11 research outputs found

    Rich Cluster and Non-Cluster Radio Galaxies & the (P,D) Diagram for a Large Number of FR I and FR II Sources

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    We present a comparison of the optical and radio properties of radio sources inside and outside the cores of rich clusters from combined samples of more than 380 radio sources. We also examine the nature of FR I and FR II host galaxies, and in particular, we illustrate the importance of selection effects in propagating the misconception that FR I's and FR II's are found in hosts of very different optical luminosity. Given the large sample size, we also discuss the power-size (P,D) distributions as a function of optical luminosity.Comment: to appear in Life Cycles of Radio Galaxies, ed. J. Biretta et al., New Astronomy Reviews; 6 pages, including 2 figure

    Cosmological Magnetogenesis driven by Radiation Pressure

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    The origin of large scale cosmological magnetic fields remains a mystery, despite the continuous efforts devoted to that problem. We present a new model of magnetic field generation, based on local charge separation provided by an anisotropic and inhomogeneous radiation pressure. In the cosmological context, the processes we explore take place at the epoch of the reionisation of the Universe. Under simple assumptions, we obtain results (i) in terms of the order of magnitude of the field generated at large scales and (ii) in terms of its power spectrum. The amplitudes obtained (B ~ 8.10^(-6) micro-Gauss) are considerably higher than those obtained in usual magnetogenesis models and provide suitable seeds for amplification by adiabatic collapse and/or dynamo during structure formation.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Chiral fermion mass and dispersion relations at finite temperature in the presence of hypermagnetic fields

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    We study the modifications to the real part of the thermal self-energy for chiral fermions in the presence of a constant external hypermagnetic field. We compute the dispersion relation for fermions occupying a given Landau level to first order in g'^2, g^2 and g_phi^2 and to all orders in g'B, where g' and g are the U(1)_Y and SU(2)_L couplings of the standard model, respectively, g_phi is the fermion Yukawa coupling, and B is the hypermagnetic field strength. We show that in the limit where the temperature is large compared to sqrt{g'B}, left- and right-handed modes acquire finite and different B-dependent masses due to the chiral nature of their coupling with the external field. Given the current bounds on the strength of primordial magnetic fields, we argue that the above is the relevant scenario to study the effects of magnetic fields on the propagation of fermions prior and during the electroweak phase transition.Comment: 11 pages 4 figures, published versio

    Regular particle acceleration in relativistic jets

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    Exact solution is obtained for electromagnetic field around a conducting cylinder of infinite length and finite radius, with a periodical axial current, when the wave length is much larger than the radius of the cylinder. The solution describes simultaneously the fields in the near zone close to the cylinder, and transition to the wave zone. Proper long-wave oscillations of such cylinder are studied. The electromagnetic energy flux from the cylinder is calculated. These solutions could be applied for description of the electromagnetic field around relativistic jets from active galactic nuclei and quasars and particle acceleration inside jets.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. To appear in Proc. of the Workshop The Multiwavelength Approach To Unidentified Gamma Ray Sources. The University of Hong Kong - Hong Kong, China, 1-4 June 200

    Stochastic Acceleration by Turbulence

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    The subject of this paper is stochastic acceleration by plasma turbulence, a process akin to the original model proposed by Fermi. We review the relative merits of different acceleration models, in particular the so called first order Fermi acceleration by shocks and second order Fermi by stochastic processes, and point out that plasma waves or turbulence play an important role in all mechanisms of acceleration. Thus, stochastic acceleration by turbulence is active in most situations. We also show that it is the most efficient mechanism of acceleration of relatively cool non relativistic thermal background plasma particles. In addition, it can preferentially accelerate electrons relative to protons as is needed in many astrophysical radiating sources, where usually there are no indications of presence of shocks. We also point out that a hybrid acceleration mechanism consisting of initial acceleration by turbulence of background particles followed by a second stage acceleration by a shock has many attractive features. It is demonstrated that the above scenarios can account for many signatures of the accelerated electrons, protons and other ions, in particular 3^3He and 4^4He, seen directly as Solar Energetic Particles and through the radiation they produce in solar flares.Comment: 29 pages 7 figures for proceedings of ISSI-Bern workshop on Particle Acceleration 201

    Large-Scale Structure Formation: From the First Non-linear Objects to Massive Galaxy Clusters

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