24 research outputs found

    Knowledge And Perception of Women Regarding Bilateral Tubal Ligation In Southwest Nigeria

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    Bilateral tubal ligation (BTL) is a procedure considered as permanent, although sometimes reversible, it is seen as a highly effective method of contraception. In Nigeria only 0.1% of women aged 14 - 44 years use female sterilization as a contraceptive method, the acceptance rate is low. The purpose of the study was to investigate the knowledge and perception of women regarding bilateral tubal ligation (BTL) based on Kolcaba's Theory of Comfort. A qualitative contextual exploratory approach was used. Data collection was by means of audio-taped semi-structured interview and Tesch’s content analysis style was utilised. The sample size for the study was determined by saturation of data and consisted of 18 women admitted in the maternity section of the hospital. The findings showed that all participants in the study were aware of family planning; only one participant used BTL as a method of choice. Awareness of BTL among participants showed that two third were aware of BTL as a method of family planning, one third of the participants stated that BTL is a risky method of family planning, likewise the majority believed it is bad and should not be practiced and almost two thirds of the participants indicated that they will not recommend BTL for women. Family planning is a vital aspect of safe motherhood for women, so nurses in every facet of the health care system should step up to the responsibility of being a health educator and educate women on the benefits of BTL as well as advocate for its availability at a reasonable cost. Family planning is a major issue that must be discussed with women once they are found to be pregnant

    Incidence Of Ectopic Pregnancy In Calabar, Nigeria: Two Halves Of The Last Decade Compared

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    Reports of a rising incidence of ectopic pregnancy (EP) in the country and beyond prompted this study to determine the incidence in Calabar over two time frames. Information from ward registers and case notes of EP patients who presented to the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital from 1991 to 1995 were analyzed and compared with records of those who presented from 1996 to 2000. In the second half of the study period, the incidence was 3.30 per 100 deliveries, significantly higher than 2.19% in the first (p = 0.0008). The mean age of EP patients was 26.2 (sd = 5.38), significantly lower than 28.8 (sd = 5.99) for women who delivered in the same period (p 0.05). The incidence of EP appears to be rising in Calabar and puerperal infections may be important in the rise. Population-based prospective studies are necessary to confirm the findings. KEYWORDS: Ectopic Pregnancy, Calabar, Nigeri

    Review Paper: Hydatidiform mole in Calabar, Nigeria: a ten-year review

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    A total of 79 patients who were managed for hydatidiform mole in University of Calabar Teaching Hospital over ten years were reviewed with the aims of establishing the incidence and assessing outcome of management. Relevant information was obtained from the case files and analyzed. The incidence of 1 in 187 of total deliveries was obtained. Most of the patients (65.5%) were between 21 and 30 years old from low socioeconomic class (75.6%) and 75.7% presented in the hospital in the third trimester of pregnancy. Anaemia (82.4%), abnormal vaginal bleeding (79.7%) and passage of vesicular mole (67.6%) were the most common presentations in the hospital. Recurrent disease occurred in 4.1%. The uterus was evacuated by electrical suction method in 42.9% while 4.1% had hysterectomy. Maternal complications included severe haemorrhage requiring blood transfusion in 25.6%, 14.9% had infections and uterine perforations occurred in 6.7%. There was no maternal dead. Problem of outpatient clinical follow up was highlighted as only 6.7% was seen at one year. Public enlightenment campaign on the need for women with symptoms suggestive of the disease to present in hospital for assessment should be mounted. High index of suspicion by the clinicians especially in those patients at risk of the disease will reduce the incidence of late or missed diagnosis. Keywords: hydatidiform mole, pregnancy, outcome Mary Slessor Journal of Medicine Vol. 5 (1), 2005: 72-7

    Pregnancy outcome in women aged 40 years and above in Calabar, Nigeria

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    One hundred and ten women who were 40 years old and above and 109 women of between 20 and 30 years that delivered in University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar were studied to assess the maternal and perinatal outcome of such pregnancies. Relevant information was obtained from the case files. The incidence of 1 in 98 or 1% of total deliveries was established in the older age group. Most of the pregnancies occurred before the age 43 years (85.5%) and among the illiterates with only 16.4% educated to primary school level. Married women were 50.9% and 65.5% were grand multiparous. The complications identified included anemia (45.5%) preterm labour (45.9%), obstetric haemorrhage (12.5%) with uterine fibroid and diabetes mellitus seen only in women of advanced age. Labour was less likely to be induced (7.3% vs 12.8%) or augmented (10.9% vs 19.3%) in the older women compared to the young ones. The older women were delivered more by caesarean section (28.2% vs 9.1%) while the young people had more of instrumental vaginal deliveries. Prematurity and birth asphyxia were the most common perinatal complications. Pregnancy at advanced maternal age, which is not rare in Calabar is high risk whose problems are compounded by illiteracy, high parity and low contraceptive usage. Effective and affordable contraceptive methods will reduce the incidence and proper utilization of available obstetric facilities by the old pregnant women will reduce the complications. Keywords: pregnancy, maternal age 40 years and above, outcome Mary Slessor Journal of Medicine Vol. 5(1), 2005: 28-3

    The clinical presentation of gestational trophoblastic disease in Calabar, Nigeria

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    No Abstract. Global Journal of Medical Sciences Vol. 5(1) 2006: 45-4

    Maternal and perinatal outcome following rupture of gravid uterus in Calabar, Nigeria

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    No Abstract. Global Journal of Medical Sciences Vol. 5(1) 2006: 55-6