28 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Sinkronisasi Pasokan Protein dan Energi Dalam Rumen pada Pakan Komplit Berbasis Bagase terhadap Produktivitas Domba

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    The aim of the research was to study the effects of synchronization index in the sugarcane bagasse based complete feed on feed intake, daily body weight gain and feed conversion ratio of sheep. Two permanent cannulated male local sheep was 2 years old to create formulation of three diets with different synchronization index, namely 0.37; 0.50 and 0.63 respectively. Fifteen local male sheep with body weight average of 18,32 kg (cv= 14,39%) and aged at 12 months were feed a complete feed based on bagasse with a level of synchrony index 0,37; 0,50; 0,63 were design isoprotein and isoenergy. The treatments were allotted in a randomized block design with 3 treatments and 5 groups for in-vivo test. The feed intake, daily body weight gain and feed conversion ratio of fifteen rams were determined on week 8 of experimental period. The results of the study indicated that the synchrony index did not effect on feed intake, but daily body weight and feed conversion ratio was affected (P<0.05) by the treatment of synchrony index in diet. The daily body weight gain of P2 group was highest compared with P1 and P3 groups. The feed conversion ratio of P2 group was lowest compared with P1 and P3 groups. The alteration of the study indicated that the synchronization index level of 0.50 showed the best weight gain and feed conversion. Keywords: daily body weight, feed conversion ratio, feed intake, synchrony inde

    Pengaruh Indeks Sinkronisasi dalam Rumen pada Ransum Berbasis Bagase terhadap Produksi VFA Rumen pada Domba

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    The aim of the research was to study the effects of synchronization index in the sugarcane bagasse based ration on acetate, propionate and butirate production of sheep. Two permanent cannulated male local sheep was 2 years old for sampling rumens fluids. They were feed a complete feed based on bagasse with a level of synchrony index 0,37; 0,50; 0,63 were design isoprotein and isoenergy. Each experimental diet was offered to each sheep three times randomly for 7 days, with 7 days interval between feeding period of each experimental diet. About 10 ml of rumen fluid sample were collected before feeding and 3 hour after feeding at the 7th day of each feeding trial period. The alteration of synchronization indexs did not affect acetate, propionate, butirate and ratio acetate/propionate (C2/C3) in rumen before feeding and 3 hour after feeding. Key words : acetate, butirat, propionate, synchrony inde

    The Effect of Self-Efficacy and Perception of Teacher Profession on Teaching Interest: Study on Bachelor Students of Office Administration Education

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    This research aims to determine the influence of self-efficacy on interest in becoming a teacher among students of the Office Administration Education Study Program, Surabaya State University, the influence of perceptions of the teaching profession on interest in becoming a teacher among students of the Office Administration Education Study Program, Surabaya State University, and the influence of self-efficacy and perceptions of the teacher profession towards students' interest in becoming teachers at the Office Administration Education Study Program, Surabaya State University. This research is included in the type of explanatory research with an associative quantitative approach. The population in this study was 2019 office administration education students totaling 52 respondents with a saturated sample. The data analysis technique in this research uses multiple linear regression which has previously been tested on classical assumptions with the help of the SPSS program. Based on the research results, namely: (1) There is a positive influence between self-efficacy on interest in becoming a teacher among students at the Office Administration Education Study Program, Surabaya State University. (2) There is a positive influence between the perception of the teaching profession on the interest in becoming a teacher among students at the Office Administration Education Study Program, Surabaya State University. (3) There is a positive influence between self-efficacy and perceptions of the teaching profession on interest in becoming a teacher among students at the Office Administration Education Study Program at Surabaya State Universit

    Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Temulawak (Curcuma xanthoriza) dalam Ransum Terhadap Efisiensi Pakan Sapi Peranakan Simmental

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    The aim of the study was to know the effect of Curcuma xanthorhiza as herbal feed additive in the rations on dry matter consumption, body weight gain, feed efficiency and feed cost pergain of Simmental cross cattle. The research was conducted at PGS. Joe Cipir Jati Indah Village, Tanjung Bintang District, South Lampung Regency. The experimental used 12 male Simmental Cross Cattle with an average body weight of 166.25 ± 6.27 kg. The study used a quantitative method with a completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 4 replications. They were fed a complete feeding with control rations + 0% temulawak flour (P0), control ration + 1.5% temulawak flour (P1) and control ration + 3% temulawak flour (P2). The control ration is the usual ration given by farmers every day containing 8.35% crude protein and 59.63% TDN. The study was conducted for 5 weeks, 1 week period of adaptation and 4 weeks period of data collection. The results showed that the addition of temulawak flour had a significant effect (P <0.05) on dry matter consumption, body weight gain, feed efficiency and feed cost per gain of Simmental cross cattle. The 1,5% addition level of temulawak flour from dry matter ration showed the best body weight gain, feed efficiency and feed cost per gain.Keywords:, natural feed additive, production efficiency, Simmental cross cattle , temulawa

    Pengaruh Penambahan Bungkil Kedelai terhadap Konsumsi Pakan, Pertambahan Bobot Badan Harian, dan Konversi Pakan pada Sapi Peranakan Simmental

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    The objective of the researh was to study the effect of additions soybean meal in ration on the feed consumption, daily weight gain and feed convertion in Simmental cattle. The experiment used eight male  Simmental cattle around 2 years old with an average weight of 198,65 ± 14,57 kilograms. The cattle  kept for 35 days and given rations P0 (rations ranchers) and P1 (rations plus soybean meal). Data was obtained, then analyzed using independent sample t-test assisted with SPSS version 17.00 software. The result showed that the addition of  soybean meal did not affect on dry matter consumption, daily weight gain, and feed convertion but, the crude protein consumption was increased. Keywords:  dry matter consumption, daily weight gain, feed convertio

    pengaruh penambahan air perasan daun pepaya(Carrica papaya L) dalam air minum terhadap performans ayam broiler

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    ABSTRACT Herbal plants can be used as feed additive, on of which is the papaya plant (Carrica papaya L). The reseach was conducted on 11-27 September 2020 at street Wolter Monginsidi alley Nuri number 55, Teluk Betung North District, Bandar Lampung. This study aims to determine the effect of adding papaya leaf juice  in drinking water to the performance broiler chickens. The material used was 96 broiler chickens ranging from 5-21 days of age. The method used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments given was control drinking water without additional  (P0), control drinking water + 5 ml papaya leaf juice/liter of water (P1), control drinking water + 10 ml papaya leaf juice/liter of water (P2), control drinking water + 15 ml papaya leaf juice/liter of water (P3). The result showed that the addition of papaya leaf juice up to level 1,5% did not have a significant effect on the performance of broiler chickens at weeks 1, 2, and 3. Based on the reseach result it can be concluded that the addition of papaya leaf juce in drinking water up to level 1.5% has not had a significant effect (P>0,05) on performance broiler chicken. Keywords : Broiler Chicken, Papaya Leaf Juice, Drinking Water, Broiler Performanc


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    One of the influencing factors in hatching is egg screening. This study aims to determine the frequency of egg turning to increase hatchability, fertility, and mortality of quail eggs. Completely randomized design (CRD) is the design used in this study and the experiment in the study which consisted of 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments of this study were: 1 screening/day for each replication (p0), 2 screenings/day for each replication (p1), 3 screenings/day for each replication (p2), 4 screenings/day for each replication (p3). From the results of this study, it was concluded that the frequency of three rotations per day on quail eggs showed the highest percentage yield at 100% hatchability, while the highest percentage of fertility was 84%, and the lowest percentage of mortality was 19%. Keywords: Turning eggs, hatchability, fertility, mortalit

    Tingkat Keberhasilan Inseminasi Buatan (IB) Berdasarkan Service Per Conception Sapi Limousin Di Kecamatan Pekalongan Kabupaten Lampung Timur

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    This research aims to knowing how the success rate of IB limousine cattle based on S/C in Pekalongan District, East Lampung Regency and knowing the factors that influence the success of IB based on S/C in Pekalongan District, East Lampung Regency. The method in this study is a survey method and data obtained by census, all Limousin Cattle that received IB services by the inseminator were used as samples. The success rate of IB limousine cattle in Pekalongan District, East Lampung Regency seen from the S/C in Limousine cattle was included in the normal range of 1.64. The factors that influence the S/C value in Limousine cattle are the BCS score has a positive association with S/C with a value of 0.364, age at first mated has a positive association with S/C with a value of 1.82, the age of the parent is negatively associated with S/C with a value of 1.82 (-0.215) and the shape of the cage wall was negatively associated with S/C with a value of (-0.0643)

    Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Kunyit (Curcuma longa) dalam Ransum Terhadap Performa Produksi Ayam Kampung Super

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    The aim of the study was to know the effect of Curcuma longa as herbal feed additive on feed consumption, daily body weight gain and feed conversion ratio of super native chicken. The research was conducted at Kemukus Village, Ketapang District, South Lampung Regency. The experimental used 80 unisex of super native chicken 5 weeks old. They were feed a ration with control ration + 0% turmeric flour (P0), control ration + 0,04% turmeric flour (P1), control ration + 0,08% turmeric flour (P2) and control ration + 0,12% turmeric flour (P3) during 30 days. The control ration containing 21% crude protein and 3150 kcal/kg metabolism energy. The study used a quantitative metodh with completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications. The results showed that the addition of turmeric flour (Curcuma longa) up to 0,12% was affected (P <0,05) on feed consumption but did not effect (P> 0,05) on daily body weight gain and feed conversion ratio.Keywords: daily body weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, super native chicken, turmeri

    Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Peternakan Ayam Ras Petelur Di Kecamatan Baradatu Kabupaten Way Kanan Provinsi Lampung

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    Abstract Laying hens have a very important role in providing animal protein needs in the community, as the population increases, egg consumption will also increase. So that laying hens have the potential to be developed, based on the economic aspect, researchers are interested in conducting research with the aim of analyzing the feasibility of laying hens in Baradatu District, Way Kanan Regency, Lampung Province. The research was conducted in Baradatu District, Way Kanan Regency, Lampung Province. The method to determine the research location is purposive sampling. Primary data was obtained through direct observation and interviews with farmers with a population of 2000, 5000, 15000. The data analysis in this study were production costs, revenues, income and R/C Ratio analysis. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that laying hens with a population of 2,000, 5,000 and 15,000 from an economic point of view was feasible, because it had an R/C ratio > 1, namely 1.08, 1.11 and 1.19, respectively. The monthly income of laying hens with a population of 2,000 is Rp. 5,884,590,- population of 5,000 is Rp. 18,941,272,- and a population of 15,000 is Rp. 89,585,191,- This shows that the increasing population of livestock, the more feasible the chicken farming business. layer, because the value of the R/C ratio and income is also increasing. Keywords: Laying hens, Business Feasibility, Eggs