1,532 research outputs found

    Marketing strategy for hotel and tourist complex companies

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    Purpose: The article aims at justifying the application of certain marketing strategies by hotel and tourist companies. The choice of marketing strategies is variable and depends on the potential, resource support and the specifics of the target consumer audience. Design/Methodology/Approach: To substantiate the marketing strategies demanded in the current situation, it seems necessary: first, to explore the emerging trends in the demand for tourism infrastructure, the demand for hotel services, estimated on the basis of general trends in tourism development; second, to assess the presence of marketing technologies, including in the framework of innovative marketing in the analyzed area, as well as the use of marketing strategies in building relationships with target audiences; third, to formulate recommendations on the choice of a marketing strategy, taking into account the capabilities and targets of the hotel company. Findings: The authors proposed general recommendations on the choice of the marketing strategy of a hotel and tourism company, based on its resource capabilities, goals and specifics of the existing or potentially interesting target segment. The conclusion is made about the need for continuous innovation in the framework of building relationships and customer service. Practical Implications: The findings could be incorporated into the management system of hotel enterprises when planning marketing programs. Originality/Value: The main contribution of the study is to focus on the competitiveness of a hotel and tourist company on a research marketing function aimed at choosing the direction of strategic development of activities and introducing innovations into the daily practice.peer-reviewe

    Specific features of state regulation of operations with cryptocurrencies in the conditions of digitalization

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    Purpose: The article investigates specific features of state regulation of operations with cryptocurrencies in the conditions of the world economy digitalization. Design/Methodology/Approach: In order to form the state regulation of operations with cryptocurrencies, which create additional risks for the national currencies functioning in international financial and credit relations, it is necessary to consider this phenomenon first, from the position of a complete ban on the use of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment, second, in combination of a ban on the use of cryptocurrencies as means of payment, third, from the possibility of expanding the range of cryptocurrency users by including legal entities into it and fourth, the full legalization of the cryptocurrency. Findings: The authors developed and proposed a set of measures aimed at the formation of common standards and norms of state regulation of operations with cryptocurrencies in international financial relations. Practical Implications: The results of the study can be applied in the development of legal regulation of virtual currencies not only at the national level, but also at the international level. Originality/Value: The main contribution of the study is to identify possible risks in the sphere of state regulation of cryptocurrencies based on the experience of some countries: from formal permission (including recommendations on possible risks) or the application of general principles of regulation in the field of payments to the complete ban of such activities.peer-reviewe

    The role of crypto-currencies in the development of the global currency system

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    The world monetary system is in the process of transition to a new level of development under the influence of the process of financial globalization, economic integration, as well as the activation of electronic currencies turnover. In these conditions, it is necessary to understand the causes of the changes and their possible consequences. One of the possible options for the development of the world monetary system can be the use of crypto-currency as international money.peer-reviewe

    Search for Free Decay of Negative Pions in Water and Light Materials

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    We report on a search for the free decay component of pi- stopped in water and light materials. A non-zero value of this would be an indication of anomalous nu_e contamination to the nu_e and nu_mu_bar production at stopped-pion neutrino facilities. No free decay component of pi- was observed in water, Beryllium, and Aluminum, for which upper limits were established at 8.2E-4, 3.2E-3, and 7.7E-3, respectively

    Applying Principles of Multi-Factor Genetic Analysis of Infectious Disease Agents in the Work of the Rospotrebnadzor SAET during Mass Events

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    Objective of the study – to develop and test in operation of the Rospotrebnadzor Spesialized Anti-Epidemic Teams (SAET), deployed during the major mass events, the procedure for application of molecular-genetic methods for detection and identification of pathogenic biological agents. Materials and methods. Utilized are the reporting documentation drawn up by the results of work of the specialized anti-epidemic teams of the Rospotrebnadzor on the provision of sanitary epidemiological welfare during Olympic Games 2014 and other important mass events in Sochi in 2015–2017. Results and conclusions. Developed and tested in practice of the Rospotrebnadzor SAET during the major mass events has been procedure for application of molecular-genetic methods, based on structured approach (algorithm) of indication and genetic characterization of PBA. Equipping of the SAET with diagnostic preparations is carried out in accordance with the provision of preparedness for performing investigations by three-level algorithm of molecular-genetic characteristics of pathogens: level I – detection (indication) of a pathogen using PCR, level II – identification of the pathogen genome fragments using PCR, level III – genotyping. Developed procedure was used successfully by the SAET during the Olympic Games 2014 and other important mass events in Sochi in 2015–2017, which allows for recommending it for future use
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