669 research outputs found

    High-Precision Spectroscopy with Counter-Propagating Femtosecond Pulses

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    An experimental realization of high-precision direct frequency comb spectroscopy using counter-propagating femtosecond pulses on two-photon atomic transitions is presented. Doppler broadened background signal, hampering precision spectroscopy with ultrashort pulses, is effectively eliminated with a simple pulse shaping method. As a result, all four 5S-7S two-photon transitions in a rubidium vapor are determined with both statistical and systematic uncertainties below 1011^{-11}, which is an order of magnitude better than previous experiments on these transitions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted to PR

    Selecting surface features for accurate multi-camera surface reconstruction

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    This paper proposes a novel feature detector for selecting local textures that are suitable for accurate multi-camera surface reconstruction, and in particular planar patch fitting techniques. This approach is in contrast to conventional feature detectors, which focus on repeatability under scale and affine transformations rather than suitability for multi-camera reconstruction techniques. The proposed detector selects local textures that are sensitive to affine transformations, which is a fundamental requirement for accurate patch fitting. The proposed detector is evaluated against the SIFT detector on a synthetic dataset and the fitted patches are compared against ground truth. The experiments show that patches originating from the proposed detector are fitted more accurately to the visible surfaces than those originating from SIFT keypoints. In addition, the detector is evaluated on a performance capture studio dataset to show the real-world application of the proposed detector

    Is MAP Decoding All You Need? The Inadequacy of the Mode in Neural Machine Translation

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    Recent studies have revealed a number of pathologies of neural machine translation (NMT) systems. Hypotheses explaining these mostly suggest that there is something fundamentally wrong with NMT as a model or its training algorithm, maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). Most of this evidence was gathered using maximum a posteriori (MAP) decoding, a decision rule aimed at identifying the highest-scoring translation, i.e. the mode, under the model distribution. We argue that the evidence corroborates the inadequacy of MAP decoding more than casts doubt on the model and its training algorithm. In this work, we criticise NMT models probabilistically showing that stochastic samples following the model's own generative story do reproduce various statistics of the training data well, but that it is beam search that strays from such statistics. We show that some of the known pathologies of NMT are due to MAP decoding and not to NMT's statistical assumptions nor MLE. In particular, we show that the most likely translations under the model accumulate so little probability mass that the mode can be considered essentially arbitrary. We therefore advocate for the use of decision rules that take into account statistics gathered from the model distribution holistically. As a proof of concept we show that a straightforward implementation of minimum Bayes risk decoding gives good results outperforming beam search using as little as 30 samples, confirming that MLE-trained NMT models do capture important aspects of translation well in expectation

    La evolución del concepto kelseniano de norma jurídica

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    Auto-Encoding Variational Neural Machine Translation

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    We present a deep generative model of bilingual sentence pairs for machine translation. The model generates source and target sentences jointly from a shared latent representation and is parameterised by neural networks. We perform efficient training using amortised variational inference and reparameterised gradients. Additionally, we discuss the statistical implications of joint modelling and propose an efficient approximation to maximum a posteriori decoding for fast test-time predictions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our model in three machine translation scenarios: in-domain training, mixed-domain training, and learning from a mix of gold-standard and synthetic data. Our experiments show consistently that our joint formulation outperforms conditional modelling (i.e. standard neural machine translation) in all such scenarios