6 research outputs found

    Molecular pathogenesis of human CD59 deficiency

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    Objective To characterize all 4 mutations described for CD59 congenital deficiency. Methods The 4 mutations, p.Cys64Tyr, p.Asp24Val, p.Asp24Valfs*, and p.Ala16Alafs*, were described in 13 individuals with CD59 malfunction. All 13 presented with recurrent Guillain-Barré syndrome or chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, recurrent strokes, and chronic hemolysis. Here, we track the molecular consequences of the 4 mutations and their effects on CD59 expression, localization, glycosylation, degradation, secretion, and function. Mutants were cloned and inserted into plasmids to analyze their expression, localization, and functionality. Results Immunolabeling of myc-tagged wild-type (WT) and mutant CD59 proteins revealed cell surface expression of p.Cys64Tyr and p.Asp24Val detected with the myc antibody, but no labeling by anti-CD59 antibodies. In contrast, frameshift mutants p.Asp24Valfs* and p.Ala16Alafs* were detected only intracellularly and did not reach the cell surface. Western blot analysis showed normal glycosylation but mutant-specific secretion patterns. All mutants significantly increased MAC-dependent cell lysis compared with WT. In contrast to CD59 knockout mice previously used to characterize phenotypic effects of CD59 perturbation, all 4 hCD59 mutations generate CD59 proteins that are expressed and may function intracellularly (4) or on the cell membrane (2). None of the 4 CD59 mutants are detected by known anti-CD59 antibodies, including the 2 variants present on the cell membrane. None of the 4 inhibits membrane attack complex (MAC) formation. Conclusions All 4 mutants generate nonfunctional CD59, 2 are expressed as cell surface proteins that may function in non–MAC-related interactions and 2 are expressed only intracellularly. Distinct secretion of soluble CD59 may have also a role in disease pathogenesis

    Complement-membrane regulatory proteins are absent from the nodes of Ranvier in the peripheral nervous system

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    Background: Homozygous CD59-deficient patients manifest with recurrent peripheral neuropathy resembling Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), hemolytic anemia and recurrent strokes. Variable mutations in CD59 leading to loss of function have been described and, overall, 17/18 of patients with any mutation presented with recurrent GBS. Here we determine the localization and possible role of membrane-bound complement regulators, including CD59, in the peripheral nervous systems (PNS) of mice and humans. Methods: We examined the localization of membrane-bound complement regulators in the peripheral nerves of healthy humans and a CD59-deficient patient, as well as in wild-type (WT) and CD59a-deficient mice. Cross sections of teased sciatic nerves and myelinating dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neuron/Schwann cell cultures were examined by confocal and electron microscopy. Results: We demonstrate that CD59a-deficient mice display normal peripheral nerve morphology but develop myelin abnormalities in older age. They normally express myelin protein zero (P0), ankyrin G (AnkG), Caspr, dystroglycan, and neurofascin. Immunolabeling of WT nerves using antibodies to CD59 and myelin basic protein (MBP), P0, and AnkG revealed that CD59 was localized along the internode but was absent from the nodes of Ranvier. CD59 was also detected in blood vessels within the nerve. Finally, we show that the nodes of Ranvier lack other complement-membrane regulatory proteins, including CD46, CD55, CD35, and CR1-related gene-y (Crry), rendering this area highly exposed to complement attack. Conclusion: The Nodes of Ranvier lack CD59 and are hence not protected from complement terminal attack. The myelin unit in human PNS is protected by CD59 and CD55, but not by CD46 or CD35. This renders the nodes and myelin in the PNS vulnerable to complement attack and demyelination in autoinflammatory Guillain-Barré syndrome, as seen in CD59 deficiency

    Reasons underlying the intention to vaccinate children aged 5-11 against COVID-19: A cross-sectional study of parents in Israel, November 2021

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    Vaccination is a key tool to mitigate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Israel, COVID-19 vaccines became available to adults in December 2020 and to 5–11-year-old children in November 2021. Ahead of the vaccine roll-out in children, we aimed to determine whether surveyed parents intended to vaccinate their children and describe reasons for their intentions. We collected information on parental socio-demographic characteristics, COVID-19 vaccine history, intention to vaccinate their children against COVID-19, and reasons for parental decisions using an anonymous online survey. We identified associations between parental characteristics and plans to vaccinate children using a logistic regression model and described reasons for intentions to vaccinate or not. Parental non-vaccination and having experienced major vaccination side effects were strongly associated with non-intention to vaccinate their children (OR 0.09 and 0.18 respectively, p < .001). Parents who were younger, lived in the socio-economically deprived periphery, and belonged to the Arab population had lower intentions to vaccinate their children. Reasons for non-intention to vaccinate included concerns about vaccine safety and efficacy (53%, 95%CI 50–56) and the belief that COVID-19 is a mild disease (73%, 95%CI 73–79), while a frequent motive for vaccination was the return to normal social and educational life (89%, 95%CI 87–91). Understanding rationales for COVID-19 vaccine rejection or acceptance, as well as parental demographic data, can pave the way for intentional educational campaigns to encourage not only vaccination against COVID-19, but also regular childhood vaccine programming

    COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance Among Dental Professionals Based on Employment Status During the Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic spread rapidly across the globe, leading governments to impose prolonged lockdowns on both movement and commerce. Although lockdowns decrease the rates of novel infections, they can have devastating consequences on the economy and employment levels. One of the most severely affected sectors during this crisis has been dental medicine. Dental professionals are uniquely exposed to environments with high levels of occupational hazards, conferring additional risks of viral exposure and transmission. We analyzed 506 anonymous questionnaires completed by dentists and residents regarding acceptance of a future potential SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Our results demonstrate a statistically significant correlation between the individual's unemployment rate and their willingness to inoculate with a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine when it becomes available. This information can be used to predict trends of vaccine acceptance or rejection based on economic burden during the COVID-19 pandemic by different sectors as part of the preparedness toward global vaccination programs