6 research outputs found

    Ligation and Reactivity of Methionine-Oxidized Cytochrome <i>c</i>

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    Met80, one of the heme iron ligands in cytochrome <i>c</i> (cyt <i>c</i>), is readily oxidized to Met sulfoxide (Met-SO) by several biologically relevant oxidants. The modification has been suggested to affect both the electron-transfer (ET) and apoptotic functions of this metalloprotein. The coordination of the heme iron in Met-oxidized cyt <i>c</i> (Met-SO cyt <i>c</i>) is critical for both of these functions but has remained poorly defined. We present electronic absorption, NMR, and EPR spectroscopic investigations as well as kinetic studies and mutational analyses to identify the heme iron ligands in yeast <i>iso</i>-1 Met-SO cyt <i>c</i>. Similar to the alkaline form of native cyt <i>c</i>, Lys73 and Lys79 ligate to the ferric heme iron in the Met80-oxidized protein, but this coordination takes place at much lower pH. The ferrous heme iron is ligated by Met-SO, implying the redox-linked ligand switch in the modified protein. Binding studies with the model peptide microperoxidase-8 provide a rationale for alterations in ligation and for the role of the polypeptide packing in native and Met-SO cyt <i>c</i>. Imidazole binding experiments have revealed that Lys dissociation from the ferric heme in K73A/K79G/M80K (M80K<sup>#</sup>) and Met-SO is more than 3 orders of magnitude slower than the opening of the heme pocket that limits Met80 replacement in native cyt <i>c</i>. The Lys-to-Met-SO ligand substitution gates ET of ferric Met-SO cyt <i>c</i> with CoĀ­(terpy)<sub>2</sub><sup>2+</sup>. Owing to the slow Lys dissociation step, ET reaction is slow but possible, which is not the case for nonswitchable M80A and M80K<sup>#</sup>. Acidic conditions cause Lys replacement by a water ligand in Met-SO cyt <i>c</i> (p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub> = 6.3 Ā± 0.1), increasing the intrinsic peroxidase activity of the protein. This pH-driven ligand switch may be a mechanism to boost peroxidase function of cyt <i>c</i> specifically in apoptotic cells

    Remote Perturbations in Tertiary Contacts Trigger Ligation of Lysine to the Heme Iron in Cytochrome <i>c</i>

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    Perturbations in protein structure define the mechanism of allosteric regulation and biological information transfer. In cytochrome <i>c</i> (cyt <i>c</i>), ligation of Met80 to the heme iron is critical for the proteinā€™s electron-transfer (ET) function in oxidative phosphorylation and for suppressing its peroxidase activity in apoptosis. The hard base Lys is a better match for the hard ferric iron than the soft base Met is, suggesting the key role of the protein scaffold in favoring Met ligation. To probe the role of the protein structure in the maintenance of Met ligation, mutations T49V and Y67R/M80A were designed to disrupt hydrogen bonding and packing of the heme coordination loop, respectively. Electronic absorption, nuclear magnetic resonance, and electron paramagnetic resonance spectra reveal that ferric forms of both variants are Lys-ligated at neutral pH. A minor change in the tertiary contacts in T49V, away from the heme coordination loop, appears to be sufficient to execute a change in ligation, suggesting a cross-talk between the different regions of the protein structure and a possibility of built-in conformational switches in cyt <i>c</i>. Analyses of thermodynamic stability, kinetics of Lys binding and dissociation, and the pH-dependent changes in ligation provide a detailed characterization of the Lys coordination in these variants and relate these properties to the extent of structural perturbations. The findings emphasize the importance of the hydrogen-bonding network in controlling ligation of the native Met80 to the heme iron

    Influence of the Interdomain Interface on Structural and Redox Properties of Multiheme Proteins

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    Multiheme proteins are important in energy conversion and biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen and sulfur. A diheme cytochrome c4 (c4) was used as a model to elucidate roles of the interdomain interface on properties of iron centers in its hemes A and B. Isolated monoheme domains c4-A and c4-B, together with the full-length diheme c4 and its Met-to-His ligand variants, were characterized by a variety of spectroscopic and stability measurements. In both isolated domains, the heme iron is Met/His-ligated at pH 5.0, as in the full-length c4, but becomes His/His-ligated in c4-B at higher pH. Intradomain contacts in c4-A are minimally affected by the separation of c4-A and c4-B domains, and isolated c4-A is folded. In contrast, the isolated c4-B is partially unfolded, and the interface with c4-A guides folding of this domain. The c4-A and c4-B domains have the propensity to interact even without the polypeptide linker. Thermodynamic cycles have revealed properties of monomeric folded isolated domains, suggesting that ferrous (FeII), but not ferric (FeIII) c4-A and c4-B, is stabilized by the interface. This study illustrates the effects of the interface on tuning structural and redox properties of multiheme proteins and enriches our understanding of redox-dependent complexation

    Becoming a Peroxidase: Cardiolipin-Induced Unfolding of Cytochrome <i>c</i>

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    Interactions of cytochrome <i>c</i> (cyt <i>c</i>) with a unique mitochondrial glycerophospholipid cardiolipin (CL) are relevant for the proteinā€™s function in oxidative phosphorylation and apoptosis. Binding to CL-containing membranes promotes cyt <i>c</i> unfolding and dramatically enhances the proteinā€™s peroxidase activity, which is critical in early stages of apoptosis. We have employed a collection of seven dansyl variants of horse heart cyt <i>c</i> to probe the sequence of steps in this functional transformation. Kinetic measurements have unraveled four distinct processes during CL-induced cyt <i>c</i> unfolding: rapid protein binding to CL liposomes; rearrangements of protein substructures with small unfolding energies; partial insertion of the protein into the lipid bilayer; and extensive protein restructuring leading to ā€œopenā€ extended structures. While early rearrangements depend on a hierarchy of foldons in the native structure, the later process of large-scale unfolding is influenced by protein interactions with the membrane surface. The opening of the cyt <i>c</i> structure exposes the heme group, which enhances the proteinā€™s peroxidase activity and also frees the C-terminal helix to aid in the translocation of the protein through CL membranes

    Origin of the Conformational Heterogeneity of Cardiolipin-Bound Cytochrome <i>c</i>

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    Interactions of cytochrome <i>c</i> (cyt <i>c</i>) with cardiolipin (CL) partially unfold the protein, activating its peroxidase function, a critical event in the execution of apoptosis. However, structural features of the altered protein species in the heterogeneous ensemble are difficult to probe with ensemble averaging. Analyses of the dye-to-heme distance distributions <i>P</i>(<i>r</i>) from time-resolved FRET (TR-FRET) have uncovered two distinct types of CL-bound cyt <i>c</i> conformations, extended and compact. We have combined TR-FRET, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), and biolayer interferometry to develop a systematic understanding of the functional partitioning between the two conformations. The two subpopulations are in equilibrium with each other, with a submillisecond rate of conformational exchange reflecting the protein folding into a compact non-native state, as well as protein interactions with the lipid surface. Electrostatic interactions with the negatively charged lipid surface that correlate with physiologically relevant changes in CL concentrations strongly affect the kinetics of cyt <i>c</i> binding and conformational exchange. A predominantly peripheral binding mechanism, rather than deep protein insertion into the membrane, provides a rationale for the general denaturing effect of the CL surface and the large-scale protein unfolding. These findings closely relate to cyt <i>c</i> folding dynamics and suggest a general strategy for extending the time window in monitoring the kinetics of folding

    Superior Fluorescent Probe for Detection of Cardiolipin

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    Cardiolipin (CL) is a unique phospholipid found in mitochondrial inner membrane. It is a key component for mitochondrial function in both respiration and apoptosis. The level of CL is an important parameter for investigating these intracellular events and is a critical indicator of a number of diseases associated with mitochondrial respiratory functions. 10-Nonyl acridine orange (NAO) is the only fluorescent dye currently available for CL detection. However, the performance of NAO is far from satisfactory in terms of selectivity and sensitivity. In this work, we report an aggregation-induced emission-active fluorogen, TTAPE-Me, for CL detection and quantification. With improved sensitivity and excellent selectivity to CL over other major mitochondrial membrane lipids, TTAPE-Me could serve as a valuable fluorescent sensor for CL quantification. The use of TTAPE-Me for the quantification of isolated mitochondria is also demonstrated