186 research outputs found

    Path Analysis: Factors Affecting Parenting Education in Karanganyar, Central Java

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    BACKGROUND: Working parents often cause loneliness among children at home. Nurturing has often carried out by other persons. Children watched television, played video game and online game too often, so that parenting education was lacking. Parenting education is a program designed to solve this problem. This study aimed to determine the effect of maternal perception, motivation, access to information, the role of midwife, the role of cadre, the role of play group teacher, the role of family planning worker, and participation, on parenting education. SUBJECT AND METHODS: This was a cross sectional study conducted in Karanganyar, Central Java. A sample of 108 parents who had children under 5 years old was selected for this study. The dependent variable was parenting education. The independent variables included maternal percep-tion, motivation, access to information, the role of midwife, the role of cadre, the role of play group teacher, the role of family planning worker, and participation. The data was analyzed by path analysis model. RESULTS: Maternal perception (b=0.18), motivation (b=0.10), access to information (b=0.19), the role of midwife (b=0.01), the role of cadre (b=0.01), the role of play group teacher (b=0.15), the role of family planning worker (b=0.07), and participation (b=0.26) had positive effect on parenting education, and they were all statistically significant (p<0.05) CONCLUSION: Play group teacher and participation have strong effect on parenting education. Play group teachers have an important role in parenting education. Keywords: parenting education, play group teache

    Perbedaan Kapasitas Vital Paksa Paru Tenaga Kerja pada Lokasi Pengecoran/ Pencetakan dan Lokasi Pengikiran/Pembubutan di Industri Kerajinan Cor Aluminium “ED” Giwangan YOGYAKARTA.

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    Background: Dust pollution can be exist at production process on industry, include on “ED” aluminium cast indust, Yogyakarta which is on the production process included foundry and fitting-shop process. Aluminium dust can influence lung function of the worker. The aim of this research was to study the difference of forced vital capacity (FVC) on workers between foundry and fitting-shop in “ED” aluminium cast industry, Giwangan Yogyakarta. Method: This was an observational research using cross sectional design. The population was 15 workers on each location. The data was collected using questionnaire, measuring of lung function and total dust content. The data would be analyzed using Mann-Whitney test. Result: The result showed that the average of total dust content on those location was 0.65 mg/m3 and 2.75 mg/m3 orderly. This was still below the threshold value (10 mg/m3). The measuring of lung function showed that 73.35% of workers in foundry and 66.6% of workers in fitting-shop had FVC decreasing with the average of FVC was 75.80% and 77.27% in order. The statistic test showed that there was no significant difference of FVC between those workers. Conclusion: No significant difference of FVC on workers between foundry and fitting-shop in “ED” aluminium cast industry, Giwangan Yogyakarta

    Analisis Relevansi Pekerjaan Lulusan Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi di Fkip Universitas Tanjungpura

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    This study aims to determine the relevance of graduate study program How Economic Education between education and employment so that their expertise can support graduate education in their work. The method used in this study is a qualitative course of a study, the research instrument is the researcher himself. Subjects were graduates Prodi Economic Education class of 2010 smpai 2014 and Determining the sample using purposive sampling technique that is adapted to the purpose of research. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation, while data processing techniques using data analysis techniques domain. The results of the research that the relevance of the work study program Economic Education as much as 60% in the category appropriate to support graduate educational expertise in their work and 40% in the category is not appropriate because it does not support the expertise in education pekerjaann

    Analisis Implementasi Manajemen Keselamatan Radiasi Sinar-x di Unit Kerja Radiologi Rumah Sakit Nasional Diponegoro Semarang Tahun 2016

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    In medical, Radiation dose which exposed by work activity are higher than another place. Diponegoro National Hospital, which known by national accreditation and classified as a new hospital, is taking an important role on system management for avoiding and reducing radiation hazard. Radiation safety management is important to the workers, due to the characteristic of radiation which not be able to smell and disappeared, so it will be dangerous to safety and health workers. If the radiation are exposing workers continuously, it will causing disease to mortality on radiation workers. The aim of this study was to analyse implementation X-Ray radiation safety management in Radiology Department, Diponegoro National Hospital. This study used qualitative descriptive research with in-depth interview and observation. The study conducted 6 people as main respondents and 3 people as triangulation respondents. The result showed that radiology installation have 4 doctors with radiology specialists, 1 staff radiation protection, 5 radiographers, but there are no medical physicians and administration staff. In this department, only one staff that already joined training as a staff radiation protection which held by Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir. Health monitoring on workers already conducted in periodic, which every once in a year through working. However, there are no examination before work and also before workers resign. Radiology department already having personal protective equipment, such as apron, radiation screen, Pb gloves, Pb glasses, Tiroid cover, gonad apron. With this variety equipment, radiology department still lacking of the amount in that equipment. In this radiology department, personal radiation dose monitoring used TLD and dose monitoring around workplace just conducted in first use of X-ray device. Radiology department already stored documentation on radioactive substances and X-ray device

    Evaluasi Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) di Perusahaan Industri Baja

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    K3 is an activitiy to ensure and protect the safety and health of workers through prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases. One of prevention accident method is by SMK3. SMK3 process should begin with good planning so that the application is fits with the policies and objectives expected. Steel company industry has already applied SMK3 which arranged in company management system, but in implementation SMK3 was not applied fully yet. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the application of planning K3 in steel company industry. This study uses qualitative research with observational approach. Informants in this study were employees of company who involved in planning K3. Instrument in this study were manual of interview and observation sheet. Based on the result of indepth interviews and observations, it showed that SMK3 implementation in company not fit fully yet with PP RI nomor 50 tahun 2012, there were some things that have not been completed, which are training and competence planning for employees , explanation of the responsibility and authority for employees level, and procedure of the responsibility change

    Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap, Kepatuhan terhadap Prosedur, Kelelahan, dan Penggunaan Apd dengan Kejadian Minor Injury pada Operator Produksi Perusahaan Pertambangan Pasir di Klaten

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    The minor injury causes mining workers lost the ability to perform the work from 1 day to 21 days include the weekend and holidays. The research site is a mining company that mines and processes crushed stone and construction river sand as well as gravel. This study aimed to analyze the association between knowledge, attitude, procedures' compliance, fatigue, the use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and minor injury occurrences. This research used quantitative method using explanatory type with cross sectional approach. The number of this research' sample was 31 respondents taken from the production operators. Self-administered questionnaire was utilized to gather information from the respondents. The result of this research indicated that attitude, procedures compliance, and fatigue were associated with minor injury occurrences. The researcher suggests the company to modify the unsafe condition into a safer workplace and to provide the adequate PPE according to the workers' need