51 research outputs found

    Evaluation and patient experience of wireless noninvasive fetal heart rate monitoring devices

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    Introduction: In clinical practice, fetal heart rate monitoring is performed intermittently using Doppler ultrasound, typically for 30 minutes. In case of a non-reassuring heart rate pattern, monitoring is usually prolonged. Noninvasive fetal electrocardiography may be more suitable for prolonged monitoring due to improved patient comfort and signal quality. This study evaluates the performance and patient experience of four noninvasive electrocardiography devices to assess candidate devices for prolonged noninvasive fetal heart rate monitoring. Material and methods: Non-critically sick women with a singleton pregnancy from 24 weeks of gestation were eligible for inclusion. Fetal heart rate monitoring was performed during standard care with a Doppler ultrasound device (Philips Avalon-FM30) alone or with this Doppler ultrasound device simultaneously with one of four noninvasive electrocardiography devices (Nemo Fetal Monitoring System, Philips Avalon-Beltless, Demcon Dipha-16 and Dräger Infinity-M300). Performance was evaluated by: success rate, positive percent agreement, bias, 95% limits of agreement, regression line, root mean square error and visual agreement using FIGO guidelines. Patient experience was captured using a self-made questionnaire. Results: A total of 10 women were included per device. For fetal heart rate, Nemo performed best (success rate: 99.4%, positive percent agreement: 94.2%, root mean square error 5.1 BPM, bias: 0.5 BPM, 95% limits of agreement: −9.7 – 10.7 BPM, regression line: y = −0.1x + 11.1) and the cardiotocography tracings obtained simultaneously by Nemo and Avalon-FM30 received the same FIGO classification. Comparable results were found with the Avalon-Beltless from 36 weeks of gestation, whereas the Dipha-16 and Infinity-M300 performed significantly worse. The Avalon-Beltless, Nemo and Infinity-M300 closely matched the performance of the Avalon-FM30 for maternal heart rate, whereas the performance of the Dipha-16 deviated more. Patient experience scores were higher for the noninvasive electrocardiography devices. Conclusions: Both Nemo and Avalon-Beltless are suitable devices for (prolonged) noninvasive fetal heart rate monitoring, taking their intended use into account. But outside its intended use limit of 36 weeks’ gestation, the Avalon-Beltless performs less well, comparable to the Dipha-16 and Infinity-M300, making them currently unsuitable for (prolonged) noninvasive fetal heart rate monitoring. Noninvasive electrocardiography devices appear to be preferred due to greater comfort and mobility.</p

    Vascular reactivity is altered in the placentas of fetuses with congenital diaphragmatic hernia

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    Introduction: Infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) often develop pulmonary hypertension but frequently fail to respond to vasodilator therapy, for instance because of an altered pulmonary vasoreactivity. Investigating such alterations in vivo is impossible. We hypothesised that these alterations are also present in fetoplacental vessels, since both vasculatures are exposed to the same circulating factors (e.g. endothelin-1) and respond similarly to certain stimuli (e.g. hypoxia). As proof-of-concept, we compared fetoplacental vasoreactivity between healthy and CDH-affected placentas. Methods: Fetoplacental vascular function of healthy and antenatally diagnosed left-sided CDH fetuses was assessed by wire myography. Placental expression of enzymes and receptors involved in the altered vasoreactive pathways was measured using quantitative PCR. Results: CDH arteries (n = 6) constricted more strongly to thromboxane A2 agonist U46619 (p &lt; 0.001) and dilated less to bradykinin (p = 0.01) and nitric oxide (NO)-donor sodium nitroprusside (p = 0.04) than healthy arteries (n = 8). Vasodilation to prostacyclin analogue iloprost and adenylate cyclase stimulator forskolin, and vasoconstriction to endothelin-1 were not different between both groups. Angiotensin II did not induce vasoconstriction. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors sildenafil and milrinone did not affect responses to sodium nitroprusside, forskolin, or U46619. The mRNA expression of guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 1 (p = 0.003) and protein kinase cyclic guanine monophosphate (cGMP)-dependent 1 (p = 0.02) were reduced in CDH versus healthy placentas. Discussion: The identified changes in the thromboxane and NO-cGMP pathways in the fetoplacental vasculature correspond with currently described alterations in the pulmonary vasculature in CDH. Therefore, fetoplacental arteries may provide an opportunity to predict pulmonary therapeutic responses in infants with CDH.</p

    Potential higher risk of tethered spinal cord in children after prenatal surgery for myelomeningocele:A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis on the incidence of secondary tethered spinal cord (TSC) between prenatal and postnatal closure in patients with MMC. The objectives was to understand the incidence of secondary TSC after prenatal surgery for MMC compared to postnatal surgery for MMC. Material and methods On May 4, 2023, a systematic search was conducted in Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Library to gather relevant data. Primary studies focusing on repair type, lesion level, and TSC were included, while non-English or non-Dutch reports, case reports, conference abstracts, editorials, letters, comments, and animal studies were excluded. Two reviewers assessed the included studies for bias risk, following PRISMA guidelines. TSC frequency in MMC closure types was determined, and the relationship between TSC occurrence and closure technique was analyzed using relative risk and Fisher's exact test. Subgroup analysis revealed relative risk differences based on study designs and follow-up periods. A total of ten studies, involving 2,724 patients, were assessed. Among them, 2,293 patients underwent postnatal closure, while 431 received prenatal closure for the MMC defect. In the prenatal closure group, TSC occurred in 21.6% (n = 93), compared to 18.8% (n = 432) in the postnatal closure group. The relative risk (RR) of TSC in patients with prenatal MMC closure versus postnatal MMC closure was 1.145 (95%CI 0.939 to 1.398). Fisher's exact test indicated a statistically non-significant association (p = 0.106) between TSC and closure technique. When considering only RCT and controlled cohort studies, the overall RR for TSC was 1.308 (95%CI 1.007 to 1.698) with a non-significant association (p = .053). For studies focusing on children up until early puberty (maximum 12 years follow-up), the RR for tethering was 1.104 (95%CI 0.876 to 1.391), with a non-significant association (p = 0.409). Conclusion and discussion This review found no significant increase in relative risk of TSC between prenatal and postnatal closure in MMC patients, but a trend of increased TSC in the prenatal group. More longterm data on TSC after fetal closure is needed for better counseling and outcomes in MMC.</p

    Interprofessional Consensus Regarding Design Requirements for Liquid-Based Perinatal Life Support (PLS) Technology

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    Liquid-based perinatal life support (PLS) technology will probably be applied in a first-in-human study within the next decade. Research and development of PLS technology should not only address technical issues, but also consider socio-ethical and legal aspects, its application area, and the corresponding design implications. This paper represents the consensus opinion of a group of healthcare professionals, designers, ethicists, researchers and patient representatives, who have expertise in tertiary obstetric and neonatal care, bio-ethics, experimental perinatal animal models for physiologic research, biomedical modeling, monitoring, and design. The aim of this paper is to provide a framework for research and development of PLS technology. These requirements are considering the possible respective user perspectives, with the aim to co-create a PLS system that facilitates physiological growth and development for extremely preterm born infants

    Long-Term Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Monochorionic and Matched Dichorionic Twins

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    Contains fulltext : 79941.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Monochorionic (MC) twins are at increased risk for perinatal mortality and serious morbidity due to the presence of placental vascular anastomoses. Cerebral injury can be secondary to haemodynamic and hematological disorders during pregnancy (especially twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) or intrauterine co-twin death) or from postnatal injury associated with prematurity and low birth weight, common complications in twin pregnancies. We investigated neurodevelopmental outcome in MC and dichorionic (DC) twins at the age of two years. METHODS: This was a prospective cohort study. Cerebral palsy (CP) was studied in 182 MC infants and 189 DC infants matched for weight and age at delivery, gender, ethnicity of the mother and study center. After losses to follow-up, 282 of the 366 infants without CP were available to be tested with the Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales at 22 months corrected age, all born between January 2005 and January 2006 in nine perinatal centers in The Netherlands. Due to phenotypic (un)alikeness in mono-or dizygosity, the principal investigator was not blinded to chorionic status; perinatal outcome, with exception of co-twin death, was not known to the examiner. FINDINGS: Four out of 182 MC infants had CP (2.2%) - two of the four CP-cases were due to complications specific to MC twin pregnancies (TTTS and co-twin death) and the other two cases of CP were the result of cystic PVL after preterm birth - compared to one sibling of a DC twin (0.5%; OR 4.2, 95% CI 0.5-38.2) of unknown origin. Follow-up rate of neurodevelopmental outcome by Griffith's test was 76%. The majority of 2-year-old twins had normal developmental status. There were no significant differences between MC and DC twins. One MC infant (0.7%) had a developmental delay compared to 6 DC infants (4.2%; OR 0.2, 95% 0.0-1.4). Birth weight discordancy did not influence long-term outcome, though the smaller twin had slightly lower developmental scores than its larger co-twin. CONCLUSIONS: There were no significant differences in occurrence of cerebral palsy as well as neurodevelopmental outcome between MC and DC twins. Outcome of MC twins seems favourable in the absence of TTTS or co-twin death

    Standardized postnatal management of infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia in Europe: The CDH EURO Consortium Consensus - 2015 Update

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    In 2010, the congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) EURO Consortium published a standardized neonatal treatment protocol. Five years later, the number of participating centers has been raised from 13 to 22. In this article the relevant literature is updated, and consensus has been reached between the members of the CDH EURO Consortium. Key updated recommendations are: (1) planned delivery after a gestational age of 39 weeks in a high-volume tertiary center; (2) neuromuscular blocking agents to be avoided during initial treatment in the delivery room; (3) adapt treatment to reach a preductal saturation of between 80 and 95% and postductal saturation >70%; (4) target PaCO2 to be between 50 and 70 mm Hg; (5) conventional mechanical ventilation to be the optimal initial ventilation strategy, and (6) intravenous sildenafil to be considered in CDH patients with severe pulmonary hypertension. This article represents the current opinion of all consortium members in Europe for the optimal neonatal treatment of CDH

    Foetale therapie voor spina bifida

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    • Spina bifida is de meest voorkomende aangeboren afwijking van het centrale zenuwstelsel. Het leidt tot centrale en perifere neurologische afwijkingen. • Patiënten met ernstige spina bifida kunnen een levenslange invaliditeit hebben met afhankelijkheid van medi- sche en sociale hulpverlening. • Gerandomiseerd onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat voor een selecte groep patiënten het sluiten van het defect bij spina bifida in de foetale periode een betere neurologische uitkomst biedt dan postnatale chirurgie. • Prenatale chirurgie voor spina bifida geeft een verhoogd risico op prematuriteit en obstetrische complicaties en wordt vooralsnog in Nederland niet gezien als standaardzorg. • Als spina bifida prenataal wordt vastgesteld, behoort de zwangere vrouw te worden geïnformeerd over de moge- lijkheden van prenatale behandeling en zo nodig hiervoor verwezen te worden
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