27 research outputs found

    Дослідження задоволеності споживачів освітньою послугою

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    У статті досліджується питання задоволеності споживачів (потенційнихпідприємств-роботодавців) якістюпідготовки молодих фахівців (випускників вищого навчального закладу). Виконаний аналіз дозволяє вдосконалити методику виявлення слабких сторін освітнього процесу, сформувати заходи для усунення недоліків та контролю з боку керівництва вищої школи.In the article the question of satisfaction of users (by potential enterprises - employers) is explored by quality of preparation of young specialists (graduating students of Institute of higher), analysis, which will allow to expose weak sides educations, their improvement and control from the side of guidance of high school

    Supporting students to develop concepts underlying sampling and to shuttle between contextual and statistical spheres

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    To stimulate students’ shuttling between contextual and statistical spheres, we based tasks on professional practices. This article focuses on two tasks to support reasoning about sampling by students aged 16–17. The purpose of the tasks was to find out which smaller sample size would have been sufficient for making reliable inferences. The research question addressed is: How can students be supported to develop concepts underlying sampling and to shuttle between contextual and statistical spheres? Design research was carried out to test whether the tasks had the potential to support students’ concepts underlying sampling and to find indications of what teachers should do to use this potential. Analysis of video recordings indicates that the students showed a balanced development of the concepts underlying sampling. They seemed aware of the purposes of the tasks and were able to apply their statistical knowledge but tended to forget to shuttle back

    De aard van NLT

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    De aard van NLT

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    De identiteit van het nieuwe betavak

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    De herziening van het natuurkundeonderwijs in de tweede fase van havo en vwo: de rol van drie commissies

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    Het natuurkundeonderwijs wordt de komende jaren grondig herzien. Hoe de toekomst er uit gaat zien kunnen we alleen maar gissen. Onlangs zijn er vier commissies ingesteld die hun werkzaamheden al zijn begonnen of daar binnenkort mee aanvangen. Het is zaak om de bevindingen van deze commissies op de voet te volgen en waar mogelijk een inbreng te hebben en commentaar te leveren op hun bevindingen. Hieronder volgt een overzicht van de commissies en hun werkzaamheden

    High-school students engaging with researchers within a pre-university programme : Motivations and experiences

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    For students, the transition between secondary school and higher education can be problematic. Their prior knowledge may be insufficient, or they may lack the right attitude and skills for university. Especially gifted students often lack challenges to remain motivated. Moreover, it is not easy for secondary school students, to get a good picture of a variety of further studies. For their teachers, it is difficult to keep students informed about actual research in science and technology, as they are not in touch with this research on a regular basis. In this paper, we report about experiences of more than ten years at Utrecht University, offering pre-university students opportunities to be involved in lectures, workshops, laboratories and research at the university. We report on students’ motivation to register for this programme, and their experiences afterwards. Important categories of motivation and experience are: raising interest in science; the choice of, and preparation for, further studies; working with a group of similar, motivated students; the wish to be challenged; and the experience of doing research at the university. University lecturers involved in the programme like to work with these students, and are motivated to share their research experiences

    Improving the quality of innovative science teaching materials

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    An increasing number of scientists of different fields is working together in interdisciplinary subjects. For school science it is difficult to bring these interdisciplinary developments into the classroom. Pupils thus get an outdated view of science and of possibilities in science and technology for their future career. Also there are indications that interdisciplinary subjects are more attractive to pupils than classical science subjects, even more so for females. In the Netherlands one remedy for this is the development of a new interdisciplinary subject: NLT (Natuur, Leven en Technologie). This subject is offered to science stream pupils in senior secondary schools in addition to the regular subjects physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics. A set of more than 50 modules is being developed as teaching materials for national use. Each module is developed by a team in which teachers of secondary schools and an expert of the subject work together. However this does not automatically lead to good teaching materials. For this reason a quality control procedure was developed for all NLT modules. In this procedure, teachers, pupils, scientists and science education experts all play a role in the evaluation of draft modules. The results of such a multi-perspective evaluation procedure are promising