98 research outputs found

    Kinerja Keuangan PT Mahir Jaya Mahakam di Samarinda

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    Generally every company using ratio analysis to measure the performance of the company. Analysis of this ratio is the most important in measuring the development of a business and to compare a business with competitors and express meaningful relationships among the components of the financial statements, the purpose of this study Knowing the financial performance. of PT Mahir Jaya Mahakam Raya Samarinda in 2009, 2010 and 2011 when measured by the ratio of liquidity, solvency and profitability. Basic theory used by the Financial Accounting using the financial ratio analysis tool.Based on the analysis and discussion of the conclusions of this study as follows: Judging from the company's liquidity, then of PT Mahir Jaya Mahakam Raya has to be said as well Cas liquid ratio, current ratio, Quick Test Ratio from 2009 to 2010 and to 2011 increased so the hypothesis is rejected.Judging from the solvency of the company, of PT Mahir Jaya Mahakam Raya Samarinda can be said as well insolvabel Total Debt to Total Assets Ratio and Total Debt to Total from 2009 to the year 2010 to 2011 saw strong improvement and decline, which means unstable, so the hypothesis is accepted.Views of profitability, of PT Mahir Jaya Mahakam Raya shows instability seen as Net Profit Margin, Return on Investment and Return on Equity in 2011 has decreased, so the hypothesis is accepted

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Nasabah Bank yang Dirugikan Akibat Kejahatan Skimming Ditinjau dari Perspektif Teknologi Informasi dan Perbankan

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    The progress of the banking system cannot be separated from the role of information technology. In addition to facilitating the company's internal operations, technology tools also aim to facilitate service to bank customers. One side of Information Technology provides not a few benefits to improving services both public services and internal services. On the other hand Information Technology is used by people who are not responsible by committing acts that are against the law, which attacks various legal interests of the people, society, and the state. This study aims to get information about banking crimes that use the skimming method and about legal protection for customers who are victims of skimming crime. The research method is juridical normative, namely obtaining and combining and analyzing data obtained from books, articles and journals and related legislation. The results obtained are that crime skimming is an old mode of customer money burglary which is done by stealing customer data at the customer's ATM with skimmer techniques. Legal protection against customers who are harmed due to the crime of skimming can be carried out by criminal means, namely reporting to the police and the police's duty to arrest the perpetrators. Legal protection through civil law by way of the bank replacing the customer's money after clarifying the transaction against the customer's accoun

    Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Manajemen Organisasi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Rumah Sakit (K3 RS) di Rumah Sakit X Semarang

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    Hospital X Semarang is one of the workplaces that have a high hazard potential and employ more than 100 employees and there are visitors who should be protected such as patients, guests, and contractors. According to the Ministerial Decree N0. 1087 In 2010, each hospital must implement an occupational safety and health (OSH) of Hospital management system. The presence of organization or hospital OSH team is one of its forms. This study was intended to evaluate the implementation of the Hospital OSH organization management system. This is a qualitative study with in-depth interviews and observational approach method. Interviews were conducted to hospital OSH team member and triangulation carried out on hospital OSH chairman who responsible for the implementation of hospital OSH management system in RS X Semarang. Input indicators as resources to support the process in order to produce the expected OSH output, consists of OSH resources, tasks and authority, and budget has not been effectively implemented. Process indicators showed that hospital OSH team has conducted proper activities, but it has not been effectively implemented. The expected outcomes as an output indicators has been effectively implemented, it showed that there are documentations of each OSH activities. It can be concluded that the management implementation of OSH organization at Hospital X Semarang has not been effective. It is expected that OSH team at the hospital can improve its implementation

    Faktor – Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas pada Karyawan Pengendara Sepeda Motor di Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) Sumber Rejeki Blora

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    Traffic accident is world problem. Almost year to year occur increase until 5%. Traffic accident at highway is dangerous to all employees who have high mobility, such as Koperasi Simpan Pinjam's employee must work past the road with long distance every day. The purpose of this research is knowing factors associated with traffic accident on employees who use motorcyle at Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) Sumber Rejeki Blora. This research use analytical descriptive methode with cross sectional approach. Number of respondents who entered the survey is 40 respondents. All of them are Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) Sumber Rejeki Blora's employees who ride motorcycle during working. This research use instruments, that are questionnare and data analysis with Chi-Square test. The result of this research are present two significant relationship that assosiate with traffic accident. That are drive speed (p=0.031) and exhaustion (p=0.044). The others factors such as age (p=0.707), working time (p=0.928), factor of vehicles (p=0.695), and factor of environment (p=0,533) have not significant relationship with traffic accident on Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) Sumber Rejeki Blora's employees. Conclusion can be obtained from this research is factors associated with traffic accident on employees who use motorcyle at Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) Sumber Rejeki Blora are drive speed and exhaustion

    Analisis Implementasi Tahap Penerapan Dan Operasi Klausul 4.4 Ohsas 18001 : 2007 Di PT. Gmf Aeroasia Tangerang Tahun 2015

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    Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) 18001 : 2007 is a series of standard and specifications for the design of an Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Management System. OHSAS 18001 : 2007 include 6 clauses and require to prevent incident, illness, and accident to improve its OH&S performance. The results of external audit that has been conducted by PT. Sucofindo found that there is still many nonconformities from clause 4.4 OHSAS. Furthermore, the implementation of OHSAS 18001 : 2007 in PT. GMF AeroAsia has not been evaluated. The purpose of this research is to monitoring activities of OH&S management system in PT. GMF AeroAsia. This research use qualitative methodology with observation and indepth interview with key person of PT. GMF AeroAsia as the main research methodology. The research results showed that PT. GMF AeroAsia has been implemented clause 4.4 OHSAS in accordance with the requirements of OHSAS 18001 : 2007 standard, but the company has to improve the quality by integrating the OH&S and Environmental management system by its policy, manual procedures, and workplan
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