84 research outputs found

    Microglia-Astrocyte Communication in Alzheimer's Disease

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    Microglia and astrocytes are regarded as active participants in the central nervous system under various neuropathological conditions, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Both microglia and astrocyte activation have been reported to occur with a spatially and temporarily distinct pattern. Acting as a double-edged sword, glia-mediated neuroinflammation may be both detrimental and beneficial to the brain. In a variety of neuropathologies, microglia are activated before astrocytes, which facilitates astrocyte activation. Yet reactive astrocytes can also prevent the activation of adjacent microglia in addition to helping them become activated. Studies describe changes in the genetic profile as well as cellular and molecular responses of these two types of glial cells that contribute to dysfunctional immune crosstalk in AD. In this paper, we construct current knowledge of microglia-astrocyte communication, highlighting the multifaceted functions of microglia and astrocytes and their role in AD. A thorough comprehension of microglia-astrocyte communication could hasten the creation of novel AD treatment approaches.</p

    The old second messenger cAMP teams up with novel cell death mechanisms:Potential translational therapeutical benefit for Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) represent the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorders severely impacting life expectancy and quality of life of millions of people worldwide. AD and PD exhibit both a very distinct pathophysiological disease pattern. Intriguingly, recent researches, however, implicate that overlapping mechanisms may underlie AD and PD. In AD and PD, novel cell death mechanisms, encompassing parthanatos, netosis, lysosome-dependent cell death, senescence and ferroptosis, apparently rely on the production of reactive oxygen species, and seem to be modulated by the well-known, "old" second messenger cAMP. Signaling of cAMP via PKA and Epac promotes parthanatos and induces lysosomal cell death, while signaling of cAMP via PKA inhibits netosis and cellular senescence. Additionally, PKA protects against ferroptosis, whereas Epac1 promotes ferroptosis. Here we review the most recent insights into the overlapping mechanisms between AD and PD, with a special focus on cAMP signaling and the pharmacology of cAMP signaling pathways.</p

    Vaccination prevented short-term memory loss, but deteriorated long-term spatial memory in Alzheimer's disease mice, independent of amyloid-β pathology

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    Background: Soluble oligomeric amyloid-β (Aβ), rather than Aβ plaques, seems to be the culprit in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Accordingly, a new concept vaccine of small cyclic peptide conjugates, selectively targeting oligomeric Aβ, has been developed.Objective: Study the therapeutic potential of this new vaccine in a mouse model for AD.Methods: J20 mice, overexpressing human amyloid precursor protein, were validated for an AD-like phenotype. Then, J20 mice were vaccinated at 2, 3, and 4 months of age and AD phenotype was evaluated at 6, 9, and 12 months of age; or at 9, 10, and 11 months with evaluation at 12 months. Effects on Aβ pathology were studied by plaque load (immunohistochemistry; 6E10) and antibody titers against Aβ (ELISA). AD behavioral phenotype was evaluated by performance in a battery of cognitive tests.Results: J20 mice displayed age-related Aβ plaque development and an AD-like behavioral phenotype. A consistent antibody response to the cyclic peptides was, however, not extended to Aβ, leaving plaque load unaffected. Nevertheless, immunization at young ages prevented working- and short-term spatial memory loss, but deteriorated long-term spatial learning and memory, at 12 months of age. Immunization at later ages did not affect any measured parameter.Conclusion: J20 mice provide a relevant model for AD to study potential anti-Aβ treatment. Early vaccination prevented short-term memory loss at later ages, but deteriorated long-term spatial memory, however without affecting Aβ pathology. Later vaccination had no effects, but optimal timing may require further investigation.</p

    Iron chelators inhibit amyloid-beta-induced production of lipocalin 2 in cultured astrocytes

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    Lipocalin 2 (Lcn2) has been implicated to play a role in various neurodegenerative diseases, and normalizing its overexpression may be of therapeutic potential. Iron chelators were found to reduce Lcn2 levels in certain animal models of CNS injury. Focusing on Alzheimer's disease (AD), we found that the iron chelators deferoxamine and deferiprone inhibited amyloid-β (Aβ)-induced Lcn2 production in cultured primary astrocytes. Accordingly, Aβ-exposure increased astrocytic ferritin production, indicating the possibility that Aβ induces iron accumulation in astrocytes. This effect was not significantly modulated by Lcn2. Known neuroprotective effects of iron chelators may rely in part on normalization of Lcn2 levels

    Inflammation and oxidative stress in multiple sclerosis:Consequences for therapy development

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    CNS inflammation is a major driver of MS pathology. Differential immune responses, including the adaptive and the innate immune system, are observed at various stages of MS and drive disease development and progression. Next to these immune-mediated mechanisms, other mediators contribute to MS pathology. These include immune-independent cell death of oligodendrocytes and neurons as well as oxidative stress-induced tissue damage. In particular, the complex influence of oxidative stress on inflammation and vice versa makes therapeutic interference complex. All approved MS therapeutics work by modulating the autoimmune response. However, despite substantial developments in the treatment of the relapsing-remitting form of MS, approved therapies for the progressive forms of MS as well as for MS-associated concomitants are limited and much needed. Here, we summarize the contribution of inflammation and oxidative stress to MS pathology and discuss consequences for MS therapy development

    Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis:The role of disturbed sleep in attenuated brain plasticity and neurodegenerative processes

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by cognitive impairments. The classical symptoms of the disease include gradual deterioration of memory and language. Epidemiological studies indicate that around 25-40% of AD patients have sleep-wake cycle disturbances. Importantly, a series of studies suggested that the relationship between AD and sleep disturbance may be complex and bidirectional. Indeed, accumulation of the extracellular neuronal protein amyloid-beta (A beta) leads to altered sleep-wake behavior in both mice and humans. At the same time, disturbances of the normal sleep-wake cycle may facilitate AD pathogenesis. This paper will review the mechanisms underlying this potential interrelated connection including locus coeruleus damage, reductions in orexin neurotransmission, alterations in melatonin levels, and elevated cytokine levels. In addition, we will also highlight how both the development of AD and sleep disturbances lead to changes in intracellular signaling pathways involved in regulating neuronal plasticity and connectivity, particularly extremes in cofilin phosphorylation. Finally, current pharmacological and nonpharmacological therapeutic approaches will be discussed

    Transgenic inhibition of neuronal calcineurin activity in the forebrain facilitates fear conditioning, but inhibits the extinction of contextual fear memories

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    It is unclear whether protein phosphatases, which counteract the actions of protein kinases, play a beneficial role in the formation and extinction of previously acquired fear memories. In this study, we investigated the role of the calcium/calmodulin dependent phosphatase 2B, also known as calcineurin (CaN) in the formation of contextual fear memory and extinction of previously acquired contextual fear. We used a temporally regulated transgenic approach, that allowed us to selectively inhibit neuronal CaN activity in the forebrain either during conditioning or only during extinction training leaving the conditioning undisturbed. Reducing CaN activity through the expression of a CaN inhibitor facilitated contextual fear conditioning, while it impaired the extinction of previously formed contextual fear memory. These findings give the first genetic evidence that neuronal CaN plays an opposite role in the formation of contextual fear memories and the extinction of previously formed contextual fear memories. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Pretreatment with Lovastatin Prevents N-Methyl-D-Aspartate-Induced Neurodegeneration in the Magnocellular Nucleus Basalis and Behavioral Dysfunction

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    Besides a beneficial cardiovascular effect, it was recently suggested that statins can also exert neuroprotective actions. In a previous study, we provided in vitro evidence that lovastatin treatment abates excitotoxic cell death in primary cortical neurons. Here, we investigated the neuroprotective effect of lovastatin in an in vivo mouse model. We found that administration of lovastatin (20 mg/kg) significantly protects cholinergic neurons and their cortical projections against N-methyl-D-aspartate (60 nmol)-induced cell death in the magnocellular nucleus basalis, a neuronal cell group that is characteristically affected in Alzheimer's disease. Furthermore, lovastatin-mediated neuroprotection was shown to be dependent on protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt signaling since treatment with the PKB/Akt inhibitor LY294002 blocked the lovastatin-induced neuroprotective effect. The loss of cholinergic neurons after the lesion in the magnocellular nucleus basalis resulted in memory impairment as tested in a passive avoidance paradigm. This was reverted by pre-lesion lovastatin treatment. From these studies we conclude that treatment with lovastatin may provide protection against neuronal injury in excitotoxic conditions associated with neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease

    Lipocalin 2 as a link between ageing, risk factor conditions and age-related brain diseases

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    Chronic (neuro)inflammation plays an important role in many age-related central nervous system (CNS) diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and vascular dementia. Inflammation also characterizes many conditions that form a risk factor for these CNS disorders, such as physical inactivity, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Lipocalin 2 (Lcn2) is an inflammatory protein shown to be involved in different age-related CNS diseases, as well as risk factor conditions thereof. Lcn2 expression is increased in the periphery and the brain in different age-related CNS diseases and also their risk factor conditions. Experimental studies indicate that Lcn2 contributes to various neuropathophysiological processes of age-related CNS diseases, including exacerbated neuroinflammation, cell death and iron dysregulation, which may negatively impact cognitive function. We hypothesize that increased Lcn2 levels as a result of age-related risk factor conditions may sensitize the brain and increase the risk to develop age-related CNS diseases. In this review we first provide a comprehensive overview of the known functions of Lcn2, and its effects in the CNS. Subsequently, this review explores Lcn2 as a potential (neuro)inflammatory link between different risk factor conditions and the development of age-related CNS disorders. Altogether, evidence convincingly indicates Lcn2 as a key constituent in ageing and age-related brain diseases

    The TNFR1 antagonist Atrosimab reduces neuronal loss, glial activation and memory deficits in an acute mouse model of neurodegeneration

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    Abstract Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and its key role in modulating immune responses has been widely recognized as a therapeutic target for inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. Even though inhibition of TNF-α is beneficial for the treatment of certain inflammatory diseases, total neutralization of TNF-α largely failed in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. TNF-α exerts distinct functions depending on interaction with its two TNF receptors, whereby TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1) is associated with neuroinflammation and apoptosis and TNF receptor 2 (TNFR2) with neuroprotection and immune regulation. Here, we investigated the effect of administering the TNFR1-specific antagonist Atrosimab, as strategy to block TNFR1 signaling while maintaining TNFR2 signaling unaltered, in an acute mouse model for neurodegeneration. In this model, a NMDA-induced lesion that mimics various hallmarks of neurodegenerative diseases, such as memory loss and cell death, was created in the nucleus basalis magnocellularis and Atrosimab or control protein was administered centrally. We showed that Atrosimab attenuated cognitive impairments and reduced neuroinflammation and neuronal cell death. Our results demonstrate that Atrosimab is effective in ameliorating disease symptoms in an acute neurodegenerative mouse model. Altogether, our study indicates that Atrosimab may be a promising candidate for the development of a therapeutic strategy for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases
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