4 research outputs found

    Umhverfisáhrif vara sem veigamikill þáttur í kauphegðun neytenda : rannsókn og töluleg greining

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    Sustainability and sustainable consumption have become one of the key factors in our battle with global warming. To motivate consumers to make sustainable purchasing decisions, it is vital to understand consumers purchasing behaviour towards green products. This study analysed if the environmental impact of select products had measurable effects on consumers purchasing behaviour by analysing purchasing data from a large retail store in Iceland spanning two years. To gain insight into consumers attitude and intentions towards green products, a survey was conducted which received 166 responses and will be used in comparison with the purchasing data analysis and hypothesis testing. The results indicate that consumers environmental concern correlates with their green purchase intention, but consumers seem to respond weakly to products lowered environmental impact. These findings may be skewed because of COVID-19 which enforced unprecedented scenarios and may have affected consumers purchasing behaviour and quantity of products bought. The main contribution of this thesis is to provide insight into consumers purchasing behaviour towards green products and study the gap between consumers attitude and intent, to consumers actual green purchasing.Sjálfbærni og sjálfbær neysla eru á meðal lykilþátta í baráttunni við gróðurhúsaáhrif. Til þess að geta hvatt neytendur til sjálfbærar neyslu er nauðsynilegt að skilja kauphegðun neytenda og þeirra viðmót gagnvart grænum vörum. Þessi rannsókn skoðaði hvort umhverfisáhrif ákveðinna vara hefði mælanleg áhrif á kauphegðun neytenda með greiningum á kaupgögnum frá stórri verslunarkeðju á Íslandi sem ná yfir tvö ár. Til að sjá viðmót neytenda og kauphegðun þeirra gagnvart grænum vörum, var gerð könnun sem hlaut 166 svör en niðurstöður hennar eru notaðar í samanburði við greininguna á kaupgögnunum og við tilgátuprófun. Niðurstöðurnar gefa til kynna að fylgni er til staðar milli umhverfisvitundar neytenda og kauphegðun þeirra gagnhvart grænum vörum, en neytendur brugðust lítið við breyttum umhverfisáhrifum vara. Niðurstöður þessarar rannsóknar gætu sýnt frávik vegna COVID-19 sem hafði fordæmalaus áhrif á þjóðfélagið í heild og þar með líklega kauphegðun neytenda. Höfuð framlag þessarar rannsóknar er að veita sýn í kauphegðun neytenda gagnvart grænum vörum og rannsaka bilið milli viðmót neytenda og ásetning, við raunverulegu kauphegðun neytenda á grænum vörum

    Green Intentions: Field Research and Data-Driven Analysis of Customers’ Purchasing Patterns

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    Sustainability and sustainable consumption have become key factors in the battle with global warming in general and environmental pollution in particular. To motivate consumers to make sustainable purchasing decisions, it is necessary to understand consumers’ attitudes and purchasing behavior towards green products. This study analyzed if the environmental impact of select products had measurable effects on consumers’ purchasing behavior by analyzing purchasing data from a large retail store in Iceland spanning two years. To gain insight into consumers attitude and intentions towards green products, a survey was conducted which received 166 responses, and will be used in comparison with the purchasing data analysis and testing. The main goal of this study is to analyze the gap between consumers’ intent to consumers’ actual green purchasing. The results of this study will demonstrate that there is an actual difference in this field

    Green Intentions: Field Research and Data-Driven Analysis of Customers’ Purchasing Patterns

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    Sustainability and sustainable consumption have become key factors in the battle with global warming in general and environmental pollution in particular. To motivate consumers to make sustainable purchasing decisions, it is necessary to understand consumers’ attitudes and purchasing behavior towards green products. This study analyzed if the environmental impact of select products had measurable effects on consumers’ purchasing behavior by analyzing purchasing data from a large retail store in Iceland spanning two years. To gain insight into consumers attitude and intentions towards green products, a survey was conducted which received 166 responses, and will be used in comparison with the purchasing data analysis and testing. The main goal of this study is to analyze the gap between consumers’ intent to consumers’ actual green purchasing. The results of this study will demonstrate that there is an actual difference in this field