modify its control strategies. We analysed the local dynamic stability and the modular organisation of muscle activation (muscle synergies) during walking and running on an even- and an uneven-surface treadmill. We hypothesized a reduced stability during uneven-surface locomotion and a reorganisation of the modular control. We found a decreased stability when switching from even- to uneven-surface locomotion (p < 0.001 in walking, p = 0.001 in running). Moreover, we observed a substantial modification of the time-dependent muscle activation patterns (motor primitives) despite a general conservation of the time-independent coefficients (motor modules). The motor primitives were considerably wider in the uneven-surface condition. Specifically, the widening was significant in both the early (+40.5%, p < 0.001) and late swing (+7.7%, p = 0.040) phase in walking and in the weight acceptance (+13.6%, p = 0.006) and propulsion (+6.0%, p = 0.041) phase in running. This widening highlighted an increased motor output’s robustness (i.e. ability to cope with errors) when dealing with the unexpected perturbations. Our results confirmed the hypothesis that humans adjust their motor control strategies’ timing to deal with unsteady locomotion.Peer Reviewe

    The Influence of Footwear on the Modular Organization of Running

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    For most of our history, we predominantly ran barefoot or in minimalist shoes. The advent of modern footwear, however, might have introduced alterations in the motor control of running. The present study investigated shod and barefoot running under the perspective of the modular organization of muscle activation, in order to help addressing the neurophysiological factors underlying human locomotion. On a treadmill, 20 young and healthy inexperienced barefoot runners ran shod and barefoot at preferred speed (2.8 ± 0.4 m/s). Fundamental synergies, containing the time-dependent activation coefficients (motor primitives) and the time-invariant muscle weightings (motor modules), were extracted from 24 ipsilateral electromyographic activities using non-negative matrix factorization. In shod running, the average foot strike pattern was a rearfoot strike, while in barefoot running it was a mid-forefoot strike. In both conditions, five fundamental synergies were enough to describe as many gait cycle phases: weight acceptance, propulsion, arm swing, early swing and late swing. We found the motor primitives to be generally shifted earlier in time during the stance-related phases and later in the swing-related ones in barefoot running. The motor primitive describing the propulsion phase was significantly of shorter duration (peculiarity confirmed by the analysis of the spinal motor output). The arm swing primitive, instead, was significantly wider in the barefoot condition. The motor modules demonstrated analogous organization with some significant differences in the propulsion, arm swing and late swing synergies. Other than to the trivial absence of shoes, the differences might be deputed to the lower ankle gear ratio (and the consequent increased system instability) and to the higher recoil capabilities of the longitudinal foot arch during barefoot compared to shod running