2 research outputs found

    Organic yerba mate : an environmentally, socially and financially suitable agroforestry system

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    Paper presented at the 12th North American Agroforesty Conference, which was held June 4-9, 2011 in Athens, Georgia.In Ashton, S. F., S.W. Workman, W.G. Hubbard and D.J. Moorhead, eds. Agroforestry: A Profitable Land Use. Proceedings, 12th North American Agroforestry Conference, Athens, GA, June 4-9, 2011.Trade in yerba mate (YM) (Ilex paraguariensis) is a lucrative business in Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil. YM leaves are locally consumed as a tea with a market expanding to the USA, Europe and Asia, as it contains nearly twice the antioxidant levels of green tea and is energizing, making it an alternative to coffee. Approximately 5 percent of Misiones province, Argentina is in YM production. Many small farmers do not reach acceptable production levels due to lack of adequate technology. Organic YM producers can get up to 20 [percent] price surplus and most YM cooperatives have organic YM as one of their products. Typically grown in monocultures, its management can cause erosion and soil exhaustion, however YM naturally grows in subtropical forest and is shade tolerant thus it is adequate for agroforestry systems (AFS). We examined organic AFS of YM with other native trees by conducting semi-structured interviews with farmers in Misiones, including smaller, family-operated farms as well as larger farms, private companies, and private reserves. We recorded a substantial number of individuals of native species. Many farmers have their own nurseries to produce seedlings to use with YM and to sell for additional income. The extra work involved in using the organic practices and planting and tending for the native species is compensated by higher YM prices. YM AFS with native trees improve soil fertility of degraded areas without relying on fertilizers, while providing additional income from the timber of native trees. We conclude that AFS that combine YM with indigenous trees can favor the spread of organic YM production and diversify income in Argentina and elsewhere.Florencia Montagnini (1), Beatriz I. Eibl (2) and Sara R. Barth (2,3) ; 1. Yale University, Forestry and Env. Studies. 2. Facultad Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional de Misiones. 3. Instituto Nacional de Tecnolog锟絘 Agropecuaria, INTA.Includes bibliographical references

    Comportamiento y Longevidad de Aspidosperma polyneuron M眉ll. Arg. frente al Ultrasecado Seed conservation of palo-rosa

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    Resumen Aspidosperma polyneuron es una especie climax del bosque tropical que ha sido intensamente explotada provocando su reducci贸n en las poblaciones de Misiones. Para conservarla en bancos de germoplasma, se estudi贸 el comportamiento y la longevidad de las semillas frente al ultra-secado. Como mostraron comportamiento ortodoxo frente a la deshidrataci贸n, se ultra-desecaron hasta 3% de humedad y se almacenaron en envases herm茅ticos a 8 卤 2 掳C. En estas condiciones se midieron la viabilidad y el vigor a los 0, 7, 20, 48 y 60 meses mediante las variables: porcentaje de germinaci贸n, tiempo medio de germinaci贸n e 铆ndice de velocidad de germinaci贸n. La primera de ellas no mostr贸 diferencias significativas mientras que las otras dos, detectaron cierto deterioro causado por el almacenamiento. Estos resultados indican que es posible prolongar la longevidad de las semillas de A. polyneuron durante largos per铆odos solucionando el faltante de semillas entre temporadas de producci贸n. Palabras clave: Palo rosa; Almacenamiento de semillas; Ultradesecaci贸n; Semillas forestales. Abstract Aspidosperma polyneuron is a climax species of the rainforest tropical forest that has been intensively exploited causing its population decline in the province of Misiones. their reduction in populations of Misiones. To preserve conserve it in gene banks, the behavior and longevity of ultra-dried seeds were studied. The seeds were dehydrated to 3% of moisture content and stored in airtight containers at 8 卤 2 掳C. Viability and vigor were measured through germination percentage, and vigor, through mean germination time and germination rate index, at 0, 7, 20, 48 and 60 months of age using the variables germination rate, mean germination time and germination speed index.. Seeds of A. polyneuron behaved as orthodox, preserving its viability and vigor for 60 months when they were subjected to ultra-dry method. This method could solve the shortage of seeds during the long periods between production seasons. The first germination showed no significant difference while the other two presented some deterioration caused by storage. Results indicate that it is possible to extend the longevity of A. polyneuron seeds for long periods solving the shortage of seeds between production seasons