61 research outputs found

    Chemically synthesized zinc finger molecules as nano-addressable probes for double-stranded DNAs

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    Our experiments describe an alternative method of dsDNA recognition using zinc finger (ZF) molecules which bind DNA specifically and with high affinity. Our aim was to develop zinc finger probes which are able to bind to dsDNA molecules at predetermined sites. In our basic approach we used pairs of complementary oligonucleotides to form dsDNAs, containing one of the three SP1-transcription factor motifs as a zinc finger recognition site. Two zinc finger probes of the SP1 motif were chemically synthesized and modified with a Dy-633 fluorophore. The SP1 peptides were folded into functional zinc fingers using zinc chloride. The addressable dsDNAs were immobilized on optical fibres, and the kinetics and binding rates of the artificial zinc finger probes were measured by a fluorescence detecting device (photomultiplying tube). The two zinc fingers and their corresponding DNA recognition sites served as specific probes and controls for the matching site and vice versa. Our experiments showed that a variety of dsDNA-binding probes may be created by modification of the amino acid sequence of natural zinc finger proteins. Our findings offer an alternative approach of addressing dsDNA molecules, for example for use in a nanoarray device

    Echtzeitdetektion von Punktmutationen mit DNA-Chips am Beispiel des SULT1A1*213-SNP

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    Der Identifizierung von Punktmutationen im menschlichen Genom kommt eine hohe Bedeutung zu. Die Entdeckung einer Vielzahl von SNPs ('single nucleotide polymorphisms'), also Mutationen einzelner Basen, die definitionsgemäß bei mehr als 1% der Bevölkerung auftreten, und die Erkenntnis, dass SNPs die Nebenwirkungen von Medikamenten determinieren können, führte zu der Vision einer 'personalisierten Medizin': Der Patient erhält nach einer Genotypisierung das für ihn verträglichste Medikament verschrieben. Notwendige Bedingung für das neue Paradigma ist eine schnelle und hochdurchsatzfähige DNA-Analytik. Da bis zu 3 Millionen von SNPs beim Menschen vermutet werden (www.snp.cshl.org), ist das etablierte Verfahren mittels PCR-Amplifikation, Restriktionsenzymverdau und Elektrophorese nicht praktikabel. Neben den zum Massenscreening geeigneten, spezialisierten MALDI- (z.B. Sequenom ®) und Primer-Extension-Verfahren (z.B. Orchid Biocomputer ®) wird insbesondere die DNA-Chip-Technologie als vielversprechende Methode für mittlere bis hohe Durchsätze und Vor-Ort-Anwendungen angesehen. Der Einsatz dieses Verfahrens zum SNP-Screening wird am Beispiel des SULT1A1*213-SNPs demonstriert. Das SULT1A1-Gen beim Menschen kodiert für eine cytosolische, thermostabile Phenol-Sulfotransferase (P-PST, EC, die in der Leber durch Sulfonierung von phenolischen Substraten Biosynthese und Entgiftungsfunktionen ausübt. Bisher wurden drei Punktmutationen in diesem Gen entdeckt (Raftogianis 1997). Die Variation *213Arginin nach *213Histidin, die bei ca. 37% der (kaukasischen) Bevölkerung auftritt, führt zu einem deutlich verschiedenen Phänotyp (geringere Aktivität, geringere Thermostabilität, Engelke 2000) und wird mit Übergewicht in Zusammenhang gebracht

    Microscopic understanding of heavy-tailed return distributions in an agent-based model

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    The distribution of returns in financial time series exhibits heavy tails. In empirical studies, it has been found that gaps between the orders in the order book lead to large price shifts and thereby to these heavy tails. We set up an agent based model to study this issue and, in particular, how the gaps in the order book emerge. The trading mechanism in our model is based on a double-auction order book, which is used on nearly all stock exchanges. In situations where the order book is densely occupied with limit orders we do not observe fat-tailed distributions. As soon as less liquidity is available, a gap structure forms which leads to return distributions with heavy tails. We show that return distributions with heavy tails are an order-book effect if the available liquidity is constrained. This is largely independent of the specific trading strategies

    Prospect Theory in the Heterogeneous Agent Model

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    Using the Heterogeneous Agent Model framework, we incorporate an extension based on Prospect Theory into a popular agent-based asset pricing model. The extension covers the phenomenon of loss aversion manifested in risk aversion and asymmetric treatment of gains and losses. Using Monte Carlo methods, we investigate behavior and statistical properties of the extended model and assess its relevance with respect to financial data and stylized facts. We show that the Prospect Theory extension keeps the essential underlying mechanics of the model intact, however, that it changes the model dynamics considerably. Stability of the model increases but the occurrence of the fundamental strategy is more extreme. Moreover, the extension shifts the model closer to the behavior of real-world stock markets

    Gesundheitsinformationen in der Pandemie - Wahrnehmungen von Menschen mit COPD

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    Spike Removal and Denoising of Raman Spectra by Wavelet Transform Methods

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    Real-time analysis on microarrays

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    Superoxide Dismutase Activity Measurement Using Cytochrome c

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