133 research outputs found

    Bad expression influences time to androgen escape in prostate cancer

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    <b>OBJECTIVE</b>: To assess the role of selected downstream Bcl-2 family members (Bad, Bax, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL) in the development of androgen-independent prostate cancer (AIPC), as androgen-deprivation therapy is the treatment of choice in advanced prostate cancer, yet patients generally relapse and progress to an AI state within 18–24 months. <b>PATIENTS, MATERIALS AND METHODS</b>: The patient cohort was established by retrospectively selecting patients with prostate cancer who had an initial response to androgen-deprivation therapy, but subsequently relapsed with AIPC. In all, 58 patients with prostate cancer were included with matched androgen-dependent (AD) and AI prostate tumours available for immunohistochemical analysis; two independent observers using a weighted-histoscore method scored the staining. Changes in Bad, Bax, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL expression during transition to AIPC were evaluated and then correlated to known clinical variables. <b>RESULTS</b>: High Bad expression in AD tumours was associated with an increased time to biochemical relapse (<i>P</i> = 0.007) and a trend towards improved overall survival (<i>P</i> = 0.053). There were also trends towards a decrease in Bad (<i>P</i> = 0.068) and Bax (<i>P</i> = 0.055) expression with progression to AIPC. There were no significant results for Bcl-2 or Bcl-xL. <b>CONCLUSION</b>: There is evidence to suggest that Bad expression levels at diagnosis influence time to biochemical relapse and overall survival, and that levels of pro-apoptotic proteins Bad and Bax fall during AIPC development. Bad might therefore represent a possible positive prognostic marker and potential therapeutic target for AIPC in the future

    Loss of RhoB Expression Enhances the Myelodysplastic Phenotype of Mammalian Diaphanous-Related Formin mDia1 Knockout Mice

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    Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is characterized by ineffective hematopoiesis and hyperplastic bone marrow. Complete loss or interstitial deletions of the long arm of chromosome 5 occur frequently in MDS. One candidate tumor suppressor on 5q is the mammalian Diaphanous (mDia)-related formin mDia1, encoded by DIAPH1 (5q31.3). mDia-family formins act as effectors for Rho-family small GTP-binding proteins including RhoB, which has also been shown to possess tumor suppressor activity. Mice lacking the Drf1 gene that encodes mDia1 develop age-dependent myelodysplastic features. We crossed mDia1 and RhoB knockout mice to test whether the additional loss of RhoB expression would compound the myelodysplastic phenotype. Drf1βˆ’/βˆ’RhoBβˆ’/βˆ’ mice are fertile and develop normally. Relative to age-matched Drf1βˆ’/βˆ’RhoB+/βˆ’ mice, the age of myelodysplasia onset was earlier in Drf1βˆ’/βˆ’RhoBβˆ’/βˆ’ animalsβ€”including abnormally shaped erythrocytes, splenomegaly, and extramedullary hematopoiesis. In addition, we observed a statistically significant increase in the number of activated monocytes/macrophages in both the spleen and bone marrow of Drf1βˆ’/βˆ’RhoBβˆ’/βˆ’ mice relative to Drf1βˆ’/βˆ’RhoB+/βˆ’ mice. These data suggest a role for RhoB-regulated mDia1 in the regulation of hematopoietic progenitor cells

    Risk Factors for Obesity and High Blood Pressure in Chinese American Children: Maternal Acculturation and Children’s Food Choices

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    The objective of this study is to explore risk factors associated with overweight and high blood pressure in Chinese American children. Students and their parents were recruited from Chinese language schools in the San Francisco Bay Area. Data were collected on 67 children and their mothers, and included children’s weight, height, waist and hip circumferences, blood pressure, level of physical activity, dietary intake, usual food choice, knowledge about nutrition and physical activity, and self-efficacy regarding diet and physical activity. Mothers completed questionnaires on demographic data and acculturation. About 46% of children had a body mass index exceeding the 85th percentile. Lower level of maternal acculturation is a risk factor for overweight and higher waist to hip ratio. Children’s unhealthy food choices were predictive of high body mass index and high systolic blood pressure, whereas older age and less physical activity in children were predictors of high diastolic blood pressure. Developing culturally sensitive and developmentally appropriate interventions to reduce overweight and high blood pressure is critical to reduce health disparities among minority children

    Apoptosis of human melanoma cells induced by inhibition of B-RAFV600E involves preferential splicing of bimS

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    Bim is known to be critical in killing of melanoma cells by inhibition of the RAF/MEK/ERK pathway. However, the potential role of the most potent apoptosis-inducing isoform of Bim, BimS, remains largely unappreciated. Here, we show that inhibition of the mutant B-RAFV600E triggers preferential splicing to produce BimS, which is particularly important in induction of apoptosis in B-RAFV600E melanoma cells. Although the specific B-RAFV600E inhibitor PLX4720 upregulates all three major isoforms of Bim, BimEL, BimL, and BimS, at the protein and mRNA levels in B-RAFV600E melanoma cells, the increase in the ratios of BimS mRNA to BimEL and BimL mRNA indicates that it favours BimS splicing. Consistently, enforced expression of B-RAFV600E in wild-type B-RAF melanoma cells and melanocytes inhibits BimS expression. The splicing factor SRp55 appears necessary for the increase in BimS splicing, as SRp55 is upregulated, and its inhibition by small interfering RNA blocks induction of BimS and apoptosis induced by PLX4720. The PLX4720-induced, SRp55-mediated increase in BimS splicing is also mirrored in freshly isolated B-RAFV600E melanoma cells. These results identify a key mechanism for induction of apoptosis by PLX4720, and are instructive for sensitizing melanoma cells to B-RAFV600E inhibitors

    NPM1 Deletion Is Associated with Gross Chromosomal Rearrangements in Leukemia

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    BACKGROUND: NPM1 gene at chromosome 5q35 is involved in recurrent translocations in leukemia and lymphoma. It also undergoes mutations in 60% of adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cases with normal karyotype. The incidence and significance of NPM1 deletion in human leukemia have not been elucidated. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Bone marrow samples from 145 patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and AML were included in this study. Cytogenetically 43 cases had isolated 5q-, 84 cases had 5q- plus other changes and 18 cases had complex karyotype without 5q deletion. FISH and direct sequencing investigated the NPM1 gene. NPM1 deletion was an uncommon event in the "5q- syndrome" but occurred in over 40% of cases with high risk MDS/AML with complex karyotypes and 5q loss. It originated from large 5q chromosome deletions. Simultaneous exon 12 mutations were never found. NPM1 gene status was related to the pattern of complex cytogenetic aberrations. NPM1 haploinsufficiency was significantly associated with monosomies (p<0.001) and gross chromosomal rearrangements, i.e., markers, rings, and double minutes (p<0.001), while NPM1 disomy was associated with structural changes (p=0.013). Interestingly, in complex karyotypes with 5q- TP53 deletion and/or mutations are not specifically associated with NPM1 deletion. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: NPM1/5q35 deletion is a consistent event in MDS/AML with a 5q-/-5 in complex karyotypes. NPM1 deletion and NPM1 exon 12 mutations appear to be mutually exclusive and are associated with two distinct cytogenetic subsets of MDS and AML

    LEDGF gene silencing impairs the tumorigenicity of prostate cancer DU145 cells by abating the expression of Hsp27 and activation of the Akt/ERK signaling pathway

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    Lens epithelium-derived growth factor (LEDGF) maintains survival pathways by augmenting the transcription of stress-response genes such as small heat-shock protein 27. Recently, aberrant expression of LEDGF was found in prostate cancer (PC). Herein, we showed that LEDGF overexpression upregulated Hsp27 in PC cells, DU145, PC-3 and LNCaP and promoted antiapoptotic pathways in PCs. We found that these cells had higher abundance of Hsp27, which was correlated with the levels of LEDGF expression. Transactivation assay in DU145 cells revealed that transactivation of Hsp27 was related to the magnitude of LEDGF expression. Silencing of LEDGF in DU145 cells abrogated Hsp27 expression and inhibited stimulated cell proliferation, invasiveness and migration. These cells were arrested in S and G2 phase, and failed to accumulate cyclin B1, and showed increased apoptosis. Furthermore, LEDGF-depleted DU145 cells displayed elevated Bax and cleaved caspase 9 expression and reduced levels of Bcl2, Bcl-XL. The activated survival pathway(s), ERK1/2 and Akt, were selectively decreased in these cells, which characteristically have lower tumorigenicity. Conversely, the depleted cells, when re-overexpressed with LEDGF or Hsp27, regained tumorigenic properties. Collectively, results reveal the involvement of LEDGF-mediated elevated expression of Hsp27-dependent survival pathway(s) in PC. Our findings suggest new lines of investigation aimed at developing therapies by targeting LEDGF or its aberrant expression-associated stimulated antiapoptotic pathway(s)

    Multi-Modality Therapeutics with Potent Anti-Tumor Effects: Photochemical Internalization Enhances Delivery of the Fusion Toxin scFvMEL/rGel

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    BACKGROUND: There is a need for drug delivery systems (DDS) that can enhance cytosolic delivery of anti-cancer drugs trapped in the endo-lysosomal compartments. Exposure of cells to specific photosensitizers followed by light exposure (photochemical internalization, PCI) results in transfer of agents from the endocytic compartment into the cytosol. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The recombinant single-chain fusion construct scFvMEL/rGel is composed of an antibody targeting the progenitor marker HMW-MAA/NG2/MGP/gp240 and the highly effective toxin gelonin (rGel). Here we demonstrate enhanced tumor cell selectivity, cytosolic delivery and anti-tumor activity by applying PCI of scFvMEL/rGel. PCI performed by light activation of cells co-incubated with scFvMEL/rGel and the endo-lysosomal targeting photosensitizers AlPcS(2a) or TPPS(2a) resulted in enhanced cytotoxic effects against antigen-positive cell lines, while no differences in cytotoxicity between the scFvMEL/rGel and rGel were observed in antigen-negative cells. Mice bearing well-developed melanoma (A-375) xenografts (50-100 mm(3)) were treated with PCI of scFvMEL/rGel. By 30 days after injection, approximately 100% of mice in the control groups had tumors>800 mm(3). In contrast, by day 40, 50% of mice in the PCI of scFvMEL/rGel combination group had tumors<800 mm(3) with no increase in tumor size up to 110 days. PCI of scFvMEL/rGel resulted in a synergistic effect (p<0.05) and complete regression (CR) in 33% of tumor-bearing mice (n = 12). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This is a unique demonstration that a non-invasive multi-modality approach combining a recombinant, targeted therapeutic such as scFvMEL/rGel and PCI act in concert to provide potent in vivo efficacy without sacrificing selectivity or enhancing toxicity. The present DDS warrants further evaluation of its clinical potential

    A Ξ²-Catenin-Dependent Wnt Pathway Mediates Anteroposterior Axon Guidance in C. elegans Motor Neurons

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    Wnts are secreted glycoproteins that regulate diverse aspects of development, including cell proliferation, cell fate specification and differentiation. More recently, Wnts have been shown to direct axon guidance in vertebrates, flies and worms. However, little is known about the intracellular signaling pathways downstream of Wnts in axon guidance.Here we show that the posterior C. elegans Wnt protein LIN-44 repels the axons of the adjacent D-type motor neurons by activating its receptor LIN-17/Frizzled on the neurons. Moreover, mutations in mig-5/Disheveled, gsk-3, pry-1/Axin, bar-1/beta-catenin and pop-1/TCF, also cause disrupted D-type axon pathfinding. Reduced BAR-1/beta-catenin activity in D-type axons leads to undergrowth of axons, while stabilization of BAR-1/beta-catenin in a lin-23/SCF(beta-TrCP) mutant results in an overextension phenotype.Together, our data provide evidence that Wnt-mediated axon guidance can be transduced through a beta-catenin-dependent pathway
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