8 research outputs found

    Organic Photodiodes with an Extended Responsivity using Ultrastrong Light-Matter Coupling

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    In organic photodiodes (OPDs) light is absorbed by excitons, which dissociate to generate photocurrent. Here, we demonstrate a novel type of OPD in which light is absorbed by polaritons, hybrid light-matter states. We demonstrate polariton OPDs operating in the ultra-strong coupling regime at visible and infrared wavelengths. These devices can be engineered to show narrow responsivity with a very weak angle-dependence. More importantly, they can be tuned to operate in a spectral range outside that of the bare exciton absorption. Remarkably, we show that the responsivity of a polariton OPD can be pushed to near infrared wavelengths, where few organic absorbers are available, with external quantum efficiencies exceeding those of a control OPD

    Inverting Singlet and Triplet Excited States using Strong Light-Matter Coupling

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    In organic microcavities, hybrid light-matter states can form with energies that differ from the bare molecular excitation energies by nearly 1 eV. A timely question, given recent advances in the development of thermally activated delayed fluorescence materials, is whether strong light-matter coupling can be used to invert the ordering of singlet and triplet states and, in addition, enhance reverse intersystem crossing (RISC) rates. Here, we demonstrate a complete inversion of the singlet lower polariton and triplet excited states. We also unambiguously measure the RISC rate in strongly-coupled organic microcavities and find that, regardless of the large energy level shifts, it is unchanged compared to films of the bare molecules. This observation is a consequence of slow RISC to the lower polariton due to the delocalized nature of the state across many molecules and an inability to compete with RISC to the dark exciton reservoir, which occurs at a rate comparable to that in bare molecules

    Triplet harvesting in the polaritonic regime: a variational polaron approach

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    We explore the electroluminescence efficiency for a quantum mechanical model of a large number of molecular emitters embedded in an optical microcavity. We characterize the circumstances under which a microcavity enhances harvesting of triplet excitons via reverse intersystem-crossing (R-ISC) into singlet populations that can emit light. For that end, we develop a time-local master equation in a variationally optimized frame which allows for the exploration of the population dynamics of chemically relevant species in different regimes of emitter coupling to the condensed phase vibrational bath and to the microcavity photonic mode. For a vibrational bath that equilibrates faster than R-ISC (in emitters with weak singlet-triplet mixing), our results reveal that significant improvements in efficiencies with respect to the cavity-free counterpart can be obtained for strong coupling of the singlet exciton to a photonic mode, as long as the singlet to triplet exciton transition is within the inverted Marcus regime; under these circumstances, we show the possibility to overcome the detrimental delocalization of the polariton states across a macroscopic number of molecules. On the other hand, for a vibrational bath that equilibrates slower than R-ISC (i.e., emitters with strong singlet-triplet mixing), we find that while enhancemnents in photoluminiscence can be obtained via vibrational relaxation into polaritons, this only occurs for small number of emitters coupled to the photon mode, with delocalization of the polaritons across many emitters eventually being detrimental to electroluminescence efficiency. These findings provide insight on the tunability of optoelectronic processes in molecular materials due to weak and strong light-matter coupling

    Aluminum Nanoantenna Complexes for Strong Coupling between Excitons and Localized Surface Plasmons

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    We study the optical dynamics in complexes of aluminum nanoantennas coated with molecular J-aggregates and find that they provide an excellent platform for the formation of hybrid exciton-localized surface plasmons. Giant Rabi splitting of 0.4 eV, which corresponds to ∌10 fs energy transfer cycle, is observed in spectral transmittance. We show that the nanoantennas can be used to manipulate the polarization of hybrid states and to confine their mode volumes. In addition, we observe enhancement of the photoluminescence due to enhanced absorption and increase in the local density of states at the exciton-localized surface plasmon energies. With recent emerging technological applications based on strongly coupled light–matter states, this study opens new possibilities to explore and utilize the unique properties of hybrid states over all of the visible region down to ultraviolet frequencies in nanoscale, technologically compatible, integrated platforms based on aluminum

    Temporal Dynamics of Localized Exciton–Polaritons in Composite Organic–Plasmonic Metasurfaces

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    We use femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy to study the temporal dynamics of strongly coupled exciton–plasmon polaritons in metasurfaces of aluminum nanoantennas coated with J-aggregate molecules. Compared with the thermal nonlinearities of aluminum nanoantennas, the exciton–plasmon hybridization introduces strong ultrafast nonlinearities in the composite metasurfaces. Within femtoseconds after the pump excitation, the plasmonic resonance is broadened and shifted, showcasing its high sensitivity to excited-state modification of the molecular surroundings. In addition, we observe temporal oscillations due to the deep subangstrom acoustic breathing modes of the nanoantennas in both bare and hybrid metasurfaces. Finally, unlike the dynamics of hybrid states in optical microcavities, here, ground-state bleaching is observed with a significantly longer relaxation time at the upper polariton band

    Measurement of apoptosis by SCAN©, a system for counting and analysis of fluorescently labelled nuclei

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    Apoptosis-like programmed cell death (A-PCD) is a universal process common to all types of eukaryotic organisms. Because A-PCD-associated processes are conserved, it is possible to define A-PCD by a standard set of markers. Many of the popular methods to measure A-PCD make use of fluorescent ligands that change in intensity or cellular localization during A-PCD. In single cell organisms, it is possible to quantify levels of A-PCD by scoring the number of apoptotic cells using flow cytometry instruments. In a multicellular organism, quantification of A-PCD is more problematic due to the complex nature of the tissue. The situation is further complicated in filamentous fungi, in which nuclei are divided between compartments, each containing a number of nuclei, which can also migrate between the compartments. We developed SCAN©, a System for Counting and Analysis of Nuclei, and used it to measure A-PCD according to two markers – chromatin condensation and DNA strand breaks. The package includes three modules designed for counting the number of nuclei in multi-nucleated domains, scoring the relative number of nuclei with condensed chromatin, and calculating the relative number of nuclei with DNA strand breaks. The method provides equal or better results compared with manual counting, the analysis is fast and can be applied on large data sets. While we demonstrated the utility of the software for measurement of A-PCD in fungi, the method is readily adopted for measurement of A-PCD in other types of multicellular specimens

    Spectral Responsivity and Photoconductive Gain in Thin Film Black Phosphorus Photodetectors

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    We have fabricated black phosphorus photodetectors and characterized their full spectral responsivity. These devices, which are effectively in the bulk thin film limit, show broadband responsivity ranging from <400 nm to the ~3.8 Ό\mum bandgap. In the visible, an intrinsic responsivity >7 A/W can be obtained due to internal gain mechanisms. By examining the full spectral response, we identify a sharp contrast between the visible and infrared behavior. In particular, the visible responsivity shows a large photoconductive gain and gate-voltge dependence, while the infrared responsivity is nearly independent of gate voltage and incident light intensity under most conditions. This is attributed to a contribution from the surface oxide. In addition, we find that the polarization anisotropy in responsivity along armchair and zigzag directions can be as large as 103 and extends from the band edge to 500 nm. The devices were fabricated in an inert atmosphere and encapsulated by Al2_2O3_3 providing stable operation for more than 6 months

    Organic Photodiodes with an Extended Responsivity Using Ultrastrong Light–Matter Coupling

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    In organic photodiodes (OPDs), light is absorbed by excitons that dissociate to generate photocurrent. Here, we demonstrate a novel type of OPD in which light is absorbed by polaritons, hybrid light–matter states. We demonstrate polariton OPDs operating in the ultrastrong coupling regime at visible and infrared wavelengths. These devices can be engineered to show narrow responsivity with a very weak angle-dependence. More importantly, they can be tuned to operate in a spectral range outside that of the bare exciton absorption. Remarkably, we show that the responsivity of a polariton OPD can be pushed to near-infrared wavelengths, where few organic absorbers are available, with external quantum efficiencies exceeding those of our control OPD