9 research outputs found

    Application of laser interferometry to analyze cutting tool state during machining

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    The efficiency of a cutting tool can be enhanced through stress-strain and temperature studies. Existing mathematical methods implement simplified boundary conditions, and experimental methods that are either inapplicable to real working conditions or lack the necessary accuracy. This study aims to develop novel experimental methods for stress-strain and temperature field analyses. The approaches entail recording the side deformation fields of the cutting tool by laser interferometry during its operation, separating the deformation fields caused by the cutting forces and heating, as well as calculating the stress-strain and temperature fields using the Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and coefficient of linear thermal expansion of the tool material. The advantages of these methods include their applicability under real cutting conditions and the possibility to study the stress-strain and temperature fields of a tool during non-stationary operation by high-speed video recording. The study proves the efficiency of the proposed methods by the orthogonal machining of difficult-to-cut steel disc using a cemented carbide tool with positive rake angle. As a result, the temperature and principal stress fields in the tool were determined. Developed methods can help in the study of cutting tool efficiency. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Nonequilibrium plasmachemical processes - the basis of future plasma technologies

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    Laws of molecule excitation in basic electronic condition have been considered. It was shown that nonequilibrium excitation of oscillatory degrees of molecule freedom was the most effective for initiation of chemical reactions. Plasmachemical processes proceeding in such conditions have a number of advantages allowing at their use in traditional manufactures decreasing power inputs and increasing productivity. Conditions realized at pulse excitation of gas mixes are also favorable for organizing chain chemical processes. Experimental data of chain chemical process realization in plasma of pulse electronic beam were presented. Other perspective plasma technologies - pulse radiolysis of liquid phase hydrocarbons at low temperature in conditions of electronic beam influence with high current density,initiation of carbon-black formation process in nonequilibrium conditions were also considere

    Development of technology and investigation of structure and properties of composites on the basis of shungit and polymer resins

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    The technology for manufacturing of composites based on polymer (epoxy) resins and shungites was developed by using of the electron irradiation and experienced samples with different percentages of the components a) 90 and 10 %, b) 70 and 30 %, c) 50 and 50 %, were manufactured respectively. It was carried out the series of experimental studies of the structure and properties of the obtained materials, including the atomic force microscope images were obtained and Raman spectra of these composites were measured and their analysis was per-formed

    Temperatures in nuclear silicon doping

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    Peoperties of vacuum brass coatings

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    Russian Materials on Islam in China: A Preliminary Bibliography

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