3,335 research outputs found

    Online monitoring system and data management for KamLAND

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    In January 22, 2002, KamLAND started the data-taking. The KamLAND detector is a complicated system which consists of liquid scintillator, buffer oil, spherical balloon and so on. In order to maintain the detector safety, we constructed monitoring system which collect detector status information such as balloon weight, liquid scintillator oil level and so on. In addition, we constructed continuous Rn monitoring system for the 7^7Be solar neutrino detection. The KamLAND monitoring system consists of various network, LON, 1-Wire, and TCP/IP, and these are indispensable for continuous experimental data acquisition.Comment: Submitted to Nucl.Instrum.Meth.

    On the Genus Expansion in the Topological String Theory

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    A systematic formulation of the higher genus expansion in topological string theory is considered. We also develop a simple way of evaluating genus zero correlation functions. At higher genera we derive some interesting formulas for the free energy in the A1A_1 and A2A_2 models. We present some evidence that topological minimal models associated with Lie algebras other than the A-D-E type do not have a consistent higher genus expansion beyond genus one. We also present some new results on the CP1CP^1 model at higher genera.Comment: 36 pages, phyzzx, UTHEP-27

    Topological Field Theories and the Period Integrals

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    We discuss topological Landau-Ginzburg theories coupled to the 2-dimensional topological gravity. We point out that the basic recursion relations for correlation functions of the 2-dimesional gravity have exactly the same form as the Gauss-Manin differential equations for the period integrals of superpotentials. Thus the one-point functions on the sphere of the Landau-Ginzburg theories are given exactly by the period integrals. We discuss various examples, A-D-E minimal models and the c=3c=3 topological theories.Comment: 12 pages, phyzzx, UT 64

    Results from K2K and status of T2K

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    Results from the K2K experiment and status of the T2K experiment are reported.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Talk at International Conference on New Trends in High-Energy Physics (Crimea2005), Yalta, Ukraine, September 10-17, 200

    Thermodynamics of Superstring on Near-extremal NS5 and Effective Hagedorn Behavior

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    We study the thermodynamical torus partition function of superstring on the near-extremal black NS5-brane background. The exact partition function has been computed with the helps of our previous works:[arXiv:1012.5721 [hep-th]], [arXiv:1109.3365 [hep-th]], and naturally decomposed into two parts. The first part is contributed from strings freely propagating in the asymptotic region, which are identified as the superstring gas at the Hawking temperature on the linear-dilaton background. The second part includes the contribution localized around the `tip of cigar', which characterizes the non-extremality. Remarkably, the latter part includes massless excitations with non-vanishing thermal winding, which signifies that the Hagedorn-like behavior effectively appears, even though the Hawking temperature is much lower than the Hagedorn temperature. We also explore the high-temperature backgrounds defined by the orbifolding along the Euclidean time direction. In those cases, the thermal winding modes localized around the tip are found to be tachyonic, reflecting the singularities of Euclidean backgrounds caused by orbifolding.Comment: 1+29 pages, no figure; v2 the footnote 1 is enhanced, to appear in JHE

    Precise determination of two-carrier transport properties in the topological insulator TlBiSe2_2

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    We report the electric transport study of the three-dimensional topological insulator TlBiSe2_2. We applied a newly developed analysis procedure and precisely determined two-carrier transport properties. Magnetotransport properties revealed a multicarrier conduction of high- and low-mobility electrons in the bulk, which was in qualitative agreement with angle-resolved photoemission results~[K. Kuroda et al.et~al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105\bm{105}, 146801 (2010)]. The temperature dependence of the Hall mobility was explained well with the conventional Bloch-Gr{\"u}neisen formula and yielded the Debye temperature ΘD=113±14\varTheta_{\rm{D}}=113 \pm 14~K. The results indicate that the scattering of bulk electrons is dominated by acoustic phonons.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Superconformal Algebras and Mock Theta Functions

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    It is known that characters of BPS representations of extended superconformal algebras do not have good modular properties due to extra singular vectors coming from the BPS condition. In order to improve their modular properties we apply the method of Zwegers which has recently been developed to analyze modular properties of mock theta functions. We consider the case of N=4 superconformal algebra at general levels and obtain the decomposition of characters of BPS representations into a sum of simple Jacobi forms and an infinite series of non-BPS representations. We apply our method to study elliptic genera of hyper-Kahler manifolds in higher dimensions. In particular we determine the elliptic genera in the case of complex 4 dimensions of the Hilbert scheme of points on K3 surfaces K^{[2]} and complex tori A^{[[3]]}.Comment: 28 page

    On the contribution of twist-3 multi-gluon correlation functions to single transverse-spin asymmetry in SIDIS

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    We study the single spin asymmetry (SSA) induced by purely gluonic correlation inside a nucleon, in particular, by the three-gluon correlation functions in the transversely polarized nucleon, pp^\uparrow. This contribution is embodied as a twist-3 mechanism in the collinear factorization framework and controls the SSA to be observed in the DD-meson production with large transverse-momentum in semi-inclusive DIS (SIDIS), epeDXep^\uparrow \rightarrow eDX. We define the relevant three-gluon correlation functions in the nucleon, and determine their complete set at the twsit-3 level taking into account symmetry constraints in QCD. We derive the single-spin-dependent cross section for the DD-meson production in SIDIS, taking into account all the relevant contributions at the twist-3 level. The result is obtained in a manifestly gauge-invariant form as the factorization formula in terms of the three-gluon correlation functions and reveals the five independent structures with respect to the dependence on the azimuthal angle for the produced DD meson. We also demonstrate the remarkable relation between the twist-3 single-spin-dependent cross section and twist-2 cross sections for the DD-meson production, as a manifestation of universal structure behind the SSA in a variety of hard processes.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the 19th International Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN2010), Juelich, Germany, Sept.27 - Oct.2, 201