8 research outputs found


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    Objective. To study the effects of regular physical activity on the morphological, physiological and body composition parameters of overweight and obese adolescents.Methods. We conducted an experimental study with30 adolescents divided in two according to their body mass index. The group 1 was composed of overweight subjects with a body mass index between 25-29.9 kg / m2, and group 2 obese subjects with a body mass index ≥ 30 kg / m2 subjected to a program of adapted physical activity associated with a low-calorie nutrition education low in cholesterol and in saturated fatty acids (bad fats), low-fat rich in vegetables, fruits and vitamins for a period of six months. Results. This study reveals that after six months of intervention, overweight subjects significantly decreased waist circumference (82.9±4.2 cm before versus 77.6±4.6 cm after), heart rate (86.8±3.6 beat/min before versus 81.4±3.8 beat/min after), total fat (32.2±1.8% before versus 27.2±1.5% after), visceral fat (16.6±2.3% before versus 11.1±2.5% after), and decreased muscle (15.6±2.7% before versus 19.4±4.1% after), while obese subjects significantly decreased waist circumference (88.9±6.2cm before versus 85.8±5.9cm after), visceral fat (17.4±3.2% before versus 14.1±3.1% after), respiratory capacity (61.1±2.7%before versus 65±2.1%). In addition this study reveals that overweight subjects compared to obese subjects more changed their waist circumference (77.6±4.6cm for overweight versus 85.8±5.9cm for obese), body mass index (24.9±4.1kg/m2 for overweight versus 28.8±1.2kg/m2 for obese), heart rate (81.4±3.8 beat/min for overweight versus 28.8±1.2 beat/min for obese), visceral fat (11.1±2.5% for overweight versus 14.1±3.1% for obese), and muscle (19.4±4.1% for overweight versus 17.1±2.1%). Conclusion. Obese adolescents have by means of regular activity significantly changed their morphological, physiological and body composition parameters of overweight and obese

    Relation entre composition corporelle et valeurs spirométriques dans la population adulte de Kinshasa de 20 à 70 ans: Body composition and spirometric values in an adult population of Kinshasa, aged 20-70 years

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    Context. Impact of individual anthropometric measures on spirometric values has been previously established. The relevance of body mass indices (BMI) is increasingly being considered, especially in the establishment of reference spirometric equations. Objective. To assess the influence of body composition on spirometric values in healthy adults. Methods. In a cross-sectional survey, spirometric and body composition data of participants were analyzed. Spirometry was performed using a SPIROBANK A23-OU and body indices measured with an OMRON brand impedance meter, type BF 511. Multivariate linear regression helped to determine association between studied parameters, stratified by sex and age groups. Results. A total of 7443 subjects (males, 56.9 %), median age of 37 years for men and 39 years for women were included. A negative correlation regardless of gender, was observed between spirometric values (FEV1, FVC, PEF° and body mass indices including: fat mass (Men vs Women: r= 0.009, P < 0.001 vs r= 0.003, P=0.148), visceral fat, waist size and BMI. Differences were significantely linked to the proportion of fat mass and/or a BMI ≥ 30 Kg/m². Lean mass, on the other hand, appeared to positively influence respiratory function in both genders (r= 0.003; P=0.218 vs r=0.018, P< 0.0001). Conclusion. The study emphasizes the relevance of integrating anthropometric and body composition data in the determination of spirometric reference values. Larger community based surveys are needed to validate the reference equations for futher use. Contexte. Les données anthropométriques influencent les valeurs spirométriques d’un individu. La contribution des indices de masse corporelle est de plus en plus considérée, surtout dans l’établissement des équations de référence pour une population donnée. Objectif. Evaluer l’impact de la composition corporelle sur les valeurs spirométriques dans une population des sujets sains. Méthodes. L’enquête transversale a analysé les données spirométriques et les indices de la composition corporelle (IMC) de participants. Les valeurs spirométriques ont été mesurées à l’aide d’un spiromètre de marque SPIROBANK A23-0U, et les indices de masse corporelle, à l’aide d’un impédancimètre de marque OMRON, type BF 511. Les associations ont été recherchées entre paramètres étudiés stratifiés par sexe et en groupes d’âge, à l’aide d’une analyse multivariée par régression linéaire. Résultats. Au total, 7443 sujets (sexe masculin, 56,9%), d’âge médian de 37 ans chez les hommes et 39 ans chez les femmes ont été inclus. Une corrélation négative, indépendamment du sexe, a été observée entre les valeurs spirométriques (VEMS, CVF, DEP) et les indices de masse corporelle dont : la masse grasse (Hommes vs Femmes : r =0,009, P<0,0001 vs r=0,003, P=0,148), la graisse viscérale, le tour de taille et l’IMC. Cette dernière était plus marquée chez les sujets avec proportion plus importante de masse grasse et/ou un IMC ≥ 30 Kg par m². La masse maigre quant à elle, semblait positivement influencer la fonction respiratoire et ce, indépendamment du sexe (r= 0,003 ; P= 0,218 vs r=0,018, P < 0,0001). Conclusion : Cette étude renforce la pertinence d’intégrer les données anthropométriques et de la composition corporelle dans la détermination des valeurs spirométriques de référence. Des enquêtes multicentriques s’imposent, en vue de la validation des équations de référence. &nbsp

    Prevalence of overweight and obesity in sedentary children and adolescents with or without intellectual disability in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Overweight and obesity in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities is a major public health problem. The objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence of overweight and obesity in sedentary children and adolescents with intellectual disability (ID) in Kinshasa. A total of 440 children were selected for this study including 240 with ID (110 girls and 130 boys) and 200 children without ID (91 girls and 109 boys). The present study took place in five educational institutions including 4 special and one normal. The weight and height of the children were measured to allow us to calculate their body mass index. The logistic regression test was used to identify the determinants of overweight or obesity, and to measure the association strength of each determinant (odds ratio). This study reveals that boys with ID are at risk of developing overweight at age 12-14 (odd ratio = 1.33 [0.87-1.18]), 15-17 years (odd ratio = 2), 52 [1.61-2.55]) whereas in girls this risk begins already at the age of 6-11 (odd ratio = 1.28 [0.88-1.91]). With respect to obesity, we found that children with intellectual disabilities presented the risk of obesity at ages 6-11 (odd ratio = 1.84 [1.04-1.85]), 12 -14 years (odd ratio = 1.41 [1.07-1.48]) and 15-17 years (odd ratio = 1.48 [1.23-1.73]). In addition, this study shows that ID subjects were significantly more obese than those with typical development. The risk of overweight and obesity is present in children and adolescents with intellectual disability. We suggest that a program based on diet and exercise can be introduced in Kinshasa special institutions to minimize the risk of overweight and obesity


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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the workplace. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study with 210 workers of which 119 male (56.7%) and 91 female (43.3%) selected in a simple random manner in a company in the city of Kinshasa province between November 2013 to January 2014. Overweight was determined by workers with a body mass index between 25 and 29.9 kg / m2 and obesity by those with a body mass index ≥ 30 kg / m2. Results: This study found a prevalence of 23.8% of overweight workers and 48.1% of workers suffering from obesity with predominance in women (65.5% in men vs. 80.2% in women, p <0.014). The frequency of risk factors associated with obesity increased with the increase in weight status of BMI (p <0.001). Conclusion: Obesity is a common pathology in the workplace and hypertension is the main modifiable risk factor. Sedentarity is the main determinant of overweight and obesity. Obesity is a public health problem in the workplace in the city of Kinshasa because of the command and collaboration frameworks are most affected

    Mixed structured physical exercise program for obese workers: combating sedentary and metabolic risk factors related to metabolism workplace syndrome

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    To develop a program of high volume physical exercises, of moderate to high intensity, adapted to the working context of Kinshasa. In a trial study of structured, spontaneous and mixed physical exercise programs associated with nutrition education, lasting 3 months, from November 7 to January 7, 2014. 30 obese sedentary workers 44 ± 844 ± 8.6 on average, year-olds were randomly selected from 157 obese individuals out of a general population of 400 employees in the personal list of the selected company. These workers were divided into three groups of physical exercises, of which the first group consisted of 10 workers in a three-day, moderate to high intensity structured exercise program, including: jogging, aerobics, basketball, volleyball, swimming, abdominals and walking of 10,000 steps a day. The second group was also composed of 10 workers undergoing a spontaneous exercise program of the same duration, intensity and frequency including: walk, up and down the stairs and finally the third group composed and then the third group of 10 workers submitted to a mixed exercise program (the mixture of the two programs). Quantitative variables were expressed as mean ± standard deviation. The ANOVA test was used to compare the variables of two groups. A value of p-value ≤ 0.05 was considered a threshold of statistical significance. Decreased weight, waist circumference and body mass index were observed intra group before and after exercise programs. After the intervention, the group subjected to the mixed exercises improved more significantly (p = 0.0001) the morphological parameters of the obese than the group subjected to the structured and spontaneous exercises with diet. A moderate to high intensity, high volume mixed exercise program significantly improves the morphology of obese sedentary workers compared to the structured and spontaneous exercise program. It can be considered as an effective non-pharmacological strategy to combat the nutritional and epidemiological transition in the workplace, where obesity is the main cornerstone

    Improvement of the cardiopulmonary capacity of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease of Kinshasa by training of aerobic endurance and resistance

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    The objective is to determine the effect of aerobic endurance training and resistance on cardiorespiratory fitness in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. In a follow-up study with a duration of 36 weeks, between March and May 2018, 30 mismatched patients with a mean age of 49 ± 9.7 years followed after medical management at the Kinesiology Department's medical fitness laboratory and functional exercises of University Clinics of Kinshasa, were subject to an aerobic endurance and resistance training program of 3 days per week, for one hour 30 minutes per day, three sets of 20 minutes of work and 10 minutes of rest, of moderate intensity including: treadmill walking, ergo-cycle exercises with progressive loading and respiratory gymnastics. The paired Student T test was used to compare the continuous variables before and after the program. A significant decrease in most of the parameters studied respectively: (- 23 bpm) p &lt;0.0001 for resting heart rate; (- 26 bpm); p &lt;0.0001 for heart rate immediately after exercise (-10 mm Hg); p &lt;0.0001 for systolic blood pressure; (- 8 cycles per minute); p &lt;0.0001 for the respiratory rate; (- 20.7%); p &lt;0.0001 for workload (intensity of effort) and (- 10 minutes); p &lt;0.0001 for dyspnea on exertion. On the other hand, a significant increase of: (+ 2.6 liter per second); p &lt;0.0001 for Peak Expiratory Flow; (+ 19%); p &lt;0.0001 for the Tiffeneau index; (+ 51minutes); p &lt;0.0001 for the duration of sensation of fatigue during exercise; (+ 6%), p &lt;0.0001 for oxygen saturation in the open air and (+ 640 meters); p &lt;0.0001 for the walking area. A training program for aerobic endurance and resistance significantly improves the stress tolerance of patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and can be considered as an effective non-pharmacological management for the improvement of physical capacity as well as the quality of life of these patients

    Assessment of the factors and impact of obese sedentary employee membership in the composite structured exercise program

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    The objective is to determine the factors influencing and the impact of obese worker membership in the structured mixed exercise program. Analytical cross-sectional study of 157 obese workers, aged 18 to 59, randomly selected and subjected to a 3-day, one-day, moderate-intensity, structured exercise program of moderate-intensity to high including jogging, aerobic gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, swimming, abdominals, and walk of 10,000 not at the rate of three working days and two days of weekend recorded using a pedometer. This program has been combined with low-calorie nutrition education, rich in fiber and vitamins and have been associated with spontaneous physical exercise. The factors influencing the adherence of obese workers to the mixed structured exercise program were measured by the positive personal motivation associated with membership. Motivation to undertake the intervention program resulted from the home exercise program, attendance at appointments, better follow-up of prescribed protocols, and better self-reported adherence. Logistic regression was used to identify independent determinants of adherence to the intervention program. The value of p &lt;0.05 defined the threshold of statistical significance. The overall adherence rate of obese workers to the exercise program was 84.1%. Cardiovascular risk factors were significantly higher in the more adherent compared to the less adherent (p = 0.001). Obesity, age under 50, and females were the major determinants of joining the structured mixed exercise program and multiplied by 5 if employees were obese and older. Less than 50 years (OR aj = 4.91 95% CI (1.36-6.14), p = 0.001 for the obese and OR aj = 4.87 95% CI (1.53-6.48), p = 0,000 for age under 50), and 2 for obese women (OR aj = 2.06 95% CI (1.23-4.79), p = 0.000). Obesity, female gender, and age under 50 influence and increase obese adherence to the mixed structured exercise program. The latter positively improve the associated cardiovascular, metabolic and behavioral risks in the context of occupational health

    Knowledge and practice of the physical activity prescription by generalists and specialist physicians of the city of Kinshasa: a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background The health benefits of regular physical activity (PA) are well documented. However, several people in both developed and developing countries do not meet PA recommendations. Health professionals are believed to be potential PA promoters. The purpose of this study is to gain insight into general and specialist practitioners’ knowledge, practices and PA prescription-related factors in private and public hospitals in Kinshasa. Methods A multicenter cross-sectional analytical study was conducted among general and specialist practitioners in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s capital using a declarative and anonymous questionnaire. Results Overall, 40.2% of the participants were interested in their patient’s PA, 2.3% prescribed PA, and 0.9% did it correctly. Specialist physicians (SPs) prescribed PA more frequently than general practitioners (GP), and private hospital physicians prescribed PA more frequently than public hospital physicians. Five factors were independently associated with participants in prescribing PA: being in a private hospital increased the likelihood of prescribing PA by twofold (aOR, 1.83; 95% CI, 0.99–3.39; p = 0.055), being an SP increased the likelihood by sixfold (aOR, 6.22; 95% CI, 3.78–10.51; p = 0.000), being an internist increase the likelihood by sixfold (aOR, 5.81; 95% CI, 3.45–9.78; p = 0.000), being cardiologist by a factor of 12 (aOR, 12.91; 95% CI, 4.37–38.15; p = 0.000) and knowing the benefits of PA by a factor of 2 (aOR, 2.29; 95% CI, 1.29–4.08; p = 0.006). The most common reason given for a lack of interest in patients’ PA, followed by a lack of knowledge about current PA prescribing recommendations and a lack of time. Conclusions SPs and professionals in the private health sector were the most interested in their patients’ PA. A small portion of them actually prescribed it, and only a tiny proportion did it correctly. This bleak picture highlights a need to rethink the undergraduate medical curricula, especially about teachings on the importance and use of PA as a medicine in its own right in disease prevention and treatment