722 research outputs found

    Does organic school food service provide more healthy eating environments than their non organic counterparts?

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    Organic food strategies are increasingly developing within European school food services at the same time as these services are being involved in measures aiming at promoting healthy eating at school and counteracting obesity. Schools have an important role to play in teaching children fundamental life skills, including good food habits according to a number of authoritative policy papers from Council of Europe, the WHO and the EU platform. Although there are great national differences, European school food culture seems to be in a transitional state in which both healthy eating as well as sustainable consumption strategies are contributing to shaping the future school food culture. It is therefore imperative to study how these changes in agendas influences each other and to study the associations between healthy eating and organic supply strategies at school. This has been the point of departure for Working Package 5 (WP5): Nutrition and Health. The WP5 study has included Denmark, Norway, Germany, Finland and Italy. The WP has been asking questions about the possible spin offs and ramification on nutrition and health that the emerging public organic food strategies might have had. The WP is a part of the project “innovative Public Organic food Procurement for Youth” (iPOPY) and the WP5 has been carried out by Aalborg University Denmark. The research presented here has been conducted in Germany, Finland, and Italy


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    Today, more and more children are overweight or obese than ever before. Schools can play a prominent role in easing the situation. Schools have a great potential through the curriculum, health promoting programming and transportation to preventing children from becoming obese and overweight. However schools are complex social systems that does not necessarily by themselves adapt to this new health promoting role and thus committed management support is needed. Since schools are complex organizational structures convenient organizational structure are needed to formalize the praxis that stakeholders at schools should perform. Policies has become the preferred organizational instrument that management can use to frame the health promoting intentions. However since schools are expected to perform more and more educational obligations, policies seem to emerge in many sub domains of the schools setting. For instance schools are expected to have food and nutrition policy (FNP), physical activity policy (PAP) and a health policy. However instead of seeing these policies as separate entities this paper speculate that there is a possible interrelatedness between the policies. In other words could it be that it is not so much the specific content of the policy as it is the policy process or the awareness raising related do it that produce healthier behaviour


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    During adolescence food habits, physical activity, and life style of young people are easily influenced by a number of actors and phenomena in the environment including parents, friends, advertisements and all of the changes occurring in society. The meal patterns formed during adolescence will be continuously influenced into their adulthood even following generations in the future. Since school increasingly is taking a role in both food provision and in health, environment and nutrition education of young people by implementing healthy and environmental friendly policies, it is relevant to investigate the relation between the different components of such interventions. In other words it is relevant to ask the question: does organic food supply police go hand in hand with healthy eating policies. This study that has been made possible through the iPOPY project looks at the relationship in Danish and Norwegian school food setting by asking school headmaster about their policies and operational procedure in relation to school food. The purpose of the study is to explore the relationship “green” food policies & praxises to “healthy” food policies & praxises in public school food settings. The outcome of the research/questionnaire will be a mapping of serving practices in relation to healthy eating and the relation to attitudes and practices of organic procurement and policies

    Promoting sustainable consumption and healthy eating: A comparative study among public schools in Denmark, Germany, Finland & Italy

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    Since the Ottawa charter on the importance of health promotion in settings the school has been named as one of the most important arenas for interventions to promote physical activity and healthy eating. Especially the school food service has been the object of a change agenda that has been named the European school food revolution. This revolution is characterized not only attempts to promote healthy eating but also by attempts to make food supply and consumption more sustainable by integrating organic procurement policies. The current study aims at investigating how these two agendas work together. Do they compete or do they go hand in hand as previous studies suggest? And if this is the case does organic food schemes at school and related curricular activities then induce healthier eating behaviours among children? The research that is part of the iPOPY study was conducted among school food coordinators in public primary/secondary schools (children age from 6 to 15 years old) in Denmark, Germany, Finland and Italy. The study was initiated in Denmark, and subsequently performed in the other three countries through a web‐based questionnaire. The questionnaire was translated and adapted to fit the different languages and food cultures. The questionnaire researched the attitude, policies and serving practices regarding promoting organic foods and healthy eating habits through school food service and classroom activities. The data suggest that schools with organic supply tend to develop organisational environments that a more supportive for healthy eating than their non organic counterparts. However the results were only significant for Denmark and Italy, In Germany results were significant in some cases where as for Finland there were no differences or results were contradictory. The findings suggest the school food revolution is driven by different agendas but that awareness raising on nutrition and sustainability issues seems to be an important feature of many change processes. Findings also suggest that the two agendas although separated in the scientific literature is much more integrated in the everyday life perspective of school practitioner

    Organic and healthy – two goals in one go. A comparative analysis study among public primary schools in Denmark and Germany.

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    There is a growing health concern over obese and overweight children. Schools are a well suited setting for children for learning and adopting sound life skills. Using schools in healthy eating strategies may play an important role in preventing children from becoming obese and overweight. As a result a growing number of schools and municipalities engage in initiatives that promote healthy foods and eating. Some of these initiatives however are not focused only on healthy eating alone, but involve objectives to promote more sustainable consumption through developing organic supply chains for school food services. The question therefore arises whether these two change objectives and drivers interact. This paper investigates the interrelation between the two objectives: healthy eating and organic consumption. Can these two goals be reached in one go as previous studies indicate? Is it so that developing either of these strategies leads to a raise of awareness in school food services in such a way that the other strategy is supported at the same time? The paper investigates this possible twin ship by studying characteristics of school food services in Denmark and in Germany. In both cases delivery of school food is voluntary and thus subject to an active decision by schools. The study uses “proxies” as an indicator for healthy eating, such as availability of healthier food items, adoption of food and health issues in curricular activities etc. The study was initiated in Denmark, where a web-based questionnaire methodology was developed. The questionnaire was distributed to schools that were service, and answered by school food coordinators. As a second step the questionnaire was translated and adapted to be used in Germany. The questionnaire explored the attitudes, policies and actions in relation to organic and healthy foods served in the schools. Both Danish and German results indicate that schools with organic supply tend to be healthier when measured in terms of “proxies” for healthy eating

    Organic school meals in three Danish municipalities

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    In order to prevent children and young people from becoming obese, healthier eating patterns are urgent. Organic school meals may be an effective strategy to provide healthy food to children. The purpose of this study was to take a closer look into the current status of organic school meal systems in Denmark, by conducting a case study of three municipalities in the Zealand region that have the most developed models for school meals service in this country. These municipalities have for some years introduced organic food for sale in their primary schools, with three quite different approaches. Copenhagen has established a large central kitchen, producing partly organic food that is heated and sold in tuck shops at the schools. Roskilde cooperates with an organic catering company, delivering food to be sold in school canteens. Gladsaxe has part-time employed staff preparing and selling food at each school, and these people are educated about organic food by a municipal coordinator. Based on interviews with key informants in the three municipalities, the report describes the involved actors, interactions among actors, and barriers and future plans regarding an increased consumption of organic food in school meals. Similarities and differences between the municipalities are discussed. The main challenges for an increased consumption of organic food in schools are related to lack of infrastructure in the schools such as kitchens and dining halls, and that the school meal systems developed so far are not well rooted among the pupils, teachers, other school staff and the parents

    Organic foods in catering – the Nordic perspective

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    Catering is beginning to be an important sales channel for organic foods in the Nordic countries. However implementing organic foods in today’s complex catering systems is far from easy. Therefore primary players in the fields of marketing and promotion or organic foods in catering have established a Nordic network. The Nordic network has been able to carry out a study on the perspectives in organic foods in catering through a grant from Nordic Industrial Fund and with the support from Danish Veterinary & Food Administration and Danish Technical University. The study has resulted in this report, which is prepared on the basis of interview meetings in the five Nordic capitals. The study has been carried out in close cooperation with partners in each of the Nordic countries

    Life situation in people with peripheral arterial disease and their family members

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    Life with peripheral arterial disease and the resulting impaired walking ability leads to major limitations in daily life and a decreased quality of life. The overall aim of this thesis was to generate understanding about the life situation among people living with peripheral arterial disease and their family members. The outcomes after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty interventions both proximal and distal to the inguinal ligament were assessed by collecting data by means of chart review using a study specific protocol. The results show a connection between proximal intervention and age as well as proximal intervention and smoking. Patients in the proximal group were younger and more frequent smokers or former smokers and hematomas/bruises as a complication were more common among non-diabetic patients (Paper I). Health related quality of life in patients with peripheral arterial disease undergoing percutaneous transluminal angioplasty intervention was investigated using a general questionnaire (EQ5D) as well as a disease-specific questionnaire (CLAU-S) translated into Swedish for this study. The health related quality of life was improved both one month and one year after the percutaneous transluminal angioplasty compared to before the intervention (Paper II). The experiences of living with intermittent claudication were studied through qualitative interviews with individuals suffering from peripheral arterial disease. The interviews were analyzed by thematic content analysis and six themes together founded a main theme concerning adjusting to a restricted life when living with intermittent claudication (Paper III). Spouses and cohabitants were interviewed about their experiences of living together with a person suffering from intermittent claudication. The overall theme was about living a demanding life when living together with someone with intermittent claudication. The findings of this study give insight into the complexities and the difficulties of ageing and living together with someone suffering from intermittent claudication (Paper IV). In conclusion, living with intermittent claudication has a major impact on daily life and demands adjustment to a restricted life. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty improves health related quality of life among individuals suffering from peripheral arterial disease and the effect is sustainable over time up to one year after the intervention. People who had undergone percutaneous transluminal angioplasty were younger in the proximal group and hematomas/bruises were more common among nondiabetic patients. Ageing and intermittent claudication have great impact on both the spouse’s and the ill person’s life situation

    Design and pilot testing of a dietary assessment methodology for children at school

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    Nutrition's impact on an individual's health and sustainable consumption of food are issues that have long been on both the public and political agenda but are often viewed as two separate debates. This is surprising since many innovation projects in food service systems are concerned with both healthy eating and sustainable consumption (organic food). The relationship between them forms the background in this study. Evidence has shown that caterers serving organic food tend to also serve healthier meals than their non-organic counterparts but, so far, no studies have been carried out in school food environments. The aim of this report was to investigate and develop appropriate methods for studying the link between healthy eating practices and organic food procurement policies using Danish public elementary schools as a setting. Based on relevant scientific literature, the Danish Dietary Recommendations, and inspired by other successful studies, a self-administered questionnaire investigating children‟s eating habits was designed. After testing by an Expert Evaluation Panel and Think Aloud Interviews adjustments were integrated. Conclusion: If special attention is given to literacy skills and cognitive development, children in Danish 6th grade classes can be used as respondents in studies of the relation between food procurement policies and eating practice
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