848 research outputs found

    The Significance of Looking Back: Fertility Before the "Fertility Decline" [2011].

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    In this paper, I argue that living with no or few children and low fertility was widespread in preindustrial societies. After a critical discussion of demographic transition theory and the concept of "natural fertility", I investigate fertility in early modern Europe. In doing so, I follow the suggestion of "cultural demography" and combine quantitative and qualitative research. I show a great extent and many variations of deliberate birth control before the "fertility decline" took place. This finding should help to see the actual level of fertility as less exceptional and dramatic than it is often claimed

    The significance of looking back: fertility before the "fertility decline"

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    In this paper, I argue that living with no or few children and low fertility was widespread in pre-industrial societies. After a critical discussion of demographic transition theory and the concept of 'natural fertility', I investigate fertility in early modern Europe. In doing so, I follow the suggestion of 'cultural demography' and combine quantitative and qualitative research. I show a great extent and many variations of deliberate birth control before the 'fertility decline' took place. This finding should help to see the actual level of fertility as less exceptional and dramatic than it is often claimed. Adapted from the source document

    Teacher Identity and the Role of Relational Coaching

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    The purpose of this study was to identify specific strategies that principals use when coaching teachers who struggle to develop positive relationships with students. Using a qualitative case study design, six principals were identified through the use of a demographic survey. The principals were interviewed about their experiences. Each interview was recorded, transcribed, and coded for data analysis. The principals’ narratives, emerging themes and sub themes provide insight into their experiences with both relational and non-relational teachers. The emerging themes are: (a) relationship building for teachers and students; (b) coaching strategies; (c) roadblocks and deficiencies; and (d) identity and belief systems. Dilts Nested Levels of Learning provide the conceptual framework for this study. There were four Dilts areas that emerged as themes throughout the principals responses: (a) behavior; (b) capabilities; (c) belief systems; and (d) identity. Principal narratives provide evidence for how the nested levels coincide with the formation of identity. Three assertions serve as the foundation to provide specific coaching strategies to teachers who struggle in the area of building positive relationships with students: (a) In order for teachers to even consider working on relationship building with students, they must first have a trusting, positive, respectful and supportive relationship with their principal; (b) Teachers can be classified as “relationship teachers” or “instructional/content teachers.” A master teacher has both the ability to master both of these areas effectively. An instructional teacher can become more relational through coaching if they are open and willing to make changes; (c) While coaching and working with teachers, a principal must often “dance” between providing support as well as being more directive with teachers. The researcher created two theories based on the assertions. EDIRS provides a model of teachers ability to be instructional, relational, or both. Ehmer’s theory of the dance represents principals’ skill to dance between providing supportive and directive approaches

    Wachstumsperspektiven im Strukturwandel: Neue Branchencluster entstehen

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    Diese Arbeit thematisiert den Strukturwandel in Deutschland. Bei der klassischen Darstellung anhand der drei Wirtschaftssektoren Landwirtschaft/Industrie/Dienstleistung gehen wichtige Details verloren. Denn Tertiarisierung bedeutet nicht automatisch, dass alle Dienstleistungen auf einem aufstrebenden Ast sind und alle Industriebranchen an Bedeutung verlieren. Mittels einer multivariaten Clusteranalyse teilen wir die Wirtschaft anhand von Strukturmerkmalen von Branchen in aussagekräftige Abschnitte ein. Grundlage für die Neueinteilung sind wichtige Bestimmungsfaktoren der Wachstumstheorie und des Strukturwandels, nämlich die Kapital-, IKT-, Export-, Outsourcing-, Forschungs- und Wissensintensität der Wirtschaftszweige. Die identifizierten Branchencluster überwinden die Grenzen des Drei-Sektoren-Modells und setzen sich sowohl aus Industrie- als auch Dienstleistungsbranchen zusammen. Aufgrund vergleichbarer Strukturmerkmale folgen sie ähnlichen Wachstumstrends und dürften auf exogene Schocks in ähnlicher Weise reagieren. Wir können so Aussagen zum künftigen Strukturwandel und zu den Aussichten der einzelnen Cluster treffen. Nach unseren Ergebnissen ist der Ausblick vor allem für ein forschungs- und wissensintensives Industriecluster und ein Cluster bestehend aus den unternehmensnahen Dienstleistungen, dem Finanzwesen und den Versorgen günstig. Zukunftsbranchen stammen also nicht allein aus dem Dienstleistungssektor, daher sollte die Wachstumsdiskussion nicht einseitig geführt werden

    Wachstumsperspektiven im Strukturwandel: Neue Branchencluster entstehen

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    Diese Arbeit thematisiert den Strukturwandel in Deutschland. Bei der klassischen Darstellung anhand der drei Wirtschaftssektoren Landwirtschaft/Industrie/Dienstleistung gehen wichtige Details verloren. Denn Tertiarisierung bedeutet nicht automatisch, dass alle Dienstleistungen auf einem aufstrebenden Ast sind und alle Industriebranchen an Bedeutung verlieren. Mittels einer multivariaten Clusteranalyse teilen wir die Wirtschaft anhand von Strukturmerkmalen von Branchen in aussagekräftige Abschnitte ein. Grundlage für die Neueinteilung sind wichtige Bestimmungsfaktoren der Wachstumstheorie und des Strukturwandels, nämlich die Kapital-, IKT-, Export-, Outsourcing-, Forschungs- und Wissensintensität der Wirtschaftszweige. Die identifizierten Branchencluster überwinden die Grenzen des Drei-Sektoren-Modells und setzen sich sowohl aus Industrie- als auch Dienstleistungsbranchen zusammen. Aufgrund vergleichbarer Strukturmerkmale folgen sie ähnlichen Wachstumstrends und dürften auf exogene Schocks in ähnlicher Weise reagieren. Wir können so Aussagen zum künftigen Strukturwandel und zu den Aussichten der einzelnen Cluster treffen. Nach unseren Ergebnissen ist der Ausblick vor allem für ein forschungs- und wissensintensives Industriecluster und ein Cluster bestehend aus den unternehmensnahen Dienstleistungen, dem Finanzwesen und den Versorgen günstig. Zukunftsbranchen stammen also nicht allein aus dem Dienstleistungssektor, daher sollte die Wachstumsdiskussion nicht einseitig geführt werden. --Strukturwandel,Wirtschaftsstruktur,Tertiarisierung

    Reedy Creek: A Stream Science and Spatial Statistics Approach

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    In 2009, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued updated rules regarding Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) levels for three primary pollutants in the Chesapeake Bay: nitrogen, phosphorus, and total suspended sediment (TSS). The EPA required Richmond to draft Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs) detailing individual pollution reduction goals and specific actions required to achieve those goals. The City of Richmond intended to complete stream restoration projects on five urban streams, including Reedy Creek. The City of Richmond commissioned Timmons Group to complete erosion analyses and recommend stream sections for restoration. The following (1) examines the relationship between spatial stream statistics and Land Cover Management practices over the current scenario and the alternative planned scenarios using the spatial statistics program iTree Hydro and (2) contains a short literature review of the relevant literature in the stream restoration field today, and connects current theories and analyses to Reedy Creek’s local context. Poster prepared for the Environmental Studies Senior Seminar/Geography Capstone

    Research on Climate Change Education at University of Richmond and Proposal for a Stewardship/Sustainability Themed First Year Experience

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    We recognize that the University has an opportunity to engage and increase its environmental educaion, and raise environmental awareness. Therefore, we propose to incorporate stewardship and sustainability as a curriculum theme into the proposed First Year Experience, more specifically the Living and Learning Program, as outlined in the current QEP in accordance with the Strategic Plan. Poster session for the Environmental Studies Senior Seminar/Geography Capstone

    Conceptual Overview of MIS and its Importance in an Organization

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    A management information system is an integrated, uniform method for collecting and reporting information about a particular program, event or activity. We can also define MIS as a user machine system which is used for providing information to support the operation and decision making function in an organization. MIS support decision making at all levels of the organization and also supports decision making in both structured and unstructured problem environment. In our paper we have described about the MIS and its importance in an organization. We have also explained various types of information system and the steps involve in designing and developing of an effective MIS in an organization. Keywords: Transactional Processing System, Management Reporting System, Decision Support System and Executive Support System

    Environmental Education at the University of Richmond and Proposal for a Stewardship/ Sustainability Themed First Year Experience

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    In the University Strategic Plan 2017: in the fifth value, Stewardship in A Changing World, The University of Richmond has set the goal to be a leader in innovative practices that sustain our environmental, human and financial resources in response to emerging environmental and financial challenges globally. The University Strategic Plan 2017 proposes three key initiatives aiming to help the community to achieve the goal of sustainability. First, the University and the Office of Sustainability will complete a Sustainability Strategic Plan that guides the University to build a more sustainable and environmentally friendly campus through the development and implementation of strategies with measurable objectives. Secondly, the University will transform the campus management, operation and consumption into a green and sustainable model and move away from stressing the environmental, human and financial resources. The third proposed initiative, which we specifically focus on in this research, is that the University will physically and financially support innovative academic programs that educate high-achieving students today and in future generations about sustainability, responsibility and environmental challenges at different scales. Paper for the Environmental Studies Senior Seminar/Geography Capstone

    Achieving Success through Effective Business Communication

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    In business, communication is used to promote a product or services, relay information within the business or deal with legal or similar issues. We can also define business communication as a process of transmitting information and thoughts between various parts of an organization and also to people outside organization. Effective communication is essential and indispensable for the success of any business. Technology has opened the door to new ways of interacting, but the process is still challenged by barriers that hinder its effectiveness. In our paper we have defined communication process, barriers to effective business communication and various tips to overcome these communication barriers. Keywords: Barriers to Business Communication, Communication Process, Effective Communicatio
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