242 research outputs found

    In-situ SAXS study on the alignment of ordered systems of comb-shaped supramolecules:A shear-induced cylinder-to-cylinder transition

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    A tooth rheometer, designed to investigate in-situ the influence of large-amplitude oscillatory shear on the macroscopic orientation of complex fluids, is used to study the alignment of two supramolecular systems composed of a polyisoprene-block-poly(2-vinylpyi-idine) block copolymer with octyl gallate (OG) hydrogen bonded to the vinylpyridine block. The molecular ratio x between OG and pyridine groups in these two PI-b-P2VP(OG)(x) systems is 0.50 and 0.75, respectively. In both cases, a hexagonally ordered cylindrical self-assembly was revealed by small-angle X-ray scattering in a broad temperature range. The spacing of the hexagonal structure decreases significantly on heating and reversibly increases on cooling. In in-situ SAXS experiments, performed with the tooth rheometer, a gradual macroscopic alignment of the nanoscale structure is observed on heating for both supramolecular systems. The most striking feature is a shear-induced transition from one hexagonal structure to another, more aligned, hexagonal structure observed for PI-b-P2VP(OG)0.75 in the temperature range 120-140degreesC. The transition is accompanied by an abrupt reduction of the domain spacing and additionally by a decrease of the phase angle measured by the rheometer. In the PI-b-P2V-P(OG)(0.5) system a comparable reduction in the spacing is observed at 90-95degreesC. In this case, it coincides with the most intensive macroscopic alignment of the sample, proceeding in a continuous rather than discontinuous fashion. This behavior is discussed in terms of the breaking of the hydrogen bonds between OG and P2VP being facilitated by shear

    Random Copolymer Effect in Self-Assembled Hydrogen-Bonded P(S-co-4VP)(PDP) Side-Chain Polymers

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    Random copolymers of styrene and 4-vinylpyridine P(S(1-x)-co-4VP(x)) were synthesized to study the effect of the random copolymer "repulsion" on the self-assembly in hydrogen-bonded complexes with pentadecylphenol (one PDP molecule per 4VP group). The major trends observed as a function of the fraction of styrene monomers 1 - x in the random copolymer are a decrease in order-disorder transition temperature, T(ODT), and a decrease in the periodic length scale of the ordered lamellar state. The lower T(ODT) results from a partial shielding in the disordered state of the highly unfavorable styrene/4-vinylpyridine interactions by the PDP alkyl tails. The reduced layer thickness in the ordered state is due to the relaxation into a more coil-like conformation of the alkyl tails of the PDP amphiphiles, made possible by the presence of styrene units. The self-assembly properties of P(S(1-x)-co-4VP(x))(PDP)(1.0) are compared with those of the lamellar self-assembled homopolymer-based P4VP(PDP)(x) system, where x denotes the number of PDP molecules per 4VP repeat unit. As in P(S(1-x)-co-4VP(x))(PDP)(1.0), in P4VP(PDP)(x) also only a fraction x of the total number of monomers of the macromolecule may potentially hydrogen bond with PDP molecules at any given instant. In contrast to P(S(1-x)-co-4VP(x))(PDP)(1.0), for P4VP(PDP),, however, the long period is found to increase for decreasing values of x

    Intermediate segregation type chain length dependence of the long period of lamellar microdomain structures of supramolecular comb-coil diblocks

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    A characteristic intermediate segregation type chain length dependence of the long period D of the lamellar microdomain structure of a class of comb-coil supramolecules is reported. The supramolecular comb-coil diblock copolymers studied consist of a polystyrene (PS) “coil” block and a “comb” block of poly(4-vinylpyridine) (P4VP) either hydrogen bonded to pentadecyl phenol (PDP) (i.e., P4VP(PDP)-b-PS) or first protonated with methanesulfonic acid (MSA) and then hydrogen bonded to PDP (i.e., P4VP(MSA)(PDP)-b-PS). In both cases we find a scaling D ~ Ntotδ, δ ≈ 0.8, where Ntot denotes the total number of monomers of the P4VP-b-PS backbone. In the case of diblock copolymers this would correspond to a characteristic intermediate segregation regime behavior. Pure PS-b-P4VP, on the other hand, shows the expected strong segregation behavior D ~ Ntotδ, δ ≈ 0.7.

    Enzyme-catalyzed synthesis of unsaturated aliphatic polyesters based on green monomers from renewable resources

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    Bio-based commercially available succinate, itaconate and 1,4-butanediol are enzymatically co-polymerized in solution via a two-stage method, using Candida antarctica Lipase B (CALB, in immobilized form as Novozyme® 435) as the biocatalyst. The chemical structures of the obtained products, poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) and poly(butylene succinate-co-itaconate) (PBSI), are confirmed by 1H- and 13C-NMR. The effects of the reaction conditions on the CALB-catalyzed synthesis of PBSI are fully investigated, and the optimal polymerization conditions are obtained. With the established method, PBSI with tunable compositions and satisfying reaction yields is produced. The 1H-NMR results confirm that carbon-carbon double bonds are well preserved in PBSI. The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) results indicate that the amount of itaconate in the co-polyesters has no obvious effects on the glass-transition temperature and the thermal stability of PBS and PBSI, but has significant effects on the melting temperature