8 research outputs found

    The Effect of Storage Temperature on Threat Zone Caused by an Ammonia Release from a Storage Tank

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    In this study, the threat zone that may occur as a result of an accidental release of an-hydrous ammonia, a flammable and highly toxic substance (Flammability:1, Health:3, NFPA 704), which has many uses, was investigated. A fire can be prevented by taking precautions such as not keeping ignition sources in the environment as a result of the ac-cidental release of ammonia gas. However, although its ignition is prevented, it can cause harm to humans and the environment due to its highly toxic nature. Therefore, the toxicity of ammonia was taken into account in this study. A common type of storage of anhydrous ammonia is in a horizontal cylindrical tank at ambient temperature and its vapor pres-sure. Therefore, in this type of storage, storage is carried out at different temperatures in different seasons. This study aims to examine the effect of storage temperature on the size of the threat zone, taking into account the knowledge that the storage temperature will change in seasonal conditions. Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmosphere (ALOHA) and DOW’s Chemical Exposure Index (DOW CEI) methods were used to determine the size of the threat zone, and the results obtained from these two methods were compared. The advantages and disadvantages of the two methods were presented. It is thought that this study will guide the relevant people such as operators who use these methods in calculating the hazard distances in the establishments that store ammonia and will provide awareness that the storage temperature affects the size of the threat zone


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    Bu çalışmada tavuk dışkılarının kesikli sistemde, anaerobik özümleyiciden alınan aşı kullanılarak anaerobik arıtımı ve biyogaz üretim yatkınlığı incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, 250 mL hacimli 20 adet cam reaktör kullanılmıştır. Reaktör sıcaklığı ve pH'ı denetlenmiş ve değişik tasarım koşulları ardışık olarak sağlanmıştır. Anaerobik arıtım süresince, mikroorganizmaların etkinlikleri sonucu oluşan gazlar dereceli büretlerde toplanmıştır. Reaktör karışımını; değişik yüzdelerde tavuk dışkısı ve aşı mikroorganizma içeren anaerobik özümleyicilerden alınan arıtma çamuru oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, tavuk dışkılarının anaerobik dönüşümü üzerine sıcaklık (0C) (X1), pH (X2) ve tavuk dışkısı katı yüzdesinin (ağ./ağ.) (X3) etkisi incelenmiştir. Deneyler, Box-Wilson deneysel tasarım yöntemine göre tasarlanmıştır. Deneysel sonuçlar Design Expert 7.0.3 Trial paket programı ile istatiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Deneysel sonuçların değerlendirilmesi sonucunda, bağımlı değişken olarak seçilen gaz oluşum hızı, KOİ giderim hızı ve asetik asit oluşum hızları yukarıda verilen bağımsız değişkenlerin bir fonksiyonu olarak aşağıdaki model eşitlikleri ile ifade edilmişlerdir. Y1 (Gaz oluşum hızı, mL/g katı atık.gün) = 7,31 + 1,12*X1 - 1,19*X2 - 0,89*X1X3 - 0,77*X2X3 + 0,69*X1 2 - 1,15*X3 2 R2 = 0,8704 Y2 (KOİ giderim hızı, mg KOİ/L.g katı atık.gün) = 360,25 + 19,12*X1 - 21,12*X2 - 36,34*X3 + 46,06*X1X2 + 37,43*X1X3 + 20,38*X2X3 - 53,74*X1 2 - 71,37*X2 2 - 62,57 X3 2 R2 = 0,9775 Y3 (Asetik asit oluşum hızı, mg/L.g katı atık.saat ) = 31,61+ 1,22*X1 + 1,44*X2 + 0,70*X3 - 0,93*X3 2 R2 = 0,7911 En yüksek gaz oluşum hızı (10,17 mL/g katı atık.gün), 37 0C sıcaklıkta, 6,5 pH değerinde, 7,54 katı yüzdesinde, en yüksek KOİ giderim hızı (368,17 mg KOİ/L.g katı atık.gün), 35 0C sıcaklıkta, 6,9 pH değerinde, 7,01 katı yüzdesinde, en yüksek asetik asit oluşum hızı (34,75 mg/L.g katı atık.saat) 37 0C sıcaklıkta, 7,5 pH değerinde, 9,73 katı yüzdesinde bulunmuştur. izmir gundem komik videolar cizgi film izle cizgi film 3d oyunlar oyunlar In this study, optimum conditions for the treatment and biogas production tendency of hen manure were determined by using batch system with using anaerobic sludge reactor inoculum. Twenty glass reactors each having 250 mL volume were used. Reactor temperature and pH can be controlled and different design conditions can be provided simultaneously. Gases produced as a result of the activities of microorganisms during the anaerobic digestion were collected in graduated burettes. Reaction mixture consists of in different percentages hen manure and inoculation microorganisms containing treatment sludge that was taken from an anaerobic digester. In this study, effects of temperature (0C) (X1), pH (X2), and hen manure percent solid (w./w.) (X3) on anaerobic conversion were investigated. Experiments were designed by using Box-Wilson experimental design method. Statistical analysis of experimental results were made by using Design Expert 7.0.3 package program. After evaluation of the experimental results, dependent variables; gas production rate, rate of reduction of COD and acetic acid production rate was expressed by model equations as a function of independent variables below. Y1 (Gas production rate, mL/g solid.day ) = 7,31 + 1,12*X1 1,19*X2 -0,89*X1X3 0,77*X2X3 + 0,69*X1 2- 1,15*X3 2 R2 = 0,8704 Y2 (Rate of reduction of COD, mg COD/L.g solid.day) = 360,25 + 19,12*X1 21,12*X2 36,34*X3 + 46,06*X1X2 + 37,43*X1X3 + 20,38 X2X3 53,74*X1 2 71,37*X2 2 62,57 X3 2 R2 = 0,9775 Y3 (Acetic acid production rate, mg/L.g solid.hour ) = 31,61+ 1,22*X1 + 1,44*X2 + 0,70*X3 0,93*X3 2 R2 = 0,7911 The highest production of gas was found (10,17 mL/g solid.day) was obtained when temperature, pH and solid percent were 37 0C, 6,5, 7,54 respectively. The highest reduction of COD rate was found (368,17 mg COD/L.g solid.day) was obtained when temperature, pH and solid percent were 35 0C, 6,9, 7,01 respectively. The highest production of acetic acid was found (34,75 mg/L.g solid.hour) was obtained when temperature, pH and solid material ratio were 37 0C, 7,5, 9,73 respectively

    Extraction of oil and phytosterols from the peach seeds and melon seeds by supercritical carbon dioxide

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    Fitosteroller olarak adlandırılan bitki sterolleri bitki hücresi zarının önemli yapısal bileşenleridirler. Tüketimlerinin düşük yoğunluklu lipoprotein (LDL) kolesterol ve toplam kolesterol seviyelerini düşürdükleri ve dolayısıyla kardiyovasküler hastalık riskini azalttıkları bilinmektedir. Yapılan bu çalışmada, ekonomik değeri olmayan şeftali (Prunus persica) çekirdeği içlerinden ve kavun (Cucumis melo) çekirdeklerinden fırın modelli süperkritik özütleme cihazı kullanılarak, süperkritik karbon dioksit ile yağlar özütlenmiştir. Özütlenen yağlarda bitkilerde en çok bulunan ß-sitosterol, stigmasterol ve kampesterol fitosterollerinin varlığı araştırılmıştır. Sonuçlara göre şeftali çekirdek içlerinden özütlenen yağlarda ß-sitosterolün, kavun çekirdeklerinden özütlenen yağlarda ise ß-sitosterol ve stigmasterolün bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmada ayrıca, süperkritik akışkan ile özütleme işleminde etkili olduğu bilinen sıcaklık, basınç, süperkritik akışkanın akış hızı, numune boyutu ve özütleme süresi parametrelerinin özütlenen yağ ve fitosterol miktarlarına etkisi incelenmiştir. Özütlenen yağlardaki fitosterollerin nitel ve nicel analizleri Gaz Kromatografisi - Kütle Spektrometresi (GC-MS) cihazı ile yapılmıştır. Nicel analizlerde deneysel hataların önüne geçmek için başlangıç standardı (5?-kolestan) kullanılmıştır. Şeftali çekirdek içleri ile yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda, parametrelerin çalışma aralıklarında, en uygun sıcaklık, basınç, CO2 akış hızı, ortalama çekirdek içi partikül çapı ve özütleme süresi değerleri sırasıyla 40 °C, 200 bar, 7 ml/min, 0,3 mm ve 3 saat, bu değerlerde özütlenen yağ miktarı 35,3 g/100 g çekirdek içi, ß-sitosterol miktarı ise 1220 mg/kg çekirdek içi olarak bulunmuştur. Kavun çekirdekleri ile yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda, parametrelerin çalışma aralıklarında, en uygun sıcaklık, basınç, CO2 akış hızı, ortalama çekirdek partikül çapı ve özütleme süresi değerleri sırasıyla 33 °C, 200 bar, 6 ml/min, 0,4 mm ve 3 saat, bu değerlerde özütlenen yağ miktarı 36,8 g/100 g çekirdek, toplam fitosterol miktarı ise 425 mg/kg çekirdek (ß-sitosterol; 304 mg/kg çekirdek, stigmasterol; 121 mg/kg çekirdek) olarak bulunmuştur. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda fabrikaların atıkları olan meyve çekirdekleri gibi maddelerden yağların elde edilmesiyle ve içerisinde insan sağlığına yararlı olan bileşiklerin (fitosteroller) belirlenmesiyle ülke ekonomisine ve insan sağlığına yararlı olabilecek bir çalışma yapıldığı düşünülmektedir.Plant sterols called phytosterols are important structural components of plant membranes. They have been known to have low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and total cholesterol lowering properties and reduce cardiovascular diseases. In this study, oils were extracted from the peach (Prunus persica) and melon (Cucumis melo) seeds by supercritical carbon dioxide. Principal phytosterols which are ß-sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol were investigated in these seeds. According to analysis ß-sitosterol was identified in peach seeds oil, both ß-sitosterol and stigmasterol were identified in melon seeds oil. The effects of temperature, pressure, flow rate of supercritical fluid, particle size and extraction time that are known as efficient parameters on supercritical extraction, on quantity of extracted oil and phytosterols were investigated. The extracted oils were analyzed with respect to phytosterols by Gas chromatography ? Mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Internal standard (5?-cholestane) was used to prevent experimental errors. The results indicate that the quantities of oil and ß-sitosterol extracted from peach seeds were optimal with amounts of 35.3 g/100 g seed and 1220 mg/kg seed respectively at 40 °C, 200 bar, 7 ml/min, 0.3 mm and 3 hours. Quantities of oil and phytosterols extracted from melon seeds were optimal with amounts of 36.8 g/100 g seed and 425 mg/kg seed (ß-sitosterol; 304 mg/kg seed, stigmasterol; 121 mg/kg seed) respectively at 33 °C, 200 bar, 6 ml/min, 0.4 mm and 3 hours. By means of extraction of oils which include phytosterols from seeds this is considered as a useful study for human health and economy

    Extraction of phytosterols from melon (Cucumis melo) seeds by supercritical CO2 as a clean technology

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    Extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) which is known as a clean technology was carried out to extract oil from melon (Cucumis melo) seeds. SC-CO2 extraction technique does not contaminate extracts. SC-CO2 is not a toxic and a flammable solvent. Phytosterols, natural and bioactive compounds, which is known to provide protection against various chronic diseases were examined in the seed oil by using gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Stigmasterol and β-sitosterol were detected in the melon seed oil. SC-CO2 extractions were performed in a range of 30-55°C, 150-240 bar, 7-15 g CO2/min, 0.4-1.7 mm (mean particle size of the seeds) and 1-4 h. The optimal quantities of extracted oil, β-sitosterol and stigmasterol were 36.8 g/100 g seed, 304 mg/ kg seed and 121 mg/ kg seed, respectively, at 33°C, 200 bar, 11 g CO2/min, 0.4 mm and 3 h

    Extraction of phytosterols from melon (Cucumis melo) seeds by supercritical CO2 as a clean technology

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    Extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) which is known as a clean technology was carried out to extract oil from melon (Cucumis melo) seeds. SC-CO2 extraction technique does not contaminate extracts. SC-CO2 is not a toxic and a flammable solvent. Phytosterols, natural and bioactive compounds, which is known to provide protection against various chronic diseases were examined in the seed oil by using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Stigmasterol and beta-sitosterol were detected in the melon seed oil. SC-CO2 extractions were performed in a range of 30-55 degrees C, 150-240 bar, 7-15 g CO2/min, 0.4-1.7 mm (mean particle size of the seeds) and 1-4 h. The optimal quantities of extracted oil, beta-sitosterol and stigmasterol were 36.8 g/100 g seed, 304 mg/kg seed and 121 mg/kg seed, respectively, at 33 degrees C, 200 bar, 11 g CO2/min, 0.4 mm and 3 h

    9th International Congress on Psychopharmacology & 5th International Symposium on Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology

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    9th International Congress on Psychopharmacology & 5th International Symposium on Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology

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    Case Reports Presentations

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