1,209 research outputs found

    Modelling trends in digit preference patterns

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    Digit preference is the habit of reporting certain end digits more often than others. If such a misreporting pattern is a concern, then measures to reduce digit preference can be taken and monitoring changes in digit preference becomes important. We propose a two-dimensional penalized composite link model to estimate the true distributions unaffected by misreporting, the digit preference pattern and a trend in the preference pattern simultaneously. A transfer pattern is superimposed on a series of smooth latent distributions and is modulated along a second dimension. Smoothness of the latent distributions is enforced by a roughness penalty. Ridge regression with an L1-penalty is used to extract the misreporting pattern, and an additional weighted least squares regression estimates the modulating trend vector. Smoothing parameters are selected by the Akaike information criterion. We present a simulation study and apply the model to data on birth weight and on self-reported weight of adults

    P-splines with derivative based penalties and tensor product smoothing of unevenly distributed data

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    The P-splines of Eilers and Marx (1996) combine a B-spline basis with a discrete quadratic penalty on the basis coefficients, to produce a reduced rank spline like smoother. P-splines have three properties that make them very popular as reduced rank smoothers: i) the basis and the penalty are sparse, enabling efficient computation, especially for Bayesian stochastic simulation; ii) it is possible to flexibly `mix-and-match' the order of B-spline basis and penalty, rather than the order of penalty controlling the order of the basis as in spline smoothing; iii) it is very easy to set up the B-spline basis functions and penalties. The discrete penalties are somewhat less interpretable in terms of function shape than the traditional derivative based spline penalties, but tend towards penalties proportional to traditional spline penalties in the limit of large basis size. However part of the point of P-splines is not to use a large basis size. In addition the spline basis functions arise from solving functional optimization problems involving derivative based penalties, so moving to discrete penalties for smoothing may not always be desirable. The purpose of this note is to point out that the three properties of basis-penalty sparsity, mix-and-match penalization and ease of setup are readily obtainable with B-splines subject to derivative based penalization. The penalty setup typically requires a few lines of code, rather than the two lines typically required for P-splines, but this one off disadvantage seems to be the only one associated with using derivative based penalties. As an example application, it is shown how basis-penalty sparsity enables efficient computation with tensor product smoothers of scattered data

    Visualization of Genomic Changes by Segmented Smoothing Using an L0 Penalty

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    Copy number variations (CNV) and allelic imbalance in tumor tissue can show strong segmentation. Their graphical presentation can be enhanced by appropriate smoothing. Existing signal and scatterplot smoothers do not respect segmentation well. We present novel algorithms that use a penalty on the norm of differences of neighboring values. Visualization is our main goal, but we compare classification performance to that of VEGA

    Selection of tuning parameters in bridge regression models via Bayesian information criterion

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    We consider the bridge linear regression modeling, which can produce a sparse or non-sparse model. A crucial point in the model building process is the selection of adjusted parameters including a regularization parameter and a tuning parameter in bridge regression models. The choice of the adjusted parameters can be viewed as a model selection and evaluation problem. We propose a model selection criterion for evaluating bridge regression models in terms of Bayesian approach. This selection criterion enables us to select the adjusted parameters objectively. We investigate the effectiveness of our proposed modeling strategy through some numerical examples.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Electrochemical investigation of the kinetics of chloride substitution upon reduction of [Ru(porphyrin)(NO)Cl] complexes in THF.

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    The electrochemistry of several ruthenium porphyrin nitrosyl chloride complexes [Ru(por)(NO)Cl] have been examined in tetrahydrofuran. The complexes undergo 1-electron irreversible reductions which result in the diffusion-limited substitutions of the chloride ligands for THF. This chloride metathesis is reversible in the presence of added NBu4Cl, and equilibrium constants and rate constants for chloride loss have been estimated. These parameters correlate with the NO stretching frequencies of the parent complexes, with more electron-donating porphyrin ligands favouring chloride loss from the reduced complexes. The [Ru(por)(NO)(THF)] products of the reductions can be detected by IR, EPR and visible spectroscopies. These species undergo three further reductions, with good reversibility at scan rates \u3e0.40 V s-1. The [Ru(por)(NO)(THF)]+/0 couples have also been determined, and the rate constants and equilibrium constants for recombination with chloride have been estimated. One-electron reductions of the [Ru(por)(NO)Cl] complexes result in ~1018 enhancement of the rates of chloride loss

    Biogenesis of the mitochondrial phosphate carrier

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    The mitochondrial phosphate carrier (PiC) is a member of the family of inner-membrane carrier proteins which are generally synthesized without a cleavable presequence. Surprisingly, the cDNA sequences of bovine and rat PiC suggested the existence of an amino-terminal extension sequence in the precursor of PiC. By expressing PiC in vitro, we found that PiC is indeed synthesized as a larger precursor. This precursor was imported and proteolytically processed by mitochondria, whereby the correct amino-terminus of the mature protein was generated. Import of PiC showed the characteristics of mitochondrial protein uptake, such as dependence on ATP and a membrane potential and involvement of contact sites between mitochondrial outer and inner membranes. The precursor imported in vitro was correctly assembled into the functional form, demonstrating that the authentic import and assembly pathway of PiC was reconstituted when starting with the presequence-carrying precursor. These results are discussed in connection with the recently postulated role of PiC as an import receptor located in the outer membrane

    Biogenesis of mitochondrial porin

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    We review here the present knowledge about the pathway of import and assembly of porin into mitochondria and compare it to those of other mitochondrial proteins. Porin, like all outer mitochondrial membrane proteins studied so far is made as a precursor without a cleavble lsquosignalrsquo sequence; thus targeting information must reside in the mature sequence. At least part of this information appears to be located at the amino-terminal end of the molecule. Transport into mitochondria can occur post-translationally. In a first step, the porin precursor is specifically recognized on the mitochondrial surface by a protease sensitive receptor. In a second step, porin precursor inserts partially into the outer membrane. This step is mediated by a component of the import machinery common to the import pathways of precursor proteins destined for other mitochondrial subcompartments. Finally, porin is assembled to produce the functional oligomeric form of an integral membrane protein wich is characterized by its extreme protease resistance

    A Checklist of the Vascular Flora of Lee County, Iowa

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    The vascular flora of Lee County, Iowa, based upon field and herbarium study, is composed of 876 taxa (species plus hybrids), including 25 endangered and 5 threatened Iowa species. Naturalized species totaled 154. The study added 318 species to the county flora, a 57% increase to the flora of what had been called one of lowa\u27s best collected counties. Two species are reported as additions to the state flora: Habenaria lacera (Michx.) Lodd. and Vitis baileyana Munson. The flora is most notable for the presence of many species which do not occur much farther northward in Iowa, being plants with floristic affinity to the Ozark Plateau in Missouri
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