222 research outputs found

    CP violation and the 4th generation

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    Within the Standard model with the 4th generation quarks b' and t' we have analyzed CP-violating flavor changing neutral current processes t -> cX; b'-> sX, b'-> bX,t'-> cX, and t'-> tX, with X=Z,H,gamma,g, by constructing and employing global, unique fit for the 4th generation mass mixing matrix CKM4 at 300 < m_t' < 700 GeV. All quantities appearing in the CKM4 were subject to our fitting procedure. We have found that our fit produces the following CP partial rate asymmetry dominance: a_CP(b'-> s(Z,H,gamma,g))= (90,73,52,30)%, at m_t' ~ 300,300,380,400 GeV, respectively. From the experimental point of view the best decay mode, out of the above four, is certainly b'-> s gamma, because of the presence of a clean high energy single final state photon. We have also obtained relatively large a_CP(t -> c g) ~ 15 (10)% for t' running in the loops with the mass m_t'= 650(500) GeV. There are fair chances that the 4th generation quarks will be discovered at Tevatron or LHC and that some of their decay rates shall be measured. If b' and t' exist at energies we assumed, with well executed tagging, large a_CP could be found too.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, some of them new, references added, minor corrections in the text, version to appear in PR

    Fourth Generation b-prime decays into b + Higgs

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    If a fourth generation quark exists whose mass is below 255 GeV, then the only two-body charged current decay, b'-->cW, is doubly-Cabibbo suppressed. For this reason, CDF has searched for the one-loop neutral current decay b' --> bZ, assuming that the branching ratio into bZ is 100%; an analysis giving the bounds on m_b' for smaller branching ratios is in preparation. In this Report, we examine the neutral current decay b' --> bH, which will occur if the Higgs mass is less than m_b'-m_b. Four different cases are examined: the sequential case, the non-chiral isosinglet case, the non-chiral isodoublet case, and a two-Higgs model with flavor-changing neutral currents. In the first three of these, the rates for b' --> bZ and b' --> bH are comparable, assuming comparable phase space factors; in the fourth, b' --> bH is completely dominant. Thus, we emphasize the importance of giving b' mass bounds as a function of the branching ratio into bZ, since the assumption of a 100% branching ratio for b' --> bZ may only be valid if the Higgs mass is near or above the b' mass.Comment: Minor typos fixed, reference added, sentence changed in experimental discussion. Conclusions unchange

    CP Nonconservation in ppˉ→tbˉXp\bar p\to t\bar b X at the Tevatron

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    The reaction ppˉ→tbˉXp\bar p\to t\bar bX is found to be rather rich in exhibiting several different types of CP asymmetries. The spin of the top quark plays an important role. Asymmetries are related to form factors arising from radiative corrections of the tbWtbW production vertex due to non-standard physics. As illustrations, effects are studied in two Higgs Doublet Models and in Supersymmetric Models; asymmetries up to a few percent may be possible.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Note: replaced due to minor problems that appeared on some postscript previewers. No change in conten

    Dominant Three-Body Decays of a Heavy Higgs and Top Quark

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    We calculate the dominant three body Higgs decays, H→W+W−(Z0,γ)H \to W^+W^-(Z^0, \gamma) and H→tt‾(Z0,γ,g)H \to t\overline{t}(Z^0,\gamma ,g), in the Standard Model. We find that the branching ratios of these decays are of the order of few percent for large Higgs masses. We comment on the behaviour of the partial decay width Γ(H→tb‾W−)\Gamma (H \to t\overline{b}W^-) below the tt‾t\overline{t} threshold. Numerical results of the following three body top decays, t→W+b(γ,g,Z0)t \to W^+b(\gamma ,g,Z^0) and t→W+bHt \to W^+bH, are also given. We discuss the feasibility of observing these Higgs and top decays at future high energy colliders.Comment: 19 pages (13 Figs can be sent by request), TeX, MZ-TH/92-2

    Collision-Induced Decay of Metastable Baby Skyrmions

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    Many extensions of the standard model predict heavy metastable particles which may be modeled as solitons (skyrmions of the Higgs field), relating their particle number to a winding number. Previous work has shown that the electroweak interactions admit processes in which these solitons decay, violating standard model baryon number. We motivate the hypothesis that baryon-number-violating decay is a generic outcome of collisions between these heavy particles. We do so by exploring a 2+1 dimensional theory which also possesses metastable skyrmions. We use relaxation techniques to determine the size, shape and energy of static solitons in their ground state. These solitons could decay by quantum mechanical tunneling. Classically, they are metastable: only a finite excitation energy is required to induce their decay. We attempt to induce soliton decay in a classical simulation by colliding pairs of solitons. We analyze the collision of solitons with varying inherent stabilities and varying incident velocities and orientations. Our results suggest that winding-number violating decay is a generic outcome of collisions. All that is required is sufficient (not necessarily very large) incident velocity; no fine-tuning of initial conditions is required.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, latex. Very small changes onl

    SUSY signals at HERA in the no-scale flipped SU(5) supergravity model

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    Sparticle production and detection at HERA are studied within the recently proposed no-scale flipped SU(5)SU(5) supergravity model. Among the various reaction channels that could lead to sparticle production at HERA, only the following are within its limit of sensitivity in this model: e−p→e~L,R−χi0+X,ν~eχ1−+Xe^-p\to \tilde e^-_{L,R}\chi^0_i+X, \tilde \nu_e\chi^-_1+X, where χi0(i=1,2)\chi^0_i(i=1,2) are the two lightest neutralinos and χ1−\chi^-_1 is the lightest chargino. We study the elastic and deep-inelastic contributions to the cross sections using the Weizs\"acker-Williams approximation. We find that the most promising supersymmetric production channel is right-handed selectron (e~R\tilde e_{R}) plus first neutralino (χ10\chi^0_1), with one hard electron and missing energy signature. The ν~eχ1−\tilde\nu_e\chi^-_1 channel leads to comparable rates but also allows jet final states. A right-handedly polarized electron beam at HERA would shut off the latter channel and allow preferentially the former one. With an integrated luminosity of {\cal L}=100\ipb, HERA can extend the present LEPI lower bounds on me~R,mν~e,mχ10m_{\tilde e_R}, m_{\tilde\nu_e},m_{\chi^0_1} by \approx25\GeV, while {\cal L}=1000\ipb will make HERA competitive with LEPII. We also show that the Leading Proton Spectrometer (LPS) at HERA is an excellent supersymmetry detector which can provide indirect information about the sparticle masses by measuring the leading proton longitudinal momentum distribution.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures (available upon request as uuencoded file or separate ps files), tex (harvmac) CTP-TAMU-15/93, CERN/LAA/93-1

    The "radiative Delta -> N gamma" decay in light cone QCD

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    The "g_{Delta N gamma}" coupling for the "Delta -> N gamma" decay is calculated in framework of the light cone QCD sum rules and is found to be g_{Delta N gamma} = (1.6 pm 0.2) GeV^(-1). Using this value of g_{Delta N gamma} we estimate the branching ratio of the Delta^+ -> N gamma decay, which is in a very good agreement with the experimental result.Comment: 9 pages, 1figures, LaTeX formatte

    Complementarity of Semileptonic BB to K2∗(1430)K_2^*(1430) and K∗(892)K^*(892) Decays in the Standard Model with Fourth Generation

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    The B→K2∗(1430)l+l−B\rightarrow K_{2}^{\ast}(1430)l^{+}l^{-} (l=μ,τ)(l=\mu,\tau) decays are analyzed in the Standard Model extended to fourth generation of quarks (SM4). The decay rate, forward-backward asymmetry, lepton polarization asymmetries and the helicity fractions of the final state K2∗(1430)K^{*}_{2}(1430) meson are obtained using the form factors calculated in the light cone sum rules (LCSR) approach. We have utilized the constraints on different fourth generation parameters obtained from the experimental information on KK, BB and DD decays and from the electroweak precision data to explore their impact on the B→K2∗(1430)l+l−B\rightarrow K_{2}^{\ast}(1430)l^{+}l^{-} decay. We find that the values of above mentioned physical observables deviate deviate significantly from their minimal SM predications. We also identify a number of correlations between various observables in B→K2∗(1430)l+l−B\rightarrow K_{2}^{\ast}(1430)l^{+}l^{-} and B→K∗(892)l+l−B\rightarrow K^{\ast}(892)l^{+}l^{-} decays. Therefore a combined analysis of these two decays will compliment each other in the searches of SM4 effects in flavor physics.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure
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