4 research outputs found

    Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations (cAVMs): What Is New?

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    Cerebral arteriovenous malformations (cAVMs) are rare congenital anomalies of cerebral blood vessels that result from maldevelopment of the capillary bed, permitting direct communication between cerebral arteries and veins. It usually occurs in the supratentorial area of the brain; however, it can occur anywhere in the brain and spinal cord. Most of the patients with cAVMs present with a variety of complaints such as seizures, intracerebral hemorrhage, headache, and progressive focal neurological deficit. Imaging such as CT, MRI, and angiography plays a vital role in diagnosis, grading, risk assessment, and posttherapeutic follow-up. The multidisciplinary team use three therapeutic modalities in the treatment of cAVMs. This chapter reviews the clinical presentations, diagnosis, classification, and treatment of cAVMs

    Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation from Classification to the Management

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    Cerebral arteriovenous malformations (cAVMs) are the rare neurosurgical emergency. cAVM is an abnormal vascular web, composed of nidus, feeding artery and draining veins. It commonly occurs in the supratentorial area of the brain. The common grading system used in cAVM is Spetzler-Martin grading, which takes into consideration the size of nidus, the location of cAVM and the venous drainage. The cAVMs may develop flow and pressure-related aneurysms, which will increase the morbidity and mortality in these patients. cAVMs vary in size and undergo growth, remodeling and rarely regression. Most of the cAVMs are asymptomatic, but the common presentation are headache, seizure, intracerebral hemorrhage or focal neurological deficit. The cerebral angiography remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of cAVM. Management of the cAVM includes medical therapy, surgical excision, radiosurgery and embolization

    Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: Facts and Figures

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    Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is a rare clinical entity during pregnancy. PPCM is a diagnosis of exclusion. These patients do not have prior history of heart disease, and there are no other known possible causes of heart failure. It is more common in African countries, may be related to the consumption of kanwa, in the postpartum period. The multiparity, African descent and pregnancy-induced hypertension are a few risk factors for PPCM. The exact etiology of PPCM is not known; possible theories range from myocarditis to the maladaptation to the changes of pregnancy. The clinical manifestation varies from shortness of breath to thromboembolic phenomenon. Echocardiography is essential for diagnosis as well as differential diagnosis of PPCM. These patients preferably are managed in tertiary healthcare facilities. Anticoagulation and antiarrhythmic medications are pillars for the management of PPCM patients. If required, mechanical devices should be used temporarily. PPCM patients may need heart transplant. The beneficial role of bromocriptine and immunosuppression is not clear in PPCM patients. Subsequent pregnancies should be avoided to prevent the PPCM occurrence

    Anaesthetic Considerations in Gastrointestinal Endoscopies

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    Gastrointestinal endoscopy has become fundamental procedure for diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal tract diseases. Generally, the gastrointestinal endoscopy is minimally invasive procedure. However, it can cause considerable amount of discomfort and pain which make the procedure unsafe, complicated and refusal of follow up procedures if done without safe sedation. The sedation is required to alleviate anxiety, provide analgesia, amnesia and to improve endoscopic performance specifically in therapeutic procedures. The safe administration of sedative and analgesic medications, irrespective of the regimen used, requires knowledge of the individual needs of patients. The combination of benzodiazepines and opioids is now the most widely used sedation regimen for sedation in gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures. Generally, sedation for gastrointestinal endoscopy is considered safe, however, it has the potential for serious complications. Therefore, endoscopist should assess the patients properly before the endoscopy as well as should be aware of all possible complications and the risk factors. Furthermore, skilled staff and emergency equipment should be available in endoscopy suit. This chapter discuss in details all the aspects of safe procedural sedation during GI endoscopies