29 research outputs found

    Mapping the Regional Distribution of Theatre in Denmark. Three Different Approaches Based on Official Theatre Statistics

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    This article presents three different mappings of the regional distribution of theatre in Denmark. Together, the three mappings cover important aspects of a national theatre system: production (subsidy), distribution of performances and theatre consumption. All of them are based on official theatre statistics and should, as such, be considered authoritative credible mappings on which a cultural policy debate on the decentralization of theatre in Denmark could be based. However, the article demonstrates that the three different mappings result in three different results regarding the regional distribution of theatre in Denmark. This adds complexity to the policy debates because no definite conclusions can be made. In addition, the methodological discussion in the article demonstrates that the existing data sets have severe limitations

    Deltagelse i et kulturpolitisk perspektiv

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    Kærlighed på en onsdag. Et indblik i festugens aktivitetstyper

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    Mindeord for Jørn Langsted

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    Kulturen som samfundets talentfabrik

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    Oplevelser af Odsherred

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    Odsherred iscenesat: Dokumentariske iscenesættelsesstrategier under Odsherred Kulturfestival 2013

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    Louise Ejegod Hansens essay om teaterfestivalen i Odsherred, august 2013, udvider dokumentarbegrebet ved at beskrive to performanceudstillinger, Leftovers from the War, på Museum Odsherred og War - du skulle have været der, en vandreforestilling i byrummet.&nbsp

    Krig. (Du skulle have været der) i Hørve

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    Kulturpolitikkens rolle i forskningen på Dramaturgi

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    In this article, the author explores how and why cultural policy seems to be a strong element in the research at Dramaturgy at Aarhus University. Through analysis of key research publications as well as research interviews with the current members of staff at Dramaturgy (May 2019), she presents three different models for the way in which cultural policy is an element in the research at Dramaturgy: The layer cake, the pillar and the target. In addition, she discusses whether the mediality of theatre is part of the reason why cultural policy is a part of the research field of Dramaturgy more broadly