60 research outputs found

    Erzurum İlinin Organik Sebzecilik Bakımından Önemi ve Potansiyeli

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    İklim koşullarının olumsuz etkileri ve kışların uzun olmasından dolayı, bölgemizde özellikle Erzurum ilinde sebze yetiştiriciliği yeterince gelişmemiştir. Bu durum, bölgede ve ilimizde, sıcak iklim sebze türlerinin yetiştiriciliğini sınırlandırmaktadır. Yöre çiftçisi yoğunlukla et ve süt sığırcılığı yapmakta, bitkisel üretim olarak da daha çok tarla bitkileri ürünlerini yetiştirmektedir. Sebze yetiştiriciliği yörede lahana, patates gibi sebze türleri ile sınırlı kalmakta, yalnızca mikroklima alanlarda (Tortum, Uzundere, İspir, Oltu, Olur gibi) azda olsa sıcak iklim sebze türleri yetiştirilebilmektedir. İlimizde sebze yetiştiriciliğinde hemen hemen hiç kimyasal girdi kullanmamaktadır. Bu durum, yörede organik yetiştiriciliğin kolaylıkla yapılabileceğini göstermektedir. Bölgede ve ilimizde serin iklim sebze türlerinin potansiyelinin artırılması ve organik yetiştiriciliğin teşvik edilmesi ile üretimde yöre çiftçisine alternatif önemli bir gelir kaynağı sağlanılmış olacaktır

    How Abiotic Stress Conditions Affects Plant Roots

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    Roots are generally subject to more abiotic stress than shoots. Therefore, they can be affected by such stresses as much as, or even more, than above ground parts of a plant. However, the effect of abiotic stresses on root structure and development has been significantly less studied than above ground parts of plants due to limited availability for root observations. Roots have functions such as connecting the plant to the environment in which it grows, uptaking water and nutrients and carrying them to the above-ground organs of the plant, secreting certain hormones and organic compounds, and thus ensuring the usefulness of nutrients in the nutrient solution. Roots also send some hormonal signals to the body in stress conditions such as drought, nutrient deficiencies, salinity, to prevent the plant from being damaged, and ensure that the above-ground part takes the necessary precautions to adapt to these adverse conditions. Salinity, drought, radiation, high and low temperatures, heavy metals, flood, and nutrient deficiency are abiotic stress factors and they negatively affect plant growth, productivity and quality. Given the fact that impending climate change increases the frequency, duration, and severity of stress conditions, these negative effects are estimated to increase. This book chapter reviews to show how abiotic stress conditions affect growth, physiological, biochemical and molecular characteristics of plant roots

    Principles of Irrigation Management for Vegetables

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    Vegetables have a very high percentage of water content. Some of the vegetables, such as cucumber, tomato, lettuce, zucchini, and celery contain over ninety-five percent of water. As a result of the high-water content in the cells, they are extremely vulnerable plants to water stress and drought conditions. Their yield and quality are affected rapidly when subjected to drought. Therefore, irrigation is essential to the production of most vegetables in order to have an adequate yield with high quality. However, over-irrigating can inhibit germination and root development, decrease the vegetable quality and post-harvest life of the crop. Determination of suitable irrigation systems and scheduling to apply proper amount of water at the correct time is crucial for achieving the optimum benefits from irrigation. This determination requires understanding of the water demand of the vegetable, soil characteristics, and climate factors. All these factors have major impact for the success and sustainability of any vegetable irrigation. This section contains fundamentals of water requirements on different vegetables and summarizes important issues related to soil, water, and vegetable growth relations together with irrigation management concept by evaluating the challenging issues on the selection of proper irrigation system, suitable irrigation timing, and other parameters to increase vegetable yield in an irrigated agriculture

    Peat Use in Horticulture

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    Peat is a spongy substance which is an effect of incomplete decomposition of plant residues in different stages of decomposition. Between the several organic matters which are used as substrate for horticultural plants cultivation in soilless conditions, peat is the unabandonable ingredient for mixtures for commercial production of plants. Peat is used in horticulture as a component of garden plant substrates, in agriculture for the production of garden soil and as an organic fertilizer, and in balneology as a material for baths and wraps. The use of peat for agriculture and horticulture is determined by the following quality parameters: the degree of decomposition, ash content, pH, the presence of carbonates, the density of the solid phase, bulk density, and porosity. As an organic material, the peat forms in the acidic, waterlogged, and sterile conditions of fens and bogs. The conditions seem like the development of mosses. The plants do not compose as they die. Instead of this, the organic matter is laid down and accumulates in a slow time as peat due to the oxygen deficiency in the bog. This makes peat a highly productive growing medium. In the present novel review, we discuss the peat use in horticulture

    Melatonin: Role in Increasing Plant Tolerance in Abiotic Stress Conditions

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    Nowadays, due to the environmental stress factors that limit the production of crops, it has become very difficult to find suitable areas to enable the plant to reach its optimum product potential. Abiotic stress is very effective in decreasing agricultural production. Factors such as drought, salinity, high and low temperature, flood, radiation, heavy metals, oxidative stress, and nutrient deficiency can be considered as abiotic stress factors, and these sources of stress negatively affect plant growth, quality and productivity. Melatonin (MEL) was first identified in plants in 1995 and is increasingly becoming important for its role and effects in the plant system. MEL has been shown to have a substantial role in plant response to growth, reproduction, development, and different stress factors. In addition to its regulatory role, MEL also plays a protective role against different abiotic stresses such as metal toxicity, temperature, drought, and salinity. In plants, an important role of MEL is to alleviate the effects of abiotic stresses. In this review, the effects of MEL on plant growth, photosynthetic activity, metabolism, physiology, and biochemistry under abiotic stress conditions as a plant growth regulator will be examined

    Drought stress amelioration in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) seedlings by biostimulant as regenerative agent

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    Drought adversely affects many physiological and biochemical events of crops. This research was conducted to investigate the possible effects of biostimulants containing plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on plant growth parameters, chlorophyll content, membrane permeability (MP), leaf relative water content (LRWC), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), proline, malondialdehyde (MDA), hormone content, and antioxidant enzymes (catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD), and superoxide dismutase (SOD)) activity of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) seedlings under different irrigation levels. This study was carried out under controlled greenhouse conditions with two irrigation levels (D0: 100% of field capacity and D1: 50% of field capacity) and three biostimulant doses (B0: 0, B1: 4 L ha-1, and B2: 6 L ha-1). The results of the study show that drought stress negatively influenced the growth and physiological characteristics of tomato seedlings while biostimulant applications ameliorated these parameters. Water deficit conditions (50% of field capacity) caused decrease in indole acetic acid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA), salicylic acid (SA), cytokine, zeatin, and jasmonic acid content of tomato seedlings by ratios of 83%, 93%, 82%, 89%, 50%, and 57%, respectively, and shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, plant height, stem diameter, and leaf area decreased by 43%, 19%, 39%, 29%, 20%, 18%, and 50%, respectively, compared to the control (B0D0). In addition, 21%, 16%, 21%, and 17% reductions occurred in LRWC, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and total chlorophyll contents with drought compared to the control, respectively. Biostimulant applications restored the plant growth, and the most effective dose was 4 L ha-1 under drought condition. Amendment of biostimulant into the soil also enhanced organic matter and the total N, P, Ca, and Cu content of the experiment soil. In conclusion, 4 L ha-1 biostimulant amendment might be a promising approach to mitigate the adverse effects of drought stress on tomato

    The effect of different bacteria biofotmulation applications on plant growth, yield and enzyme levels in garlic cultivation

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    Bu çalışmada; yabani ve kültür bitkilerinin toprak altı veya toprak üstü aksamlarından daha önce yürütülen bazı çalışmalarda izole edilerek tanılanan, toplam 1248 bakteri izolatı içerisinden seçilen Agrobacterium sp., Bacillus sp., Pantoea sp. ve Pseudomonas sp.’e ait toplam 19 adet bakteri izolatı kullanılarak 3 farklı bakteri biyoformülasyonu (F1, F2 ve F3) hazırlanmıştır. Bu biyoformülasyonlar içerisine daldırılan sarımsak (Allium sativum L.) dişleri saksılara ekilerek uygulamaların bitki boyu, klorofil düzeyi ve bazı enzim (katalaz, peroksidaz, polifenol oksidaz ve superoksit dismutaz) aktiviteleri üzerine etkileri saptanmıştır. Tüm bakteri formülasyonu uygulamalarının kontrole göre sarımsakta bitki gelişiminde önemli katkılar sağladığı ve bitki enzim düzeylerinde de önemli değişikliklere sebep olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak; test edilen 3 bakteri biyoformülasyonu içerisinde özellikle B2 formülasyonunun hem bitki gelişim parametreleri hem de bitkideki enzim düzeyleri bakımından yapılan değerlendirmede sarımsak tarımında mikrobiyal gübre olarak kullanılabileceği düşünülmektedir.In this study, we have prepared 3 different bacteria bioformulation (F1, F2 and F3) by using a total 19 bacteria isolates belonging to Agrobacterium sp., Bacillus sp., Pantoea sp.and Pseudomonas sp. chosen and identidfied 1248 bacteria isolate from underground or above – ground parts of the wild and cultivated plants in several studies conducted previously. Cloves of garlic (Allium sativum L.) that had been submerged into these bioformulations were potted and had been determined their effects on plant height, chlorophyll level and some enzyme (catalase, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and superoxide dismutase) activities. It has been found out that all bacteria formulation treatments made important contributions to the plant growth of garlic compared to the control, and caused important changes in the plant enzyme levels. As a result, it is thought that B2 formulation, among the three bacteria bioformulations tested, could be used a microbial fertilizer in garlic agriculture due to its plant growth parameters and enzyme levels in plant

    Clinical course of psoriasis patients that discontinued biologics during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    BackgroundSince psoriasis is a chronic disease, it is not recommended to discontinue the treatment agents used. However, in real life, the treatment of psoriasis patients may be interrupted for various reasons. During the pandemic period, the treatment of many patients was also interrupted. ObjectivesTo evaluate relapse and clinical worsening in psoriasis patients whose biological therapy was interrupted during the pandemic and reveal associated factors. MethodsThe study included patients aged >= 18 years, who were followed up with moderate and severe chronic psoriasis controlled by the last biological agent [Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) 75 response achieved] but had to discontinue their treatment during the pandemic. The patients' demographic and clinical characteristics, clinical course after the discontinuation of these agents, presence of clinical worsening, and relapse were evaluated. Risk factors were analyzed with the logistic regression analysis. ResultsThe study included 169 patients, with a mean age of 47.3 +/- 14.5 (18-87) years. The mean biologics-free time was 18.2 +/- 12.3 (2-56) weeks. Clinical worsening was detected in 41.4% and relapse in 48.5% of the patients. The significant risk factors for clinical worsening and relapse in both univariate and multivariate analyses were alcohol use during the biologics-free period, total time off biologics, and the presence of an additional triggering factor. The use of secukinumab and ustekinumab was found to be a protective factor against clinical worsening in multivariate analyses. ConclusionAs the biologics-free period is prolonged, the likelihood of clinical worsening and relapse increases, therefore, we do not recommend discontinuing biological agents

    Plant Root Enhancement by Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria

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    Soil microorganisms perform a variety of functions, some of which are extremely helpful to the maintenance of ecological sustainability. Bacteria thriving in the plant rhizosphere drive plant development through a variety of ways, which are referred to as PGPRs (plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria). Despite the fact that there are many different types of PGPRs, their significance and applications in sustainable agriculture are still debated and limited. The performance of PGPRs vary, which might be related to a variety of environmental conditions that impact their development and proliferation in plants. PGPR is a nonpathogenic, friendly bacterium that stimulates plant development by altering hormone concentrations and nutritional needs, as well as mitigating stress-related damage. PGPRs colonize root hairs and lateral roots in plants, where they may exhibit their beneficial characteristics. Rhizobacteria that promote plant development have the ability to control root system architecture (RSA), as well as the vegetative growth and physiology of the entire plant. The generation of hormones like Indole acetic acid (IAA) by PGPR has long been linked to RSA effects. This book chapter reviews the effects of PGPRs on the growth, the physiological, biochemical, and molecular characteristics of plant roots as well as the mechanisms involved

    Patient use of complementary and alternative medicine for psoriasis vulgaris and factors believed to trigger the disease: A multicenter cross-sectional study with 1621 patients

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    Introduction: Due to the chronic recurrent nature of psoriasis vulgaris (PV) and lack of definitive treatment for the disease, patients often resort to alternative treatments. Physicians seem to have low awareness of this issue. Objectives: To elicit the perceptions of 1,621 PV patients on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and examine factors reported to worsen PV. Methods: The patients sociodemographic characteristics, Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI), Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), disease duration, and severity were recorded, and the patients CAM use was questioned in detail. The patients were also asked about factors that worsened PV and their experiences with a gluten-free diet. Results: Of the patients, 56.51% had used CAM. The mean age, illness duration, PASI scores and DLQI of those using CAM were significantly higher. CAM use was significantly higher in those with facial, genital involvement, and arthralgia/arthritis. The patients mostly referred to CAM when PV became severe (46.4%). Of the CAM users, 45.52% used herbal topicals. The physicians of 67.03% did not inquire whether they used CAM. Of the participants, 37.73% considered that stress worsened their disease. Gluten-free diet did not affect PV symptoms in 52.22%. Conclusions: Patients CAM use is often overlooked by dermatologists. Our results showed that more than half the patients used CAM and did not share this information with their physicians. Therefore, the awareness of physicians should be increased and patients should be asked about the use of CAM and directed to the appropriate medical treatment options by physicians