2 research outputs found

    Stress concept in transportation of live fishes – a review

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    This paper review covers work done on various methods of transporting live fishes, factors to consider for fish transportation, the stress concept and how stress can be minimized during fish transportation. It reviews the responsibility of transport personnel(s) or company when carrying out the duty of transporting live fish, the effect of handling of fish during transportation, crowding of fish in the transport container, temperature of the transporting water, and the various water parameters that affects the water quality and how this parameters can be maintained at an optimum level of the fish.Keywords: Stress, live fish, stressor, handling, crowding, water chemistry and water paramete

    Biometric characteristics, length-weight relationship, food and feeding habit and condition factor of Aleste baremose

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    Biometric characteristics, length weight relationship, food and feeding habit and condition factor of Aleste baremose from Lower River Benue were determined. Among the morphological indices of A. baremose from Lower River Benue, total length, standard length, head length, snout length weight, gut weight, gut length, eye diameter and condition factor were higher in female samples than the male counterpart. Of the biometric indices, no significant difference (p>0.05) existed between the female and male total length, gut length, gut weight and eye diameter. From the length weight relationship, of male A. baremose had better β€˜b’ value (2.83) than the female counterpart (2.76). The most frequently consumed food item by A. baremose was digested food particles (13.33%) while the least was sand (1.67%). Numerically, the most food item consumed by A. baremose was unidentified food items (34.07%) while the least was sand (5.49). Of the 160 samples of A. baremose used for this work, while 64.38 had empty stomach, 35.62% had different food items in their stomachs. Of the stomach with food items, while 17.50% was recorded for quarter-full stomach, the least (3.13%) was recorded for threequarter full stomach.Keywords: Morphological characteristics, length-weight relationship, food and feeding habit, condition factor, A. baremose, River Benu