11 research outputs found

    A Shortcut from Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD) to Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC): c-MYC a Promising Target for Preventative Strategies and Individualized Therapy

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    Background: Metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) has risen as one of the leading etiologies for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Oncogenes have been suggested to be responsible for the high risk of MAFLD-related HCC. We analyzed the impact of the proto-oncogene c-MYC in the development of human and murine MAFLD and MAFLD-associated HCC. Methods: alb-myctg mice were studied at baseline conditions and after administration of Western diet (WD) in comparison to WT littermates. c-MYC expression was analyzed in biopsies of patients with MAFLD and MAFLD-associated HCC by immunohistochemistry. Results: Mild obesity, spontaneous hyperlipidaemia, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance were characteristic of 36-week-old alb-myctg mice. Middle-aged alb-myctg exhibited liver steatosis and increased triglyceride content. Liver injury and inflammation were associated with elevated ALT, an upregulation of ER-stress response and increased ROS production, collagen deposition and compensatory proliferation. At 52 weeks, 20% of transgenic mice developed HCC. WD feeding exacerbated metabolic abnormalities, steatohepatitis, fibrogenesis and tumor prevalence. Therapeutic use of metformin partly attenuated the spontaneous MAFLD phenotype of alb-myctg mice. Importantly, upregulation and nuclear localization of c-MYC were characteristic of patients with MAFLD and MAFLD-related HCC. Conclusions: A novel function of c-MYC in MAFLD progression was identified opening new avenues for preventative strategies

    A Shortcut from Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD) to Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC): c-MYC a Promising Target for Preventative Strategies and Individualized Therapy

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    Background: Metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) has risen as one of the leading etiologies for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Oncogenes have been suggested to be responsible for the high risk of MAFLD-related HCC. We analyzed the impact of the proto-oncogene c-MYC in the development of human and murine MAFLD and MAFLD-associated HCC. Methods: alb-myctg mice were studied at baseline conditions and after administration of Western diet (WD) in comparison to WT littermates. c-MYC expression was analyzed in biopsies of patients with MAFLD and MAFLD-associated HCC by immunohistochemistry. Results: Mild obesity, spontaneous hyperlipidaemia, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance were characteristic of 36-week-old alb-myctg mice. Middle-aged alb-myctg exhibited liver steatosis and increased triglyceride content. Liver injury and inflammation were associated with elevated ALT, an upregulation of ER-stress response and increased ROS production, collagen deposition and compensatory proliferation. At 52 weeks, 20% of transgenic mice developed HCC. WD feeding exacerbated metabolic abnormalities, steatohepatitis, fibrogenesis and tumor prevalence. Therapeutic use of metformin partly attenuated the spontaneous MAFLD phenotype of alb-myctg mice. Importantly, upregulation and nuclear localization of c-MYC were characteristic of patients with MAFLD and MAFLD-related HCC. Conclusions: A novel function of c-MYC in MAFLD progression was identified opening new avenues for preventative strategies

    Breast tumours resembling the tall cell variant of thyroid papillary carcinoma: are they part of the papillary carcinoma spectrum or a distinct entity?

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    Background: Papillary tumours of the breast are diagnostically challenging lesions and represent a wide spectrum of diseases from papilloma to invasive papillary carcinoma. A rare subtype of breast papillary tumour resembling the tall cell variant of thyroid papillary carcinoma (BTRTPC) has been described. The nomenclature of this entity, its relationship to other papillary tumours, and its nature, whether in situ or invasive, remain unclear. Methods: Seventy-five papillary carcinomas (PCs) of the breast previously diagnosed in routine practice were reviewed and the presence of features (n = 10) characteristic of BTRTPC were assessed to determine whether BTRTPC comprises a distinct entity or is part of the spectrum of the previously defined PC variants. Results: Nuclear overlapping and eosinophilic granular cytoplasm were seen in 81 and 75% of the cases, whereas nuclear grooves, nuclear clearing, and tall cells were noticed in 51, 42, and 38% of the cases, respectively; 27% of the cases showed macro- and micro-follicular architecture filled with colloid-like material. Five cases (7%) lacked oestrogen receptor (ER) expression. Co-existing invasive carcinoma was seen in 25 cases (33%). Two cases displayed several features characteristic of BTRTPC, and both were ER-negative. Conclusion: Features characteristic of BTRTPC overlap with other PCs of the breast. Molecular and immunohistochemical biomarkers are needed to provide objective diagnostic criteria for the characterisation of such lesions in routine practice

    Effects of BRAF Mutations and BRAF Inhibition on Immune Responses to Melanoma

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    Malignant melanoma is associated with poor clinical prognosis; however, novel molecular and immune therapies are now improving patient outcomes. Almost 50% of melanomas harbor targetable activating mutations of BRAF which promote RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK pathway activation and melanoma proliferation. Recent evidence also indicates that melanomas bearing mutant BRAF may also have altered immune responses, suggesting additional avenues for treatment of this patient group. The small molecule inhibitors selective for mutant BRAF induce significant but short-lived clinical responses in a proportion of patients, but also lead to immune stimulatory bystander events, which then subside with the emergence of resistance to inhibition. Simultaneous BRAF and MEK inhibition, and especially combination of BRAF inhibitors with new immunotherapies such as checkpoint blockade antibodies, may further enhance immune activation, or counteract immunosuppressive signals. Pre-clinical evaluation and ongoing clinical trials should provide novel insights into the role of immunity in the therapy of BRAF-mutant melanoma

    Elevated IgG4 in patient circulation is associated with the risk of disease progression in melanoma

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    Emerging evidence suggests pathological and immunoregulatory functions for IgG4 antibodies and IgG4(+) B cells in inflammatory diseases and malignancies. We previously reported that IgG4 antibodies restrict activation of immune effector cell functions and impair humoral responses in melanoma. Here, we investigate IgG4 as a predictor of risk for disease progression in a study of human sera (n = 271: 167 melanoma patients; 104 healthy volunteers) and peripheral blood B cells (n = 71: 47 melanoma patients; 24 healthy volunteers). IgG4 (IgG4/IgG(total)) serum levels were elevated in melanoma. High relative IgG4 levels negatively correlated with progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival. In early stage (I–II) disease, serum IgG4 was independently negatively prognostic for progression-free survival, as was elevation of IgG4(+) circulating B cells (CD45(+)CD22(+)CD19(+)CD3(−)CD14(−)). In human tissues (n = 256; 108 cutaneous melanomas; 56 involved lymph nodes; 60 distant metastases; 32 normal skin samples) IgG4(+) cell infiltrates were found in 42.6% of melanomas, 21.4% of involved lymph nodes and 30% of metastases, suggesting inflammatory conditions that favor IgG4 at the peripheral and local levels. Consistent with emerging evidence for an immunosuppressive role for IgG4, these findings indicate association of elevated IgG4 with disease progression and less favorable clinical outcomes. Characterizing immunoglobulin and other humoral immune profiles in melanoma might identify valuable prognostic tools for patient stratification and in the future lead to more effective treatments less prone to tumor-induced blockade mechanisms

    IgG subclass switching and clonal expansion in cutaneous melanoma and normal skin

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    B cells participate in immune surveillance in human circulation and tissues, including tumors such as melanoma. By contrast, the role of humoral responses in cutaneous immunity is underappreciated. We report circulating skin-homing CD22+CLA+B cells in healthy volunteers and melanoma patients (n = 73) and CD22+ cells in melanoma and normal skin samples (n = 189). Normal and malignant skin featured mature IgG and CD22 mRNA, alongside mRNA for the transiently-expressed enzyme Activation-induced cytidine Deaminase (AID). Gene expression analyses of publically-available data (n = 234 GEO, n = 384 TCGA) confirmed heightened humoral responses (CD20, CD22, AID) in melanoma. Analyses of 51 melanoma-associated and 29 normal skin-derived IgG sequence repertoires revealed lower IgG1/IgG(total) representation compared with antibodies from circulating B cells. Consistent with AID, comparable somatic hypermutation frequencies and class-switching indicated affinity-matured antibodies in normal and malignant skin. A melanoma-associated antibody subset featured shorter complementarity-determining (CDR3) regions relative to those from circulating B cells. Clonal amplification in melanoma-associated antibodies and homology modeling indicated differential potential antigen recognition profiles between normal skin and melanoma sequences, suggesting distinct antibody repertoires. Evidence for IgG-expressing B cells, class switching and antibody maturation in normal and malignant skin and clonally-expanded antibodies in melanoma, support the involvement of mature B cells in cutaneous immunity