744 research outputs found

    Empirical constraints on the origin of fast radio bursts: volumetric rates and host galaxy demographics as a test of millisecond magnetar connection

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    The localization of the repeating FRB 121102 to a low-metallicity dwarf galaxy at z=0.193z=0.193, and its association with a quiescent radio source, suggests the possibility that FRBs originate from magnetars, formed by the unusual supernovae in such galaxies. We investigate this via a comparison of magnetar birth rates, the FRB volumetric rate, and host galaxy demographics. We calculate average volumetric rates of possible millisecond magnetar production channels such as superluminous supernovae (SLSNe), long and short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), and general magnetar production via core-collapse supernovae. For each channel we also explore the expected host galaxy demographics using their known properties. We determine for the first time the number density of FRB emitters (the product of their volumetric birthrate and lifetime), RFRBτ104R_{\rm FRB}\tau\approx 10^4Gpc3^{-3}, assuming that FRBs are predominantly emitted from repetitive sources similar to FRB 121102 and adopting a beaming factor of 0.1. By comparing rates we find that production via rare channels (SLSNe, GRBs) implies a typical FRB lifetime of \approx30-300 yr, in good agreement with other lines of argument. The total energy emitted over this time is consistent with the available energy stored in the magnetic field. On the other hand, any relation to magnetars produced via normal core-collapse supernovae leads to a very short lifetime of \approx0.5yr, in conflict with both theory and observation. We demonstrate that due to the diverse host galaxy distributions of the different progenitor channels, many possible sources of FRB birth can be ruled out with 10\lesssim 10 host galaxy identifications. Conversely, targeted searches of galaxies that have previously hosted decades-old SLSNe and GRBs may be a fruitful strategy for discovering new FRBs and related quiescent radio sources, and determining the nature of their progenitors

    Anti-melanocortin-4 receptor autoantibodies in obesity

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    Background: The melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) is part of an important pathway regulating energy balance. Here we report the existence of autoantibodies (autoAbs) against the MC4R in sera of obese patients. Methods: The autoAbs were detected after screening of 216 patients' sera by using direct and inhibition ELISA with an N-terminal sequence of the MC4R. Binding to the native MC4R was evaluated by flow cytometry and pharmacological effects by measuring adenylyl cyclase activity. Results: Positive results in all tests were obtained in patients with overweight or obesity (prevalence: 3.6%) but not in normal weight patients. The selective binding properties of anti-MC4R autoAbs were confirmed by surface plasmon resonance and by immunoprecipitation with the native MC4R. Finally it was demonstrated that these autoAbs increased food intake in rats after passive transfer via intracerebroventricular injection. Conclusion: These observations suggest that inhibitory anti-MC4R autoAbs might contribute to the development of obesity in a small subpopulation of patients

    Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Observations of the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817

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    We present Spitzer Space Telescope 3.6 and 4.5 micron observations of the binary neutron star merger GW170817 at 43, 74, and 264 days post-merger. Using the final observation as a template, we uncover a source at the position of GW170817 at 4.5 micron with a brightness of 22.9+/-0.3 AB mag at 43 days and 23.8+/-0.3 AB mag at 74 days (the uncertainty is dominated by systematics from the image subtraction); no obvious source is detected at 3.6 micron to a 3-sigma limit of >23.3 AB mag in both epochs. The measured brightness is dimmer by a factor of about 2-3 times compared to our previously published kilonova model, which is based on UV, optical, and near-IR data at <30 days. However, the observed fading rate and color (m_{3.6}-m_{4.5}> 0 AB mag) are consistent with our model. We suggest that the discrepancy is likely due to a transition to the nebular phase, or a reduced thermalization efficiency at such late time. Using the Spitzer data as a guide, we briefly discuss the prospects of observing future binary neutron star mergers with Spitzer (in LIGO/Virgo Observing Run 3) and the James Webb Space Telescope (in LIGO/Virgo Observing Run 4 and beyond).Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, submitted to ApJ

    The Binary Neutron Star event LIGO/VIRGO GW170817 a hundred and sixty days after merger: synchrotron emission across the electromagnetic spectrum

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    We report deep Chandra, HST and VLA observations of the binary neutron star event GW170817 at t<160t<160 d after merger. These observations show that GW170817 has been steadily brightening with time and might have now reached its peak, and constrain the emission process as non-thermal synchrotron emission where the cooling frequency νc\nu_c is above the X-ray band and the synchrotron frequency νm\nu_m is below the radio band. The very simple power-law spectrum extending for eight orders of magnitude in frequency enables the most precise measurement of the index pp of the distribution of non-thermal relativistic electrons N(γ)γpN(\gamma)\propto \gamma^{-p} accelerated by a shock launched by a NS-NS merger to date. We find p=2.17±0.01p=2.17\pm0.01, which indicates that radiation from ejecta with Γ310\Gamma\sim3-10 dominates the observed emission. While constraining the nature of the emission process, these observations do \emph{not} constrain the nature of the relativistic ejecta. We employ simulations of explosive outflows launched in NS ejecta clouds to show that the spectral and temporal evolution of the non-thermal emission from GW170817 is consistent with both emission from radially stratified quasi-spherical ejecta traveling at mildly relativistic speeds, \emph{and} emission from off-axis collimated ejecta characterized by a narrow cone of ultra-relativistic material with slower wings extending to larger angles. In the latter scenario, GW170817 harbored a normal SGRB directed away from our line of sight. Observations at t200t\le 200 days are unlikely to settle the debate as in both scenarios the observed emission is effectively dominated by radiation from mildly relativistic material.Comment: Updated with the latest VLA and Chandra dat

    A Decline in the X-ray through Radio Emission from GW170817 Continues to Support an Off-Axis Structured Jet

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    We present new observations of the binary neutron star merger GW170817 at Δt220290\Delta t\approx 220-290 days post-merger, at radio (Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array; VLA), X-ray (Chandra X-ray Observatory) and optical (Hubble Space Telescope; HST) wavelengths. These observations provide the first evidence for a turnover in the X-ray light curve, mirroring a decline in the radio emission at 5σ\gtrsim5\sigma significance. The radio-to-X-ray spectral energy distribution exhibits no evolution into the declining phase. Our full multi-wavelength dataset is consistent with the predicted behavior of our previously published models of a successful structured jet expanding into a low-density circumbinary medium, but pure cocoon models with a choked jet cannot be ruled out. If future observations continue to track our predictions, we expect that the radio and X-ray emission will remain detectable until 1000\sim 1000 days post-merger.Comment: Accepted to ApJL. Updated version includes new VLA observations extending through 2018 June

    Improved constraints on H0 from a combined analysis of gravitational-wave and electromagnetic emission from GW170817

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    The luminosity distance measurement of GW170817 derived from GW analysis in Abbott et al. 2017 (here, A17:H0) is highly correlated with the measured inclination of the NS-NS system. To improve the precision of the distance measurement, we attempt to constrain the inclination by modeling the broad-band X-ray-to-radio emission from GW170817, which is dominated by the interaction of the jet with the environment. We update our previous analysis and we consider the radio and X-ray data obtained at t<40t<40 days since merger. We find that the afterglow emission from GW170817 is consistent with an off-axis relativistic jet with energy 1048erg<Ek3×1050erg10^{48}\,\rm{erg}<E_{k}\le 3\times 10^{50} \,\rm{erg} propagating into an environment with density n102104cm3n\sim10^{-2}-10^{-4} \,\rm{cm^{-3}}, with preference for wider jets (opening angle θj=15\theta_j=15 deg). For these jets, our modeling indicates an off-axis angle θobs2550\theta_{\rm obs}\sim25-50 deg. We combine our constraints on θobs\theta_{\rm obs} with the joint distance-inclination constraint from LIGO. Using the same 170\sim 170 km/sec peculiar velocity uncertainty assumed in A17:H0 but with an inclination constraint from the afterglow data, we get a value of H0=H_0=74.0±11.57.574.0 \pm \frac{11.5}{7.5} \mbox{km/s/Mpc}, which is higher than the value of H0=H_0=70.0± \pm \frac{12.0}{8.0} \mbox{km/s/Mpc} found in A17:H0. Further, using a more realistic peculiar velocity uncertainty of 250 km/sec derived from previous work, we find H0=H_0=75.5±11.69.675.5 \pm \frac{11.6}{9.6} km/s/Mpc for H0 from this system. We note that this is in modestly better agreement with the local distance ladder than the Planck CMB, though a significant such discrimination will require 50\sim 50 such events. Future measurements at t>100t>100 days of the X-ray and radio emission will lead to tighter constraints.Comment: Submitted to ApJL. Comments Welcome. Revised uncertainties in v