452 research outputs found

    Learning analytics for Lix puzzle-game

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    This study aimed to understand how people learn from games and serious games. Specifically, the aim was to collect data from gaming interactions to see if we can identify any patterns. The experiments have been carried out with a group of 15 participants. We asked them to play a short minigame of a game called Lix. Our data set contains the players' time series of activities during a gameplay. There are 15 CSV files containing the players' data per gameplay. Each file contains 11 features. The descriptions of the game, features, and actions are provided in separate txt files

    By using on body sensors

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    Phone usage worldwide is increasing rapidly, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, where we are stuck at home. Research has already proven that phone usage can have a negative effect on our health, especially on sleep. It results in less sleep per night, a lower sleep quality and less amount of deep sleep per night. The aim of this research is to validate the negative effect of a high amount of phone usage on sleep quality. This research study has been set up with five participants, between the age of 21 - 25, where two weeks of data on phone usage, heart rate and sleep quality is acquired while using (on-body) sensors. Several visualizations have been made to find the effect of phone usage on sleep. From these visualizations can be concluded that high phone usage does not have an influence on sleep quality but it does influence the amount of deep sleep per night. Besides, phone usage in the evening and night seem to have more influence on deep sleep than phone usage in the morning

    Loan application example, configuration 4

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    Loan application example, configuration 4 Parent item: Loan application example A collection of artificial event logs describing 4 variants of a simple loan application process. Variant 1 is the most complex process with parallelism and choices. The other 3 variants have a simpler, more sequential, control flow and some activities of variant 1 are missing or split into 2. These event logs are used to test different approaches of discovering a configurable process model from a collection of event logs

    BPI Challenge 2015 Municipality 3

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    Data for municipality 3 Parent item: BPI Challenge 2015 This data is provided by five Dutch municipalities. The data contains all building permit applications over a period of approximately four years. There are many different activities present, denoted by both codes (attribute concept:name) and labels, both in Dutch (attribute taskNameNL) and in English (attribute taskNameEN). The cases in the log contain information on the main application as well as objection procedures in various stages. Furthermore, information is available about the resource that carried out the task and on the cost of the application (attribute SUMleges). The processes in the five municipalities should be identical, but may differ slightly. Especially when changes are made to procedures, rules or regulations the time at which these changes are pushed into the five municipalities may differ. Of course, over the four year period, the underlying processes have changed. The municipalities have a number of questions, namely: What are the roles of the people involved in the various stages of the process and how do these roles differ across municipalities? What are the possible points for improvement on the organizational structure for each of the municipalities? The employees of two of the five municipalities have physically moved into the same location recently. Did this lead to a change in the processes and if so, what is different? Some of the procedures will be outsourced from 2018, i.e. they will be removed from the process and the applicant needs to have these activities performed by an external party before submitting the application. What will be the effect of this on the organizational structures in the five municipalities? Where are differences in throughput times between the municipalities and how can these be explained? What are the differences in control flow between the municipalities? There are five different log files available in this collection. Events are labeled with both a code and a Dutch and English label. Each activity code consists of three parts: two digits, a variable number of characters, and then three digits. The first two digits as well as the characters indicate the subprocess the activity belongs to. For instance ‘01_HOOFD_xxx’ indicates the main process and ‘01_BB_xxx’ indicates the ‘objections and complaints’ (‘Beroep en Bezwaar’ in Dutch) subprocess. The last three digits hint on the order in which activities are executed, where the first digit often indicates a phase within a process. Each trace and each event, contain several data attributes that can be used for various checks and predictions. Furthermore, some employees may have performed tasks for different municipalities, i.e. if the employee number is the same, it is safe to assume the same person is being identified

    BPI Challenge 2017 - Offer log

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    This event log pertains to a loan application process of a Dutch financial institute. The data contains all offers made for an accepted application in the event log 10.4121/uuid:5f3067df-f10b-45da-b98b-86ae4c7a310b. All of the events in this log are also in the BPI Challenge 2017 event log (10.4121/uuid:5f3067df-f10b-45da-b98b-86ae4c7a310b). This subset is provided for convenience and the IDs are persistent between the two datasets. Parent item: BPI Challenge 2017 This event log pertains to a loan application process of a Dutch financial institute. The data contains all applications filed trough an online system in 2016 and their subsequent events until February 1st 2017, 15:11. The company providing the data and the process under consideration is the same as doi:10.4121/uuid:3926db30-f712-4394-aebc-75976070e91f. However, the system supporting the process has changed in the meantime. In particular, the system now allows for multiple offers per application. These offers can be tracked through their IDs in the log

    BPI Challenge 2012

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    Event log of a loan application proces

    Comparison of two models for serious games analysis

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    In this study, we investigated users' perception of the usability and usefulness of two models for educational serious games analysis: Activity Theory-based Model of Serious Games (ATMSG) and Learning Mechanics–Game Mechanics (LM–GM). The goal was to obtain early user feedback on ATMSG in order to address issues, particularly on usability, before proceeding with more extensive user testing

    BPI Challenge 2017 - Offer log

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    This event log pertains to a loan application process of a Dutch financial institute. The data contains all offers made for an accepted application in the event log 10.4121/uuid:5f3067df-f10b-45da-b98b-86ae4c7a310b. All of the events in this log are also in the BPI Challenge 2017 event log (10.4121/uuid:5f3067df-f10b-45da-b98b-86ae4c7a310b). This subset is provided for convenience and the IDs are persistent between the two datasets. Parent item: BPI Challenge 2017 This event log pertains to a loan application process of a Dutch financial institute. The data contains all applications filed trough an online system in 2016 and their subsequent events until February 1st 2017, 15:11. The company providing the data and the process under consideration is the same as doi:10.4121/uuid:3926db30-f712-4394-aebc-75976070e91f. However, the system supporting the process has changed in the meantime. In particular, the system now allows for multiple offers per application. These offers can be tracked through their IDs in the log

    Impact-Aware Robotics Datasets

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    Collection used to gather all archives stored in the 4TU Research Data repository to be shown in the TU/e Impact-Aware Robotics Database <br

    Impact-Aware Robotics Archives Collection

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    Collection used to gather all archives stored in the 4TU Research Data repository to be shown in the TU/e Impact-Aware Robotics Database <br
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