42 research outputs found

    The role of Regime Shifts in the Term Structure of Interest Rates: Further evidence from an Emerging Market

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    In this paper, we investigate the interrelations among Turkish interest rates with different maturities by using a regime switching Vector Error Correction (VECM) model. We find a long run equilibrium relationship among interest rates with various maturities. Furthermore we conclude that term structure dynamics exhibit significant nonlinearity. Forecasting experiment also reveals that the nonlinear term structure models do fare better than other linear specifications. However, we cannot conclude that interest rate adjustments are made in an asymmetric way in the long run equilibrium.Term Structure of Interest Rates, Regime Switching, Forecasting, Foreacast Evaluation, Cointegration

    Has inflation targeting increased predictive power of term structure about future inflation: evidence from an emerging market ?

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    This paper contributes to the vast literature on the predictive power of term structure about future inflation, by focusing on an emerging market case. The following important result emerged in our paper: Monetary policy change is an important determinant of the relationship between term structure and inflation to the extent that even the existence of the relationship critically depends on the nature of monetary policy regime. In our case, the change in monetary policy is associated with the beginning of the implementation of an inflation targeting (IT) regime. While, before IT regime, the information in term structure does not provide any predictive power for future inflation, this phenomenon seems to be completely reversed after IT. Since the implementation of IT, term structure of interest rates has seemed to gain considerable forecasting power for future inflation.Term Structure of Interest Rate, Structural Break, Inflation, Monetary Policy, Inflation Targeting

    Persistence in Convergence

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    In this paper, we examine the convergence hypothesis using a long memory framework that allows for structural breaks and the non reliance on a benchmark country. We find that even though the long memory framework of analysis is much richer than the simple I(1)=I(0) alternative, a simple absolute divergence and rapid convergence dichotomy produced by the latter is sufficient to capture the behavior of the gaps in per capita GDP levels and growth rates results respectively. This is in contrast to the findings of Dufrénot, Mignon and Naccache (2009) who found strong evidence of long memory for output gaps. The speed of convergence captured by the estimated long memory parameter d, is explained by differences in physical and human capital as well as fiscal discipline characteristics of economic policies pursued by different countries.growth convergence, long memory

    Persistence in Convergence

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    In this paper, we examine the convergence hypothesis using a long memory framework that allows for structural breaks and the non reliance on a benchmark country. We find that even though the long memory framework of analysis is much richer than the simple I(1)/I(0) alternative, a simple absolute divergence and rapid convergence dichotomy produced by the latter is sufficient to capture the behavior of the gaps in per capita GDP levels and growth rates results respectively. This is in contrast to the findings of Dufrénot, Mignon and Naccache (2009) who found strong evidence of long memory for output gaps. The speed of convergence captured by the estimated long memory parameter d, is explained by differences in physical and human capital as well as fiscal discipline characteristics of economic policies pursued by different countries.Growth Convergence, Long Memory

    Electricity Trade Patterns in a Network: Evidence from the Ontario Market

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    We investigate whether trade has any effect on the price formation process in a specific electricity market, and identify interconnected markets that have higher impacts on prices in that market. In particular, we study Ontario wholesale electricity market and its trade with 12 interconnected markets including New York, Michigan, and Minnesota markets. We find that imports are unambiguously related to prices, while exports are not. Furthermore, imports have a positive and significant relationship with prices. We argue that the results are associated with auction design, production constraints, and technological differences. Out of the 12 studied interties, only three have a significant impact on price, two of which are the largest ones.electricity trade; simultaneous trade; transmission network; electricity prices; nonlinear Granger causality; Ontario, New York, Michigan, Manitoba, Quebec wholesale electricity markets.

    Threshold Regression Model for Taylor Rule: The Case of Turkey

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    This paper employs the structural threshold approach of Kourtellos et al. (2016) to examine various specifications of the Taylor rule model. Contrary to the previous work on the Taylor rule, this methodology allows for endogeneity of the threshold variable in addition to the right-hand-side variables suggesting a fully comprehensive flexible framework that does not rely on restrictive linearity and/or exogeneity assumptions. In order to examine the model, Turkey is selected as an inflation targeting developing economy, since its central bank (the Central Bank of Turkey) as argued by Dincer and Eichengreen (2014) has been one of the fastest improving central banks in terms of its transparency score. We use monthly data for the period of 2004-2018 that includes a number of historical episodes such as the global financial crisis as well as various internal political developments that may have had an impact on the fluctuations of the relevant macroeconomic variables as well as on the functional form of the inflation targeting Taylor rule specification. Empirical findings highlight the different reactions of the central bank in determining policy rate under different regimes

    Has inflation targeting increased predictive power of term structure about future inflation: evidence from an emerging market ?

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    This paper contributes to the vast literature on the predictive power of term structure about future inflation, by focusing on an emerging market case. The following important result emerged in our paper: Monetary policy change is an important determinant of the relationship between term structure and inflation to the extent that even the existence of the relationship critically depends on the nature of monetary policy regime. In our case, the change in monetary policy is associated with the beginning of the implementation of an inflation targeting (IT) regime. While, before IT regime, the information in term structure does not provide any predictive power for future inflation, this phenomenon seems to be completely reversed after IT. Since the implementation of IT, term structure of interest rates has seemed to gain considerable forecasting power for future inflation

    Has inflation targeting increased predictive power of term structure about future inflation: evidence from an emerging market ?

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    This paper contributes to the vast literature on the predictive power of term structure about future inflation, by focusing on an emerging market case. The following important result emerged in our paper: Monetary policy change is an important determinant of the relationship between term structure and inflation to the extent that even the existence of the relationship critically depends on the nature of monetary policy regime. In our case, the change in monetary policy is associated with the beginning of the implementation of an inflation targeting (IT) regime. While, before IT regime, the information in term structure does not provide any predictive power for future inflation, this phenomenon seems to be completely reversed after IT. Since the implementation of IT, term structure of interest rates has seemed to gain considerable forecasting power for future inflation