3,134 research outputs found

    Ageing and the Decay of Beauty: Radiation Hardness of the LHCb Outer Tracker and Time-Dependent CP Violation using Bos ->J/ v o Decays

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    Merk, M.H.M. [Promotor]Raven, H.G. [Promotor]Tuning, N. [Copromotor

    De Groene Trekker: Resultaten van de ontwerpfase

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    Het project ‘De Groene Trekker’ heeft als doel om nieuwe doelgroepen met de multifunctionele landbouw te verbinden door nieuwe (combinaties van) producten en diensten voor de multifunctionele landbouw te ontwerpen die tegemoet komen aan de wensen en behoeften van die doelgroepen

    Notes on determinations of nitrate in plant material.

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    The determination of nitrate in extracts of plants including grass, maize, sugarbeet leaves, lucerne, peas, cucumber, radish and lettuce by 3 different methods was tested. The methods based on nitration of O'-xylenol and dialysis of plant extracts and reduction of nitrate to nitrite ions by a Cu-Cd reductor were equally satisfactory. No influence of the extraction ratio was found. Extraction of plant material with water or electrolyte solution gave comparable results. Direct potentiometry gave too high results at lower nitrate ion levels. This phenomenon depends on the nature of plant material analysed and is apparently caused by organic anions. For spinach, the electrode can be used when the nitrate content is about 300 mmol nitrate/kg DM or higher. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission
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